RE: <--Now I'm the king of the swingers, oh, the jungle...
<--- is here late today
<--- was actually here early this morning but somehow lost a long post again!x(
<--- had all kinds of personals written & lost it all
<---'s department VP then came in & asked <--- to do something so...
<--- never had a chance to come back... until now
<--- waves at EVERYONE!
<---'s FIL is still hanging in there but still no definite word of a diagnosis or prognosis
<--- explains that he mostly sleeps a lot right now
<--- doesn't know if that's from medications or being fatigued
<---'s DH asked the nurses to have the doctor call him but he never heard from him today
<--- doesn't like not knowing what's going on!
<--- hopes we hear something soon
<--- thanks y'all again for all the well-wishes!
<--- "had a BLAST" this morning (with Lorie)!
<--- loves that workout & hasn't done it in awhile
<--- says "AAARRRGH!" along with Robin
<---'s co-workers would think she's crazy if she started TLAP!
<--- thinks that's all the more reason to do it!}
<--- is loving all of Lorie's smileys
<--- is glad Ronne is feeling better today
<--- hopes Shelley is feeling stronger by the day
<--- hopes Catherine is having a good day
<--- is glad Amelia got Imax 2!
<--- is sorry Beth had such a crappy morning
<--- congratulates Beavs on her cool award!
<--- says HI to Mel!
<--- is glad King Henry behaved well for Stephanie today
<--- hopes Liann's snakey gets better soon
<--- is sorry but is still ROTFL about a snake with a lisp-hiss!:7
<--- likes Michele's quote!:7:+
<--- is super glad to hear that Evily is starting to feel better!
<--- is LOL at the pirate kitty & doggie
<--- thanks y'all for the laugh!
<--- hugs Miss Squidlet back
<--- is impressed with Ame's bootcamping
<--- "sees" Amy & wonders which workout she will end up doing?
<--- is sorry Shannon had a bad night & hopes she has a much better day
<--- also wants to blame her current eating habits on Shelley:9
<--- is absolutely ROTFLHAO at Carola's smileys!:7
<--- hopes Liann's allergy testing goes well
<--- says "sorry so long but that's what happens when I get here so darn late!"
<--- adds one more "AAARRRGH!" before leaving... for now