<--Now I'm the king of the swingers, oh, the jungle VIP...

RE: <--Now I'm the king of the swingers, oh, the jungle...

<--waves to Stephanie and Liann
<--says sorry but is ROFLHAO at the thought of a snake with a lisp
<--adds that wiener doggy niece is feeling better thanks to better life through chemistry
<--vet thinks she had a pinched nerve in her neck
<--- is sipping the Black Elixir of Life while perusing the forums
<--- waves at everyone
<--- is sorry Robin has to deal with that...that...you know who
<--- hopes Liann's snake will be alright
<--- is lol at the TDW and was reminded of the sound of her own wiener's toenails on the kitchen floor which sounded a bit like tap dancing:+
<--- sure misses her wieners
<--- congratulates Beavs on her award -- WOO HOO!!
<--- sends hugs and well wishes to everyone else:*
<---waves happy Tuesday to Lorie, Ronne, Robin, Amelia, Shelley, Cathering, Beth, Beavs, Pellmel, Stephanie, Liann, and all who follow <--- :)
<---is cautiously optimistic that <---'s butt is feeling better thanks to this awesome cushion that MIL let <--- borrow
<---says "Yes, it's a cushion for wheelchairs... but hey, it helps!"
<---is going to get back into working out soon :D
<---can't wait to be active again!
<---is sorry Ronne had a yucky day yesterday
<---hopes today is better
<---hates that Robin doesn't get to hang out with us as much anymore
<---yells "A POX upon SWMNBN!!!!" }(
<---is sending anti-sad-dream-vibes to Amelia for tonight
<---is glad Ronne's DD is better :)
<---is flabbergasted that Lorie didn't do an iTread today ;) :p
<---hopes Catherine got her coffee :)
<---hopes that Beth's day improves
<---congratulates Beavs on her snazzy professional award :D
<---hopes her interviews go well and she finds the perfect candidate
<---would love to interview to work with Beavs :D
<---will send Beavs <---'s resume ;)
<---is sorry Stephmeister is having trouble with QuarkXpress
<---would offer help, but <--- has never used that particular program
<---is sorry about Lolo's overbite
<---had braces to correct <---'s overbite... maybe Lolo needs braces ;)
<---also thought today was TLAP Day... <--- is confused
<---says, that's nothing new ;)
<---better get to work over here... will bbl :)
RE: <--Now I'm the king of the swingers, oh, the jungle...

<--- is at work now and thinks y'all talk too much :p
<--- is aghast at Beth's D*ahem*H coming home at 6 a.m.
<--- would have been LIVID x(
<--- does the wave for Beavs and her award and hopes the interviews go well
<--- thanks Liann for the TDW
<--- hopes the snakey overbite sorts itself out sooner rather than later
<--- thinks Liann needs to learn to speak Parseltongue
<--- tells Liann that TLAP day is tomorrow so she hasn't missed it
<--- wants a snack and a nap, in that order
<---waves to Michele
<---is LHAO at the pirate kitty ;):7
<---will be ready for TLAP Day tomorrow then
RE: <--Now I'm the king of the swingers, oh, the jungle...

<--says OMG ^^ is too funny!!
<--is thrilled for Ms Beavs award!!
<--has had coffee, whew!
<--is glad to hear that Liann's snake will probably fix itself
<--didn't know snakes have lips :eek:
<--thinks Em's cushion looks comfy and is glad it has helped
<--can not remember much else!!

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


RE: <--Now I'm the king of the swingers, oh, the jungle...

<---Waves and hugs all of the OAL this am
<---Agrees that you all are chatty today :)
<---Says Tuesday is beginning to feel like Monday LOL
<---Hopes things around here go into slo mo sometime this week
<---Is so happy that fall is acoming
<---Very nice and cool this am
<---Thinks it is heaven
<---glad that Lolo dear snakie is doing better
<---Sends gigantic high five to Beavs....you rock!
<---Sends huggies to Beth and a swift kick in the butt to her DH :)
<---Tells Catherine to enjoy the java for me...can't have it anymore...big bummer!
<---Waves to dear Lorie and thinks monkeys are uber funny!
<---Understands dear Ronne's lack of posting...been there! :)
<---Wishes dear Robin good luck today :)
<---Sorry that Amelia didn't get to chat with our hero :)
<---Waves right back at Pellmel! Love your avatar...big snow fan here... :)
<---Waves to dear Steph...hope you have a better day today! :) Thinks King Henry will behave like royalty today :)
<---Waves to dear Michelle and laughs at the toenail noise :) too cute!
<---Waves to dear Emily and is glad she has found gluteal relief! :)
<---Hopes all have a splendid day!
<---Later alligators....;)
RE: <--Now I'm the king of the swingers, oh, the jungle...

<--Back from grocery store
<--King Henry did behave like royalty! He pushed one of those mini-carts around the store, which <-- allow him to do when we shop at non-busy times. He was so cute!
<-- is training him to grow up to be self-sufficient male. Hopefully <-- can cultivate the first of the species :)
<--laughing at all of the snake comments
<--also was unaware that snakes had lips
<--Says hi to Evily, Melissa, Michele and all else whom I missed
<--Glad Ev's tush is better
<--Love's Liann's picture of the pirate pooch!
<--Looking forward to TLAP day tomorrow. ARRRRGH!!
<--Though, only knows "ARRGH"
<--Only familiar with the pirate on Spongebob
<--Never saw any of the Pirates of the Carribean movies
<--is freaked out by Johnny Depp in eyeliner. Eww.
RE: <--Now I'm the king of the swingers, oh, the jungle...

<---congrats to Beavs on the snazzy award!!!!
<---thinks Liann's TDW is going to be very tired after today
<---wonders if Shelley got her nap and snack
<---is very glad Emily's cushion is helping
<---LOL at the pirate dog
<---should try to use pirate speak in Piyo class tomorrow
<---"Exhale into downward scurvy dog ye landlubbers or it'll be walking the plank for you. ARRGH"
<---is glad King Henry behaved in the grocery story
<---DD loves those mini-carts
<--- is off to sub for the afternoon

Beth http://www.rykat.org/forums/style_emoticons/default/arrowhead.png
RE: <--Now I'm the king of the swingers, oh, the jungle...

<--drags butt into thread after Imax2
<--is speechless and can olny http://bestsmileys.com/surprised/5.gif as Cathe and her team went on without <--
<--did do intervals 1-5 and kind of did the rest;-)
<--loves the pirate dog
<--lol at the thought of Liann's Tap Dancing weiner dogs
<--would love to see them!
<--also congrats Beaves on her award!
<--Waves at everybody<--missed
<--is pooped and will go for now!
RE: <--Now I'm the king of the swingers, oh, the jungle...

<--smiles at all the snazzy comments from all yous
<--would love to have Evily come work with <-- and help cause trouble
<--wants to thank Michele for telling <-- about agave nectar
<--finally found a flippin' sweetener that tastes good unlike Skeevia
<--is sorry for laughing at Liann's poor lisping snake
<--sends healing vibes to Senor Snake-ola
RE: <--Now I'm the king of the swingers, oh, the jungle...

<--wonders what sweetner Beave's is talking about?
<--would love to ditch her sweetner(equal)
RE: <--Now I'm the king of the swingers, oh, the jungle...

<--- has never heard of TLAP day - wonders if this is a strictly US phenomenon?
<--- LOL at Beth's instructions <--- would find it difficult to hold a pose for laughing ;)
<--- forgot to say that jungle book is <---'s dad's favourite film! :eek:
<--- can't remember who said they'd been to see 3.10 to yuma. saw the trailer for it the other day and it looked pretty good. <--- is rather fond of christian bale ;)
RE: <--Now I'm the king of the swingers, oh, the jungle...

<---tells Beavs that she uses Agave too
<---uses it in her smoothies
RE: <--Now I'm the king of the swingers, oh, the jungle...

<--- pops in for a quick minute
<--- tells Beavs <--- is happy to be of service:D
<--- tells Ronne <--- saw 3:10 to Yuma and highly recommends it
<--- is also "fond" of Christian Bale and feels very old now
<--- remembers him as a child actor;(
<--- is much older than Christian Bale but reserves the right to ogle anyway
<--- says hello to everyone else and pops back out
RE: <--Now I'm the king of the swingers, oh, the jungle...

<-- waves hi
<-- has just only a moment to be here
<-- had a bootcamper remind <-- that tomorrow is TLAP day!
<-- loves that that bootcamper works for electronic arts
<-- guesses it's an e-thing
<-- thought of Robin at the lab today
<-- wanted to do a workout today but that isn't looking likely
<-- will get to some weights tomorrow
<-- is looking forward to the bootcamp vacay :7
<-- had muchas other things to say but <-- can't remember any of them LOL ;)
RE: <--Now I'm the king of the swingers, oh, the jungle...

<--waves at everyone
<--can't believe that it took over 5 min to catch up on today's events!
<--LOL on the Lolo braces!!!
<--is sorry to hear about Kel's FIL and adds that MRSA is not uncommon these days.
<--and yes, he should be on contact isolation precautions
<--is tired and is seriously thinking about heading to the couch for a nap!!!
<--it will be in Shelley's honor, of course!
<--congratulates Beavs on the spiffy award!
<--can't believe that tomorrow is TLAP day already!!!
<--hasn't decided on a workout yet
<--'s brain is still hazy from a weekend of working nights!
<--finished some cyber-shopping at Teavana this morning, though:7

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