Not the update we were hoping to post

I have a question, how come College Video got your tapes before us, i got my catolgue and saw them in therex( That's not fair

>I have a question, how come College Video got your tapes
>before us, i got my catolgue and saw them in therex( That's
>not fair

They didn't, Gail - when you place your order, they will tell you that they are not in stock and possibly give you an anticipated ship date. They don't actually have the DVDs - they have the marketing materials.

Oh no, Cathe! My heart goes out to you! We all support you and we appreciate your honesty with us. And hey, anything that's worth having is worth waiting for, right?!

I hope you got some sleep last night!! Hang in there!
How frustrating for you all! I will patiently wait until they arrive. Hope you got some sleep last night.:)
Hey Cathe: Thanks for the update. We all know that you worked very hard to get them to us ASAP. Things happen sometimes that are out of your control. We will be patient!!

Oh, and I love the response about the people at Sony too wiped out from your new workout to finish your order! HAHA I bet that is what happened. Good one Karen...
Thanks for the update, Cathe :)! I know you're extremely disappointed - but I consider a final reprieve before you kill me, lol! Seriously, it's okay - I will be waiting patiently whenever they may arrive :D .

Hi All! We have gotten some information but until we find out exactly what is going on we will hold off on posting an update. Just wanted you to know that we haven't forgotten about you. Thanks for your patience.

And we haven't forgotten about you! I'd make that truck driver drop and give you 50 terminator climbers. But only AFTER he's unloaded the truck.

When I say 'I can't wait for these workouts,' that is figurative. I actually can wait - but it won't be much longer now!!

Woo Hoo!!

Thanks for keeping us informed, Cathe!!!
I don't know the particulars about the business end of your relationship with Sony, but sounds like a possible breach of contract to me.

I am angry about this because those weenies at Sony called and promised to deliver.

Then they did not!

Well, you just tell them they will all have to come to your Gym and do a double class of Drill max if they don't get it together...

I would be infuriated with them if they said things would be ready then they weren't.Not a good way for them to be doing business.

We are all patient it is not your fault.
You think they would be more together than that , especially for what they probably charge for their services.

Just take it easy and have a piece of Cheesecake with strawberries.
I myself can wait another day to die.....(which is probably what i am going to do ) HEHEH.

Hava Greata Howlina Daya!!!!
Got The Answer We Needed

Hi All! Ok, we have all the details now. I will start a new post with a fresh update to fill you in. Give me a second to type it up....
RE: Got The Answer We Needed

here's hoping for good news.... *crosses fingers*

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
RE: Got The Answer We Needed

now that it's taking so long for the post.... i'm getting worried that it's not good news....

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
RE: Got The Answer We Needed

it's time for me to leave on my bike ride.... but i don't want to leave til i hear the news!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!

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