
Are there any DVDs that don't require a step? I am looking for a cardio/weight training video but all I could find were ones that used a step.
Kickboxing workouts do not require a step. Have you searched through those workouts?? The step is a valuable tool and Cathe really has some terrific knowledge of multiple ways to use the step for her weight workouts etc...along with her step workouts. I was a 2 left footer person for years...but set my mind to it and step is now one of my best forms of cardio! Smiles!!!
hi emmaboo :) do you just not have a step or you just dont like to DO step? I actually dispise all regular step workouts (same as Tanya - have two left feet) but I truely LOVE my full size Original Health club step (like Cathe uses) AND my high step... I love it for leg presses and using it for a weight bench (flat and incline)...

if you don't LIKE step and are looking for cardio without a step, I second the KickBox DVD's (Kick, Punch, Crunch and KickMax)... I also like the HSTraining and HSCircuit with the High Step... can't do a whole lot of "dancy" moves on a High Step but the leg presses will definately whip your fanny into shape!

for weight/strength I have Pyramids, GymStyle (3 main body parts) and STS on the way...

for full body or circuits I have Drill Max, Muscle Max, Bootcamp/Muscle Endurance, and Butts & Guts... There are a few small sections of step in cardio portions but I just do marching or my own thing through these section or hit the FF button!

a step is a great tool for so much, but I can totally see where you are coming from on not knowing how to navigate through the 80+ titles WITHOUT step! :) if you go to most individual DVD's will have a clip you can watch, and will have a description of what equipment is needed... Suppose it is only natural that since Cathe is the Queen of Step that it is contained in a LOT of her workouts though :)

good luck finding some you enjoy! ;)
Hi guys,
I seriously dont understand this. I LOVE Cathe's step so much, I wish all her DVDs were just step. I love it love it love it! If the choreography is intricate and make me rewind and repeat until I drop, I love it more! The music she uses is great, especially on 4DS and I am so sorry the step sections are only 30 min long.
I wish with all my heart she makes a lot of new steps for STS, as she promised she would. No other trainer in the world makes better step combos, I swear. The steps just follow naturally, I dont know, sometimes I think she is guided from above when she is making them :)
If it's a matter of just not owning one, I used my coffee table(or the floor) for the longest time, and my actual stairs (the first step) in place of a high step until I got the real thing. If this isn't the case, Kick box, PUB/PLB are good DVDs. Kay
Hey girls,
Yes it is a matter of not owning one more than anything, although I really don't like Step.
I do use my coffee table for the high step but it seems so high.
I know i shoudl invest in one!
I am looking for a good circuit video taht included cardio and strength training. I have Butts and guts.
I need a good arm workout!
Step Jump Pump is a circuit wo that is mostly high lo. It does start out with 4 step combos but you can either skip these or do them on the floor. The rest is just hi/lo with the circuits. IMO the weight training is a little on the easy side but I guess you can just increase your weight if you need more of a challenge.

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