<--- No-one expects the Spanish Inquisition

<---'s bathroom floor is sparkley now.:)
<---admits, not really sparkley as all of the sparkle is gone from it by now. :-(
<---says it's clean though!:p
<---hopes Debbie and Boybs have fun at play group!}(
<---has a free month's pass to Gymboree from pediatrician! Must not forget to use it!!!!:+
<---just finished a turkey sandwich....those chinese leftovers were minimal and just not enough.:9
<---is slurping on a cup a joe...surprised?
<---must get lazy baby up from nap!
<---says hey Shell - what's a crunchy frog?
<---has loose logs & doesn't seem to know anything today

ETA: <---says No Tigger, never wake a sleeping baby!!!!! It may be the only peace you get.
<---tells Melody that Robin is a "special case" and no one knows WTH her excuse is
<---says her DH is going to Berlin in May and she opted not to go because he will be working the whole time
<---also wants to know what a Ram's Bladder Cup is and if it comes up out of the john like Shelley's bungyjumpers do
<---also needs some TiGGeR energy

<---sings David Hume could out-consume Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel.
And Whittgenstein was a beery swine who was just as sloshed as Schlegel.

<---is LOL even though <---is mostly "lost"
<---just loves reading Robin's posts & doesn't care what her problem is:)
<---thanks Shelley for throwing her some info <---thinks Shelley is using the toilet in DS's bathroom
<---still needs Tigger's energy to clean above-referenced bathroom
<---may need some sunshine time now

ETA: <---is pleased to know <---doesn't have loose legs or lips, however, I question the loose legs as <---is pretty darn flexible...
<---and now for something completely different
<---is off to get hair done so it looks nice for vacation starting FRIDAY
<---stylist suggested highlights in bangs for free - is very excited
<---thanks Shelley for a delightful thread title and everyone else for joining in or putting up with silliness
<---my 'ead 'urts
<---got a piece of brain logged in my 'ead
<---tomarrow tomatos
<---tells everyone that Vegas is only 5 hours away so going on short notice is pretty easy (DH came up with the idea Friday morning)
<---tells everyone that the phone conversation with DH went as follows:

Kristy: Yeah
DH: Do we have $1000 in the bank?
Kristy: Um...yes
Kristy: Wait a minute?! What?

<---quickly called DH back to tell him not to buy a $1000 anniversery present and DH let the cat out of the bag


I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
<--- doesn't have an anniversary to celebrate and SO wouldn't remember it even if we did
<--- says last birthday he got her a shirt and gave it to her in the bag from the store with the tags on it
<--- says he calls her pet names because he can't remember her name
<--- sometimes thinks this is funny but today just thinks it's sad:(
<---tells Kristy she is amazed by people that can be so spontaneous because that is an issue for her
<---says her DH is more spontaneous than she is but she thinks it's because he's like a boy trapped in a man's body:eek: and he has no clue what it takes for her to be ready for a trip
<---gives BIG HUGS to Shelley and says her DH is the same way about gifts most of the time. He's usually out at the very last minute in a desperate seach for something. <---usually feels like an after thought.
<---says sometimes he's really thoughtful and those are the times she chooses to hang onto.
<---needs to get going on that workout now

<---spontaneously pedals in looking for DS's bike helmet & of course had to post something
<---doesn't care about gifts cause anniversay/bdays just means someone is getting older
<---wants to stay a kid forever & from the looks of <---behavior that isn't a problem
<---is however trying to teach DH about the spontaneous behavior thing; after all <---is a Gemini for crying out loud!
<---mutters OOPS, DS calling for bike helmet & he's too muddy to come in
<---better run (that's a cardio term, Michele);-)
<--feels like starting a new song
<--sings quite melodiously: Henry Kissenger, how I'm missing yer,
you're the doctor of my dreams...
<--wonders why allwildgirl has no anniversaries?
<--says our wedding anniversary is almost meaningless to us compared to some of our other, much more important anniversaries
<--says the wedding was a fun party, but it was relatively insignificant in the scheme of things
<--is in the throes of rampant PMS
<--has so far managed not to kill anyone and is proud of self
<--is craving Mexican food
<--may someday leave DH for a guy who eats Mexican food
<--explains that DH can't stand Mexican and so we never go to Mexican restaurants
<--adores Southwestern seasonings :9
<--is patiently waiting for DH to make dinner
<--said patiently
<--PATIENTLY!!!!x( x( x( x( x(
<--okay, maybe not SOO patiently

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