<--- No-one expects the Spanish Inquisition

<--says where is everyone?
<--DH is making me salmon with lemon and capers and broiled brussel sprouts with pearl onions
<--it smells so good, but is not ready yet!! WAH!!!
<---waves a good evening to Nancy <---just completed w/o
<---'s DH IS cooking dinner & <---is off to eat, eat, eat
<---encourages Nancy's DH to hurry w/food cause Nance seems a bit - impatient?
<---may not be back tonight, just in case, wishes good night to all
<---crawls (did PLB & walking lunges)upstairs to scarf down food :9
<--- eschewed her run in favour of and SB/SJP premix and core
<--- didn't want to run in the 18 degree cold and wind
<--- will be glad when it starts to warm up
<--- thinks patience is for people with too much time on their hands
<--- tells Nance that she has some anniversaries, but her SO has no clue when they even started seeing each other
<--- was hoping for a nice quiet evening with her SO, but his friend came over and now they're talking gamingx(
<--- is also in full-fledged raging PMS
<--- tells everyone to stay low, the blast radius is pretty big
<---thinks this thread is really funny
<---sorry to be reporting in late
<---oh yum pancakes, what I would not give for some right now
<---is tired from PLB
<---has a the big 28 b-day in like 1.5 weeks or something
<---is starting to feel really old
<---wonders if you have seen one of the best movies "Sliding Doors" with Gwennie and Jack Hannah...best line of the movie at the end drops the ear ring and answers the question.
<---loves the limekitty picture! so funny!:7
<---makes last check in saying OMG Nancy, <--- & Shelley in raging PMS
<---really hates to miss this thread tomorrow;-)
<---does have those darn dental & Drs appts to keep, but may make a late night read-in to see if the PMS rages w/o <---}(
<---nitey nite, I think

ETA: <---just noticed Marleysmom posted <---says welcome & <---is feeling the aftermath of PLB, 200 walking lunges & CM
<---thinks this <---thread was in rare form today!
<---gasps as she looks at the clock and realizes it's 11:41 PM
<---JUST finished her workout---but at least she did it!
<---she ALMOST blew it off
<---did 2 1/2 mile Leslie Walk and Jog and a Cathe stretch segment
<---now has a tummy ache
<---is off to the shower and then to bed
<---has an early morning hair appointment and may not check in until later in the day
<---will be on guard so as not to get caught in the PMS crosswinds--LOL!


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