Next Filming Series?


I know, I know, perhaps jumpimg the gun....but any plans for the next filming series?

Personally I can't wait for the boxing series which-I believe is the 3rd of three filming series?
I'm glad I'm not the only one. I am so looking forward to the boxing workouts. I love kickboxing/boxing and since Cathe's workouts are always amazing I can hardly wait for this set.:)
Count me as another curious mind. I also was planning to ask, but I wanted to wait till these current workouts were done. I just need to know so I can start setting aside the money for them.

Me to cathe i must have read something wrong last year when i ordered, i thought there was kickboxing in one, Would really like another kickboxing after you rested for a while,lol
In an old email dated November 7, 2005 (before her knee injury) she had planned the following for Winter of 2005/early 2006 and Spring/Summer of 2006. I loved her ideas. I'm hoping she still does these even if they aren't going to happen this year.


1) An advanced solid step workout ( along the lines of Rhythmic Step and Step Blast)

2) A four day cardio/weight split routine (ie: a) 30 minute form of cardio plus 30 minutes upper body b) 30 minute form of cardio plus 30 minutes standing lower body focus c) 30 minute form of cardio plus 30 minutes remaining upper body d) 30 minute form of cardio plus 30 minutes lower body floorwork).


A Boxing Camp Series: This advanced all out series will feature workouts based on a boxer's training regiment and adapted for the advanced home exerciser. This series is still being developed but to give you an idea it will be something like:

a) Intro to Boxing
b) Cardio Boxing
c) Boxing with the Bag
d) Boxing Plus Lower Body

While it is my intention to stick to these workout ideas as closely as possible, any or all of the listed workouts will be subject to change (if needed) in order to enhance the flow and effectiveness of the workout.
Ooooo I can't wait for the BOXING stuff!! I'm prepared to buy a heavy bag if necessary!
I hope the boxing workout is next. My boxing bag has been collecting dust since last X-mas!

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
I can't wait for the boxing workouts, even if it means investing in a bag. I've been stoked about these since she announced them way back when.

Then again I can't wait for anything our Cathe puts out. Bring it on!!!}( }( }(

I was about to post a similar thread myself. I, too, remember seeing that old thread where Cathe outlined what she wanted to do after she finished the four she's getting ready to ship out now. Obviously, that was pre-knee-injury.

I am actually in favor of the solid step routine along the lines of RS or SB. That's the one I've been waiting for since she announced it was on the way! Of course, every day that passes gets me more excited for the new ones, though! I've had mine pre-ordered for almost a year, and I should receive them around the time of my birthday at this rate.

Happy Birthday To ME!!!

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