newbie ? regarding CTX DVD and cardio for weight...


Hi everybody from a newbie here!

I am fairly new to Cathe also, but feeling pretty comfortable now with the tapes I have.

I have decided CTX is what I want for my birthday. I also looked at the chaptering for it on VF and it looks like the cardio is less than 30 minutes on each part.

I have read for weight loss one should do cardio about 45 minutes 4x per week.(do you all concur??) I guess I'm naive, but with CTX, do you find your heart rate staying up during the strength sections and then count that toward your 45 minutes of cardio?

Or do you do two of the cardio's back to back?

Somedays I can only do 30 minutes but somedays I can do more and I was wondering if those of you who have weight loss as well as toning goals do a different kind of rotation?

I hope this makes sense!

Thank You one and all.
Hi there.

The cardio in the CTX series is around 30 minutes but is VERY, VERY intense! People have lost a lot of weight doing this series. Every minute of those 30 minutes you are working your derrière off and your heartrate will skyrocket!!!

This is an excellent series and you will definitely see results from it.


CTX was my first Cathe purchase. Right before I 'discovered' Cathe, I was doing cardio for at least 45 min. a day 6 days a week, as well as weight training each body part twice a week. I ordered CTX in February of last year and lost 2 dress sizes by Easter. This is the rotation that I did for about 8 weeks (then I ordered every other Cathe DVD, as you will too, I'm sure!):

Sat. Step Intervals Chest and Shoulders from All Step
Sun. Power Circuit Back and Biceps from Kickbox
Mon. 10-10-10 Triceps and Chest from Step Intervals
Tue. Kickbox Biceps and Back from Power Circuits
Wed. All Step Shoulders and Triceps from 10-10-10
Thu. Leaner Legs
Fri. Rest

The first 3 weeks I did the workouts as they come without adding anything to them. I never did add more cardio, but I did do each body part twice per week (the rotation above) the last 5 weeks of the rotation. It lifted my butt, flattened my stomach, gave me defintion in my back, shoulders, triceps, and calves, and made me just feel 100% better. No, I didn't clean up my eating, so I was still chubby, but to go from a 14 to a 10 was wonderful for me! I thought I was pretty fit from doing The Firm and Kathy Smith, but Cathe blew me away. I couldn't make it through all of Step Intervals on a 6" for the first 4 weeks. Now I do Imax on an 8" step and add the intervals from Step Intervals to the end. I couldn't make it through Kickbox at first - not at all. Now I usually do Kickbox after Leaner Legs or add the drills from Cardio Kicks to the end. I am not telling you this just so I can toot my horn - but TRUST ME - I just want to show you what Cathe can do for a sedentary person's cardiovascular system. Trust me - if I can do this, then anyone can. I used to consider walking downstairs to grab the peanuts off the mini bar as exercise. Cathe is incredible and you will be amazed at how quickly your body responds to these INTENSE workouts! I'm so excited for you!

Wow, you have really inspired me! Thank you so much for sharing what you have accomplished and taking the time to post your rotation. I will be printing it out. And congratulations on the progress you have made.

I am so excited to get this DVD. Because I am 5'3" I'll stick with the 4 inch step, but who knows where I'll go from there:7 .

I have been working out fairly regularly but have just started stepping within the last several months. I am ready to take it to the next level.



Bonnie..CTX is fabulous and I whole heartedly agree with everyone else and can say I had success with it as will be well worth the money...
Thanks Janice, for the further encouragement. I appreciate it.

O/T- I looked at your photos-I live in Tucson!

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