Wow!! Plyo Legs looks AWESOME!! Man, I wish I could do that DVD. I have knee issues and it bums me out that I most likely won't be able to do that! Leg workouts are my favourite! I absolutely LOVE leg workouts! And that mixed with plyo is a dream come true for me. I think plyo reminds me of my ballet training and all the jump work we did which I was really good at. I so miss this!! I wish my knees would behave!! When I get STS I may mix some of the Plyo with my other Cathe step and do a mish mosh so I won't feel like I'm missing out. That's going to be my little workaround!! I can't wait!!
I would give anything to see footage of the expressions on the faces of the crew as they filmed this. Shock and awe.

That was the look on my face watching the clip. Shock and awe. :D I'm wondering how they are all still walking after filming that dvd.;) It looks like some serious DOMS is coming are way.:)

Oh my...I just watched the clip and I am...well...a little scared. My two personal favorites: The weighted plyo lunge, and the leg drill with the balancing plate (watch the clip and you will see what I mean). Oy.
ooops! My mistake - it wasn't weighted. Still, it looks pretty intense. I am feeling the soreness in my legs already. This one is going to be worth the wait.
Oh my...I just watched the clip and I am...well...a little scared. My two personal favorites: The weighted plyo lunge, and the leg drill with the balancing plate (watch the clip and you will see what I mean). Oy.

That sounds like exercises from the previous 'bonus legs' workout clip (at least the balancing plate move. Don't remember if there were weighted plyo lunges in that clip).
ooops! My mistake - it wasn't weighted. Still, it looks pretty intense. I am feeling the soreness in my legs already. This one is going to be worth the wait.

Keith, I thought you were talking about the weighted squat jumps. Those look intense!!!
I don't think I could handle weighted Mary Catherine's:eek::eek::eek:
I actually watched this late last night...and I think I got a bunch of the plyo moves mixed up in my very tired head. Either way, Cathe's leg workouts kill me - I did the leg blast premix on Butts and Guts last week and I was walking funny for three days (oy). This STS could really do me in (in a good way). Very exciting,. Very. Exciting.
Talk to ya'll later,
Hmmmmm, looks to me lijke a cross between Drill Max, the blast section of Kick Max and Imax 1.

What I find more original and what I am most looking forward to in STS is the workouts for legs in Meso 2, both the main one and the bonus footage. Here are the innovative moves.

Plyo legs looks to me like very little original stuff, a whole slew of lunges.... and a high dread factor.

Bring on Meso 2 legs. You guys are welcome to this one!

I love Cathe's leg workouts! This clip looks awesome (well they all do to me)! I can't wait for this series!

Plyo legs looks to me like very little original stuff, a whole slew of lunges.... and a high dread factor.

I think the clips are from all 4 of the plyo workouts (I may be wrong), so there might not be that many lunges in each workout.

I actually think the combo of weighted work followed by plyo moves is rather unique (not something I've seen in many workouts. Those that combine weights and plyos don't do it throughout the workout, but just have a few plyo moves here and there.)

I'm not hot on some of Cathe's "cardio" plyo workouts, but I think this one looks doable (though what *I* end up doing with it might not look much like what *they* are doing with it...especially those tuck jumps!)

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