New Video Clarification

:7 I would love to see a new Boot Camp. Maybe it's a mix of kickboxing and weights with plank work. A cardio and weights tape with both upper body and leg work. I would like to see a Cathe type of yoga workout. I am not too flexible, but I know you'd get me there!! I love all of your weight workouts, so push-pull sounds great!
Oh ho!

I see! Well in that case I'll tell you my wishes!
I need another 1-hour cardio similar to Rhythmic Step. It doesn't have to be a step video. In fact, it would cross train better as a non-step. (I like step best but I force myself to do non-step.) I love the rhythm plays you do with 3 mini-beats in each one (triplets).

High intensity cardio moves with plenty of wide range of motion arms might leave me really warmed up for my work day.

I love being fooled into high intensity while focusing on hot, cute, funky dance moves.

I could use a longer stretch (premix?) because sometimes my bones/joints are achey. Combined with wide range-of-motion moves (I'm 44 in May and need all the range I can imaginatively push out).

A second one-hour cardio of any kind that includes a core/ab section would be awesome.

If it is or has kickboxing in it, plenty of arm drills. I love those.

For strength work, I find the CTX-like combination of slower, fewer reps with higher reps a good choice when I know I need endurance work but really want to do pure strength work instead. I'd love to see a combo version like this, any length, with more of an emphasis on 6-to-10 reps, faster than S&H but no faster than Pure Strength (except for the endurance parts, they'd be faster).

Each body part can take ten to thirty minutes, with premixes for time savers. That would be cool to have available a shoulder (biceps, triceps) section for those times I feel like I need to boost one body part.

How about one more similar to Body Max in its format, but with Kickboxing instead? Weight sections can be less endurance and more strength oriented. They could be a little less rushed tham Body Max (I find I pause mine a great deal). That would combine well with kickbox which can pre fatigue arms and back.

I would love to see a lower body section without weights (am I lazy?) I get terribly winded and bulk in the quads with weighted lunges, like in Power hour, or sit-n-stand squats like in Pure Strength. Maybe it's just my fitness level that needs improving though. Why don't I just modify those with low or no weight? Good question.

I enjoy everything I have of yours. I love your dancier choreography. The warmups and cooldowns of some of your older step tapes would be perfect intro to Cathe material. The funky 3-count "push" move from (is it Powermax cooldown or Step Works cooldown?) is fun.

I am not dead set on my ideas and I'll buy whatever you make!
I would dearly love an Intensity Series 2, but with an all-step video like Rhythmic Step instead of Cardio and Weights. I find this series just plain amazing, and I just cannot seem to leave it. (I AM going to try a new rotation in May, since I am now in my 4th month of the Intensity Blast.) I have lost 15 pounds and gone down 2 sizes in my pants. My shoulders and abs are absolutely the best they have ever been. I like CTX as well, but this series has been transforming and the variety is endless. So let me add my vote for another Intensity Series.
Hi Cathe!

I agree with Connie on the weights: Slower than PS and perhaps a little faster than Slow and Heavy.

Please consider a split with a full body DVD bonus.

Hardgainers need your help, and you're the only person marketing help for us!}( }( }( }( }(

Also, the idea of doing a CTX twist is interesting. Maybe a couple S&H body parts added on to one kickbox, one Hi/lo and one Step Interval tape!

I'm droolin'!

Julie:p :p :p :p :p
I'd like:

1. A new total body, one hour lifting dvd--like Power Hour (my all time fave)
2. A high intensity cardio workout that's knee friendly and bears in mind that most of us don't have special knee friendly floors and are working out on carpet! I prefer step but hi/lo is fine too.

Lisa TV
hey Cathe!!

Anything u do would be excellent & of course i will buy it. But i LOVE the Intensity Series & CTX .. so anything like that i would be really excited about. Thanks again for ALL you have done already :)

I know I already gave you my suggestion of stretch and more floor work but I was thinking of this today while I was working out--

When you are doing barbell work - could you have one person showing dumbell modifications? I don't own barbells and I modify all your strength workouts for dumbell use only. Except for PUB and the wedding tape - all your strength work uses barbells - I love the stability ball modifications on the Pyramid series - I don't have a ball either and seeing someone do modifications is fantastic.

Anyway - I'll probably pre-order anything you put out - you are the only fitness instructor that I will pre-order from.
Since you are asking for suggestions for all 4 workouts, I've been trying to figure out a set-up that would satisfy a wide range of your audience.

Since the high-impact, intense-step lovers haven't really had as much of the kind of workout they want for a while (except for IMAX2), I think it's fair to include 2 intense step workouts in this batch (then, in the next batch, you could include some intense step at a bit slower pace, like in Cardio and Weights, but with more modifiable moves (I HATE with a passion---sorry!---my KNEES hate with a passion, moves like figure eights and ricochets, but it's hard to figure out a more straightforward but still intense substitute for them). Getting back to this batch of workouts, you could put the two step workouts on one DVD (I think only in terms of DVD these days:D )

For workouts 3 and 4, I REALLY like the idea of a push-pull workout, not as slow as Slow and Heavy, but about the same rep speed as PUB/PLB or a bit slower, and a TRUE push-pull, which to my mind, is a set for chest followed immediately by a set for back, repeated for a total of 2? or 3? times. Of course,it's hard to figure out a home exercise that will act as the opposite of shoulder exercises.

A good pairing with this workout would be (and I'm repeating myself here, so , yes, you have heard this suggestion from me in the past:+), a moderate-weight, weights-only circuit (not including cardio) that cycles through several segments of chest/back/shoulders/legs/abs.

Though I'd like to see a follow-up to Cardio Kicks, and Boot Camp, and CTX (if the cardio is as described above and includes more variety), and, of course, Slow and Heavy, and yeah, why not PLB/PUB, I think it's nice to have something new and not just a rehash of the previous videos. It would be nice to see a Cardio Kicks2/Bootcamp 2 DVD pairing in the future (with the addition on DVD of kickboxing segments from previous videos), but since Bootcamp just came out, it's too early IMHO to be doing a sequel.
;-)Thanks for clarifying! Cathe, I have never been disappointed in your choice of video styles as long as I keep my heart rate and break a good sweat! Check out my suggestions in your "New DVD-Video Suggestions" forum! :)
If you're making it, I'm buying it so let me know when the pre-order begins!

I would love to see either more kickboxing or hi/lo or maybe a combination.

I also love the one body part per day approach with strength training working each part 15 or 20 minutes. Just my .02 cents.

Thanks for everything you've done for us!!!!!
Happy Easter!

Well I have to say that the floor work in pure strength gets a big fast forward by me but I am glad that others enjoy it. I do like butt work like butt blaster moves etc.

As for step modification I admit I hate ricochetes etc. I have no idea what to do in moves that are high intensity and cross the step. I use step for days that I don't run so I am not really into killing the joints. I know you don't want to put a low impact modifier in but frankly that would make me the most happy as I could then decide which moves to modify and which ones to "power". Also as I said before it seems like all the tapes now days leave out arm work and that makes it hard to get the HR up without jumping up and down.

As for weights. I admit I am about lunged and leg pressed to death from the other weight videos I do, But I am impressed with the deadlifts etc. You do very high quality weight work. I have enjoyed them.

was disapointed that bootcamp had the barbell moves in it. I was actually really hoping that it would be a totally functionally fitness tape similar to hell week in football camp with no fancy equipment and weights but with good conditioning moves. you high low ends up having a lot of this as does your kickboxing so a tape implementing all of this would be awesome.

I am one of those that is a No to the bosu.. and other needed equipment. When I workout I am all business no fancy do dads..

Just a thought on the intro to cathe idea? Are you talking about something like the wedding tape only with more instruction? Sigh I am just not seeing how this can work but heck its an inovative idea.

Just for kicks I will tell you my ultimate weight video. It would be 4 exercises per body part going down the pyramid and supersetting between body parts on a push pull method. Few rests and getting done fast. A 2 count maybe and each segment would be 30 minutes long so that we could do them before work. Maybe Arms& shoulders/Back and Chest/ legs and Abs. That would be awesome. I have actually programmed the intensity series to do something very similar and love it.
One last thing. For those of us that are not into combining weights and cardio I hope you will do atleast 1 but maybe 2 cardio tapes without weights. It is hard to fit them in with tapes like muscle endurance and bootcamp into our current weight rotations. Also as I said before I would love cardio WITH low impact modifications or just a low impact cardio tape.

Also there have been suggestions in the past to making your tapes faster and faster than the recomended BPM.. Please don't this is just something that I can not handle. Please please keep the bpm at a reasonable level as you have.
I second the idea for a Time Crunch Series. Maybe the Power Half Hour could be push/pull; the kickbox tape could be step kickbox; a circuit style tape (a la CircuitMax, BodyMax, CTX Power Circuit or Bootcamp); and the fourth tape could be a Pilates tape. All tapes would be 30 minutes long with any abs and/or stretch segments adding no more than 15 extra minutes (Of course, this would not be necessary with the Pilates tape). None of the tapes would surpass 45 minutes. Of course, with DVD, shorter workouts would be possible with the mix & match features.

Thanks for listening Cathe! Thanks for the idea Donna! :D
An advanced low impact and high intensity series with low weights and high reps that strengthens but also lengthens instead of bulking: a cross between the Slim Series and Lotte Berk – produced by Cathe! Woohoo!:)
My humble suggestions still stand as previously posted...

The "Intro To Cathe" video is a fantastic idea! Thank you! I am sure there are a lot of us who are in the high intermediate/advanced range who are not into complicated/dancy choreography. This would be a good start!

Other suggestions:

1. Kickboxing/Sports Drills on a Step - simulated boxing, soccer, jumping rope, skating, skiing, basketball.

2. Cardio Kicks 2

3. Circuit Max 3 or another 10-10-10 or make it 20-20-20

4. Matwork Pilates

5. A workout similar to your Wedding Video - 60 minutes athletic step and 60 mins weight training.

6. It would also be great if you can come up with a workout suitable for traveling. I guess it would have to be more of a hi-lo workout that doesn't require a step- don't think it's practical to be lugging a huge step when traveling. That's why I love your Cardio Kicks and wish you could do more! And that is why I suggested Pilates. Easier to pack a mat!

Obviously I belong to the I-prefer-athletic-steps-rather-than-complex-choreography group. I am sure you will come up with videos for complex choreography fans but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE throw in a video or two for us... Two Left Feet Mortals

Thanks a lot!
I would love to see a time crunch series as well and feel that only Cathe could put together shorter workouts that really get the job done. Your DVD chaptering and premixes are second to none! Keep up the good work.
I like the idea of a new to Cathe step workout that's not as complex but INTENSE! The Push/Pull sounds good but can it be with heavy wts. and longer or separate upper/lower like the Pyramids? If they're on the same DVD they could be chaptered for shorter workouts to suit everyone.

I LOVE the step sections on Cardio & Weights and would love a full length step tape along the same line. As for the fourth workout, I'd like to see another total body circuit like Bootcamp. It's one of my favorites because it's easy choreography but tough!

Boy, do you get the feeling the Intensities are my favorite, LOL! I'd love another series just like it, please. ;)

Hi Cathe

The most important thing to me is to keep the videos INTENSE! As stated in an earlier message, you are the ONLY instructor that delivers high impact and intensity at such a high calibre. I know there are people who want lower intensity, but low intensity videos are a dime a dozen and there a VERY FEW choices for high intensity at your level. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE KEEP THE HIGH INTENSITY!

Thanks Cathe!
Hi Cathe,
I just read this thread and wanted to mention my feelings about your idea for an 'Intro To Cathe' tape, since I commented on that idea in your previous thread. While I am all for it if it is already in the works/something you want to do, I don't think it is totally necessary. I think in lieu of this you might offer a little booklet or a downloadable pdf to new Cathe users, giving them suggestions on which workouts to tackle, in what order, and why, etc. You might even consider having a written 'move-explainer', where you have the name of a move and a written explanation of what exactly the move entails (I don't know this might be tricky without drawn diagrams but you know best). This might be just as useful to a new Cathe user as an 'Intro to Cathe' tape in terms of getting started with your workouts, and it would certainly save alot of time and energy in terms of answering this question over and over again.
You could just direct the new user to the pdf.
Thanks again for all you do,
(looking forward to recieving the new music CD - it's in the mail), :D ),
Here I go again...

I can't imagine what it is like for you to sort through all these requests, so before I make my pleas...thank you for putting in the extra effort of hearing us out. Everyone has such wonderful ideas that I can't imagine you'll go wrong with any of them.

I hope that as you design these workouts, you will keep in mind that not everyone has an entire hour to work out. The chaptering in your latest series is awesome and I hope that you will continue to give us a lot of workout options that include shorter versions. As a soon to be mommy of TWO, I'll need workouts that I can squeeze in whenever I have a free moment.

And again, just in case you haven't come across my zillion other posts (sorry, I'm desperate about this) I would really, really, REALLY love a hardcore lower body workout with the same "feel" as Leaner Legs. Tough floor work, extreme core work, endless low ends (did I say that?), plyos...whatever it takes to streamline the legs and butt. As one poster said "liposuction in a workout video"!!! Please, for the pears of the world!

Whatever you do will be wonderful and if you told me that you were having a presale for 4 mystery videos, I'd still sign up with pleasure.

Thanks again for asking our input. You rock Cathe!

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