Hi there, I am checking out this website for the first time. I am really happy with it. Hate to say it, but I have never heard of Cathe before today. Being from Columbia SC originally I was a big "Firm Beleiver" until recently. I am disappointed with their new workouts, and I do not like the new Anna Benson "Fitprime" workouts very much either (production quality is poor compared to classic Firm videos). I would really like some suggestions on really tough Cathe videos to get. I have weights, a fanny lifter (again, I've been doing the Firm for years. Their newer workouts are not very hard anymore unfortunately), an aerobic step that goes to 8 inches, several medicine balls, a barbell, and a stability ball. Also, I have ankle weights. What suggestions does the forum have for wear to get started with a DVD of Cathe's? I would love a suggestion of a few workouts with the above equipment listed. Thanks, Lelsie