Lisa - That just sounds so nasty! Yuck! At least it's a good overall workout! I can't even imagine! I'd be cussing like a sailor, so you are absolved from the issue of the foul language! :p

I guess we all know what Pip is getting for Christmas this year! :eek:
Lisa- :p I would like to see pictures of Pip with her new iPad.

Tricia-We are going to see the movie this morning. I saw Steve Carrell on the Colbert Report the other night, they did this routine called Steve vs. Steve and it was super funny.

Cindi-I've heard a lot about the minimalist shoes these days. I bet that Phedipides wore a very minimal leather sandal. Of course, he did die at the end of his run, but don't think about that, I assume it was the shear number of miles in a short amount of time.

Jane- I think I would have been the one who puked first.

I did a 2 min. interval joggle this morning. Its warmed up around here so I head out real early to avoid spontaneous combustion.
Good afternoon jogglers,
I walked 4 miles this morning on the beach. I'm working a ride this afternoon. I thought I "should" workout today but I'm getting over it :D

Pip is very excited about her Ipad - I might need to start shutting her in the bathroom when I check the forums. I guess her Christmas present won't be a suprise but I won't be able to live with her if she doesn't get one now :rolleyes: Pictures will be posted.

Tricia - Nasty is the word. I took my shirt off in the barn and rode home in my bra. I took my pants off right inside the door and piled them in front of the washing machine. Andy's daughter (who cleans fishing boats each evening and is used to his clothes when he comes back from commercial fishing) looked at my pants and "Now that's nasty!!" Um, thanks like dolphin guts aren't, right?

I didn't include the fact that during this process, we are also fending off 20+ hungry horses with a lounge whip. It's dirty, nasty and weirdly comical all at the same time. Thank goodness it only happens a couple of times a week.

Alisha - Yes, early is good! We can't have anyone combusting around here! Enjoy the movie! We're a few days behind on TDS and CR as we watch on Comedy Central. Can't wait to see the skit with the two Steves! Enjoy the movie!

Lisa - That's pretty bad when someone who has seen it all thinks your clothes are worse than theirs! LOL! A couple of times a WEEK??? Yikes! I thought maybe a couple of times per month or maybe once a week, but ugh, that's rough! I can only imagine what it must actually look like with the horses harassing you "Is it food yet? is it food yet?" LOL!

Well ladies. No, Legs & Glutes for me today, but we did get in 20 miles on the bikes! That's good enough for me! Right after we got home a short thunderstorm came through. We saw the dark, and I mean REALLY dark, sky when we were about 1-2 miles from home! Got in just in the nick of time!
Hi Chick-a-dees!!

I took a rest day today. That workout was really tough. We did 4 rounds in about 27 minutes. I wanted to push for another round but the heat index was 103 so I played it safe. Every muscle in my body hurt. We had 80 pounds on the sled and I think the sled itself is another 15 or 20 pounds. Tough!!

I did go to my mom's house today and worked in her yard for over 2 hours trimming her holly bushes. Yuk!! My forearms and shoulders are really tired. I came home and took a hour nap.

Tricia ~ My sis and I have had issues in the past being competitive. We are identical twins so it comes naturally. We have worked on it so now we are supportive but not as competitive as we have been in the past.

Lisa ~ It's a deal...I will teach you and Tricia how to swim. That should be fun!!! Your rolling hay in the mud sounded like fun UNTIL you mentioned the liquid horse poo....then not so fun. I have a thing with mud. I want to do one of those mud runs someday.

Alisha ~ Hope you are feeling better and that you enjoyed the movie. Joggling in the morning before the heat is good!

Hi Cindi!
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Bring me a shrubbery! LOL! Python fans? No? Oh, well.

Jane - I didn't know you and your sister are twins! There's nothing wrong with a healthy competition, but it sounds like you two had some real issues with who's the best! I'm glad you have someone to keep you working hard and challenged! I only have myself and am notorious for taking the easy way out! I have no one to be accountable to or to push my limits!

I hope you are recovering nicely! I can only imagine the jello arms you must have after all that work!

The Warrior competition looks like so much fun! I was afraid the obstacles would be too much, but I've seen pics and they don't look too bad, but you are a muddy wreck afterwards! I also like that there's beer at the end! That would keep me going through the mud and muck! LOL!

Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday! I still have to go grocery shopping - bleh.
Its a Sunday!

I think I'm going to do 4DS Upper Body Split Premix today. Its ttotm and I'm feeling puffy. Its hot outside but not terrible. I already did chore max: laundry, dishes, fed the kitty, had a conversation about hardware/work with Dad. After that I'm just tired.

Yesterday's movie was so fun, cute and had moments where I thought I was gonna cry. It was fun because there were these little kids who added their own running commentary, "Oooh, thats so sad!!!" The script didn't go exactly where I thought it would so that was fun. Also, the animation was good and they went to the trouble to create the foliage in the trees. I loved that the house was purple because it reminded me of that children's story, Mr. Pine's Purple House.

Tricia- I don't shop when other people might be, I like to go either early or late or during the week. Since I'm self employed I can decide to take the morning off and work evenings instead.

Jane- Trimming a hedge for two hours is an upper body workout. Expect to be buffed out in about two an half days.

Cindi- I hope you are adjusting back into normal life easily.

Lisa- 4 miles of walking qualifies as a workout.
Tricia - Nee Nee Nee! "Bring me a shrubbery" is one of my favorite Monty Python quotes of all time. Second is, "I'm not dead yet!"

I love the "Is it food yet? Is it food yet?" quote. I'm going to figure out how work that in somewhere... My dialogue sounds something like g&$ d*(@&$* oh sh*@ F*@& if you step on my feet I will beat you you one ton idiot!! *#%(&$@ Bite my hand and die buddy!! ($U@)($@%&$*) SH*! I really love the horses but there is something about the combination of difficult, awkward physical labor, mud, itchy hay in my bra and giant draft horses stepping on my heels that brings out the worst in me :eek:

Alisha - Have fun with 4DS.

It's a good thing that a 4-mile walk qualifies as a workout because my ride got rained out. We fed, groomed and tacked up 12 horses and then a big storm was coming so we untacked and called it a night.

Jane - I hope you enjoyed your rest day. You certainly earn them. Teaching me to swim sounds like fun but it may not be once you realize that I suffer from the idea that if I get a little bit of water up my nose I know I am drowning and going to die so I panic :rolleyes:

Yeah, the mud isn't so bad... It's the horse poo component of the mud that makes it nasty. Horse poo also makes this interesting infusion that looks like dark tea once it's rained on. So the mud puddles become poo puddles as soon as it starts to rain.

Those obstacle courses do sound like fun. Beer at the end wouldn't keep me going but a rum and coke or two would...

Hi Cindi!!

I did Pyramid full body premix, Namaste yoga and had a fun ride first thing this morning. Chip and I can really cover some ground when its just the two of us. We had fun and I think Danielle took some pictures on the beach so look for them of FB in the next couple of days :D

Hi All,

I was up very early to get a 6 mile run in today. I can't believe I was up at 5:30am on a Sunday but it was worth it.

Alisha ~ I love the 4DS Upper Body Premix. I'm glad you enjoyed the movie too! Hope you feel less puffy!!

Lisa ~ My sister suffers from the same idea about getting water up your nose. No problem there! LOL!! Sorry your ride got rained out.

Tricia ~ The Warrior Dash does look like lots of fun as well as the Muddy Buddy. One of these days, I'm going to pick one and do it.

I hate grocery shopping too but I have my grocery list on an excel spreadsheet with everything on it that I normally buy. It is arranged like the store so I can breeze through it pretty quick when I want to. Wow...I sound positively nerdy! :eek:

Have a great evening!
Evening all!

It was a nice hour of tennis for us today! It was good to get back out on the court!

Alisha - I'm glad you enjoyed the movie! I can't wait til it comes to Netflix! Hope you 4DS UB workout was a good one!

Lisa - Woo-Hoo! You know it took me about 4 viewings before I managed to "get" Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I tried everything - watching while drunk, watching sober, watching with a big group. Nothing worked. No, I never tried watching it high. I was a straight-laced nerd and was afraid of drugs! I'm the same way about water up the nose and water over my head! I panic!

Jane - Rum and coke sounds good! Used to be my drink of choice years ago! Your funny! I keep my grocery list in Google Docs and access it from iPhone when I go shopping. Mine is arranged by dry goods, produce, meats, dairy, and misc. I also keep a separate section for specialty items, things I have to go to Whole Foods or the Chinese Market for. I thought I was the only one! It's so much more efficient!

Worked up a 2-week test rotation for when I finish up my current Cathe rotation. 3 days of weights, 2 for upper and one for legs, 2 tabata workouts, an interval run and one rest day. I know 2 weeks isn't really enough to make a determination if something is working, but it's to try it out before my 10K training starts. I'm not really sure I need a training program, but it will keep me running 3x per week from August until the race. I'm going to mix in some more tabata and interval training with my runs. I hope that it won't be too much. I should know in the first couple of weeks.

Anyway, I've rambled long enough! Tomorrow is Muscle Endurance.

Hi Cindi!
Good Monday Morning!

Friday I did Turbo Fire HIIT 20 and Tone 30 workouts. Saturday was a rest day. Yesterday was HIIT25. I wanted to do a little joggle too but thunder and lightening kept me indoors.

I woke up with a tic (twitchy kind not buggy kind) in my left eyebrow - it's been twitching all morning. Annoying. Anyone have tips to make it stop?

Alisha - We saw Despicable Me on Saturday and thought it was super cute and funny. Is your IBS doing better?

Lisa - :) Pip will love her IPad! Honor is at Farm Camp again this week and she's said they sometimes have to roll in a bale of hay from the fields. I think she says they use 8 kids or so to roll it in. No swearing allowed there though!

Jane - yes - I think you were wise not to do that extra round in 103 heat index. Sound super hard as it was! My twins are not identical but still super competitive - I hope they grow out of it.

Tricia - My friend wanted to do the Muddy Buddy with me - but I hate mud and refused. And I love grocery shopping. :) Whenever I do a new rotation I can usually tell after a couple of weeks if I like it enough to continue and if it's working me hard enough but not too hard to maintain. Your rotation sounds tough!
Its a Step Day

I have the Double Step Cardio Premix from 4DS on the menu today. I think I over ate this morning. I was just so darned hungry. I had some cashews and a fresh pork chop. Sometimes the eyes are bigger than the tummy. Its ttottm and I'm tired.

Cindi- My IBS is much better. Sometimes if I eat something with mold on it (nuts are often the cuplrit) my body just gets over enthusiastic about killing it and tries to kill me in the process.

Hi everybody!
I ride a double today. If I'm feeling spunky, I may work in High and Tight before I go back out but I'm not putting any pressure on myself. Rolled hay this morning, luckily it wasn't raining or muddy so it wasn't too bad.

Cindi - Oh goodness, I can't imagine rolling hay with 8 kids involved. I would never be able to keep my language clean with one more level of chaos going on :confused: I've always found focused self-massage helps a tic.

Tricia - I love Muscle Endurance but its another one I have to wait for on FitTV. Have fun!

Jane - Oh good, at least I'm not alone!

Alisha - I'm glad you are feeling better.

Cindi - Have I told you how jealous I am that you have Turbo Fire? Well, even if I have, I'm still jealous! It sounds like such a good program! I know several people using it! I get those little annoying twitches in my eyelid sometimes. I was told once it was a potassium imbalance and to eat bananas. Don't really think it helped much. I'll let you know how that rotation works out!

Alisha - Hope you had a good workout! Some days I'm super hungry after my workout. I eat my usual breakfast of scrambled egg whites and oatmeal with fruit and nuts, but add one more egg white! I know that doesn't sound like much of an addition, but it does the trick! I'm glad you're feeling better!

Lisa - ME was great! I was already feeling the results of it by lunchtime! Glad the hay rolling was less intensive today! Enjoy your rides!

Tomorrow I'm doing Cardio Kicks! I'm having lots of fun watching all the videos of workouts on bodyrock tv and myomy tv! I found another one yesterday, but can't recall the name of it right now. I can't wait to start trying these high intensity shorter workouts! I'm really hoping they do the trick!

Okay, guess I should go dump the laundry in to dry - last load left from yesterday. It'll be time to feed the kiddos soon and I'm getting hungry. Had 2 squares of 90% cacao chocolate with a bit of natural PB as a snack when I got home! Yummy! Did the trick!

Oh, DH had another phone interview today. Unfortunately, the job is in Nashville, TN. They have an office in Boston and they do some remote work, but this particular job, the guy wants him local. Stephen said it's not worth leaving his MBA/MSF program for. He didn't get a job offer, but the guy really liked him. It figures, huh? Well, he said he would see if they had any research positions available in their Boston office, but we're not holding our breath.

So, we continue forward, Ho! Have a great night fellow jogglers!

Hello Jane!
Hi Everyone,

I did a quickie workout tonight. It was really humid this evening with thunder in the distance.

30-25-20-15-10-5 reps of:
Barbell Presses
Sit ups

Tricia ~ I love ME. I haven't done that one in a while. I need to pull it out and do it sometime. Sorry about DH's interview! Hang in there, he'll find the right one at the right time.

Cindi ~ They will grow out of it. We did eventually. :)

Lisa ~ I'm glad the hay rolling wasn't too difficult today.

Hi Alisha!
Jane - That was a quickie? Looks like fun though! Glad you got it done before the storm hit. Of course, it may have bypassed you altogether like they tend to do here when you scratch your outdoor plans! I hate when that happens!

No worries. The plan is, if he finds a job, we stay here and he finishes his Masters and that's it. if he doesn't find a job, then he tries to get into a PhD program. If he gets in the one at BC, we stay here another 5 years after his Masters, then we move for him to get a teaching job somewhere. If he doesn't get in a PhD program, then he expands his job search nationwide and we still move just sooner. That's the plan, if you can call that a plan! At least it gives me some tentative goals to aim for! I think I'm at my worst emotionally when I feel like I'm just wandering with no direction!
Tricia ~ It rained earlier in the day but just thundered last night. It was raining somewhere just not at my house.

It's always good to have a plan. Do you know the [FONT=&quot]acronym[/FONT] for PLAN?

P - Planning
L - Life's
A - Alternatives
N - Now
That's great, Jane - PLAN!

Tricia - it IS a great program. Last night I did Fire 45 EZ and once again loved it. At some point, you have to get it. The good news is that there's no price change so it will be there waiting for you when you are ready. :)

Sounds like you and DH have a great set of options set up.

Hi Lisa and Alisha.

The twitch is gone this morning. :)

Did turbo Fire 45 EZ last night and then joggled a mile to meet Pete for coffee. I jogged .5 miles, then walked a block, then joggled .5 again. Shoes are still feeling good!

Spin class tonight.
Yesterday's workout was a real sweat fest, I clocked in at just over 600 cal. burn. That double cardio step workout from 4DS is a lot of fun. I like that I don't have to remember an hour's worth of choreography, just 20 min. :D

Today will be lower body split from 4DS.
Cindi- Sometimes a twitch is a potassium deficiency so just eat a banana next time.

Tricia- I hope it works out for your DH. I'm at my worse without a direction too.

Lisa- Hi!

Jane- You wouldn't have to avoid thunder storms at my house, just rattle snakes:eek:

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