Ectomorph, I am not
Hola Morningstar,
When I think of ectomorphs I think of the tall, lanky guy or the lean, wiry gal. I know a few true ectomorphs, and I can safely say, I am not the picture of an ectomorph. I do have small wrists and small breasts, but it pretty much stops there. I have broad shoulders, a natural V taper and even though I am small on top, I have a defined waist. I am not rectangular. I have muscle definition with very little effort. I have defined shoulders, bi’s, back, tri’s. and the beginnings of muscle definition in the quads. (meso)
However, when I gain weight it seems to collect mostly at my thighs and lower abs. The thighs are the location of the visible subcutaneous fat I am trying valiantly to burn off. I am sensitive to sugar and refined carbs, and I am very l a z y. Tom’s description of an endomorph rung such a loud bell (pg 91-92) it is what propelled me out of my lethargy. I have always tried to get away with the minimum amount of exercise, but it wasn’t until I read this section that I realized I need vigorous exercise everyday. He was right.
I don’t lose weight easily. It took me eight + months to lose 11 pounds! I slid into home base, but I have been fairly inactive for a couple of weeks, and have regained some weight. This tells me I need to continue being diligent about calories in and calories out. (hallmark of an endomorph)
Just for grins I took the test at and it gave me a 1-7-5 rating. Meso Endo. All of this has been a long winded way to say - I am a combo body type.
Hey, when are you leaving for your hiking trip?
Hola Morningstar,
When I think of ectomorphs I think of the tall, lanky guy or the lean, wiry gal. I know a few true ectomorphs, and I can safely say, I am not the picture of an ectomorph. I do have small wrists and small breasts, but it pretty much stops there. I have broad shoulders, a natural V taper and even though I am small on top, I have a defined waist. I am not rectangular. I have muscle definition with very little effort. I have defined shoulders, bi’s, back, tri’s. and the beginnings of muscle definition in the quads. (meso)
However, when I gain weight it seems to collect mostly at my thighs and lower abs. The thighs are the location of the visible subcutaneous fat I am trying valiantly to burn off. I am sensitive to sugar and refined carbs, and I am very l a z y. Tom’s description of an endomorph rung such a loud bell (pg 91-92) it is what propelled me out of my lethargy. I have always tried to get away with the minimum amount of exercise, but it wasn’t until I read this section that I realized I need vigorous exercise everyday. He was right.
I don’t lose weight easily. It took me eight + months to lose 11 pounds! I slid into home base, but I have been fairly inactive for a couple of weeks, and have regained some weight. This tells me I need to continue being diligent about calories in and calories out. (hallmark of an endomorph)
Just for grins I took the test at and it gave me a 1-7-5 rating. Meso Endo. All of this has been a long winded way to say - I am a combo body type.
Hey, when are you leaving for your hiking trip?