New Runners Check-In; All Runners Welcome! August 10, 2009

Ectomorph, I am not

Hola Morningstar,

When I think of ectomorphs I think of the tall, lanky guy or the lean, wiry gal. I know a few true ectomorphs, and I can safely say, I am not the picture of an ectomorph. I do have small wrists and small breasts, but it pretty much stops there. I have broad shoulders, a natural V taper and even though I am small on top, I have a defined waist. I am not rectangular. I have muscle definition with very little effort. I have defined shoulders, bi’s, back, tri’s. and the beginnings of muscle definition in the quads. (meso)

However, when I gain weight it seems to collect mostly at my thighs and lower abs. The thighs are the location of the visible subcutaneous fat I am trying valiantly to burn off. I am sensitive to sugar and refined carbs, and I am very l a z y. Tom’s description of an endomorph rung such a loud bell (pg 91-92) it is what propelled me out of my lethargy. I have always tried to get away with the minimum amount of exercise, but it wasn’t until I read this section that I realized I need vigorous exercise everyday. He was right.

I don’t lose weight easily. It took me eight + months to lose 11 pounds! I slid into home base, but I have been fairly inactive for a couple of weeks, and have regained some weight. This tells me I need to continue being diligent about calories in and calories out. (hallmark of an endomorph)

Just for grins I took the test at and it gave me a 1-7-5 rating. Meso Endo. All of this has been a long winded way to say - I am a combo body type.

Hey, when are you leaving for your hiking trip? :)
Well, ladies, my repair guys were in and out in less than 30 minutes! No problems, the floor didn't fall through to the basement AND they fixed my leaky faucet! Whew! Glad that worked out so well! As you can see, I am ever the pessimist! I always think the worst rather than the best in things. Of course, on the positive side, it means that more often than not, it always turns out better than I expect!

Alisha - I'm so sorry you got worse again! I will really work on sending healing energy your way! BTW, I love Weeds! It's such a great show!

Morningstar - I'll be right there with you on that training!

Ended up craving some burritos for dinner, so I stopped at the grocery store and picked up some fixin's and made me some burritos with ground turkey! Came out wonderfully! As I type, we are watching an episode of Weeds!

Looking forward to the long weekend!
feel like I should write a book

So, the never ending saga/update. My doctor called me and gave me a prescription for bella donna called Donnatal. I asked all of the important questions (took a half an hour with one pharmacist then another half hour with another pharmacist, both were knowledgable and helpful.) And I spent most of the morning calling the doctors office leaving notes trying to get to see someone else. But, this guy said he would give me a referral if this doesn't help. I figure if I can't eat by Tuesday without pain I'm getting the referal.

And guess what, my celiac's test was 'equivocal" which is code for a weak positive. Which makes sense because I haven't had hardly anything to eat for a long time and tend to not have much wheat at all. cool? Right? I think that it is way easier to eliminate a food than to take drugs for the rest of my life or to hurt so bad I prayed for one of those valid early deaths that artists get. But, I got lucky in another way, it usually takes 11 years to get diagnosed, but I insisted and got the test right away. It pays to have a spine :eek:

I will try a little gluten free (naturally) Amy's pea soup. I had sort of prayed for an easy answer but in a way I had hoped it was just candida or something like that. Cause I do bake but you know what I can switch flours, its not a problem, just a little more expensive. I had a soda cause I was so hungry and I'm so embarrased. :eek: I haven't had a soda in two years. Like, I just drank it. It was sprite. I don't think I even liked it, I was just so hungry. :(

So, how is everybody? I'm planning to go for a hike in the morning even if I don't really feel good because I think I may be short on fresh air and sunshine.

Janis/Tricia- isn't that a funny coincidence about the fires in so cal being probably started by MJ growers just like Weeds? I love that show too.

Janis- As far as I can tell I'm a mixed up body type too. It seems to vary depending on my hormonal profile. I super sensitive to sugars, put on fat around the tummy, thighs, and arms. I put on muscle easily. Once upon a time I took something called mind quick (dumb move, don't do it) which is known to increase muscle mass, I did it for my finals in college. Well. I put on 13 pounds of muscle in one day and it has never come off. This is one of the clues to my PCOS because my FSH levels are borderline. Anywho, in the beginning losing weight was easier. I've been in a plateau this year and I bet it was the food allergy issue.
Well, ladies, it is only 8:15am and I already feel like I’ve lived a lifetime today.

With regard to my run this morning, I live quite close to the 5K race route that I will be doing in October, so I wanted to see how far I would get. Today’s run was scheduled to be C25K, one 25 minute interval. So I walked to the route for the warm up, and then took off. I completed 4.2K in 26 minutes. I think I could have done the whole 5K, but I had forgotten the exact route and thought I had done the whole thing when I actually missed part of it.

On my walk to work this morning, I came across a young homeless man, convulsing on the sidewalk. He was unconscious, breathing heavily, eyes rolled back, had soiled himself. I don’t have a cellphone, so I commandeered a passerby and asked her to call 911. We both stayed with the young man until emergency services arrived. While we were waiting, another man came along that knew him, and said that his name was Christian, that he was a heroin and crack user for at least 10 years and gave some other important information. This man worked for the Salvation Army, and was a former drug user as well- in fact, he used to use with Christian. Another homeless man came along and was really upset, wanting to make sure no one stole Christian’s money (there was a few dollar coins and smaller change on the sidewalk) or backpack. Both of them left after they were sure emergency services were on the way (I think they might have been worried about cops, as clearly both had a history). Eventually a fire truck arrived, followed by an ambulance. I gave what information I had, told them where Christian’s backpack was and stayed out of the way. I couldn’t leave, though, until I actually saw him loaded into the ambulance. I just need to see that before I felt that I could leave. I know the hospital will treat ‘im and turf ‘im, but I hope he gets better, and finds the support he needs to stop hurting himself. He must be in so much pain to need to do that to himself to escape it.

This had a big effect on me. I haven’t talked about it with you guys, but my poor old sick kitty has taken a downturn over the last couple of days. She has advanced kidney disease, cataracts, deafness, growths all over her body and she is really old. But she took all that mostly in stride until a couple of days ago, and it is now clear that she is dying. She won’t eat or drink, rarely blinks her eyes, hardly moves her body, and is very cold. She is clearly ready to leave this good earth, but I’m not ready to see her go. She is a wonderful being and the nicest pet friend someone can have. When I saw Christian convulsing there on the sidewalk, I felt like I was looking at my cat. But I could help him, and I can’t help her.

A little further on my walk to work, I saw a worm wriggling on the sidewalk, clearly in distress. I walked on, then walked back, picked him up and moved him to the grass. Again, I could help this worm, but I can’t help my poor kitty. Maybe it all evens out somewhere.

My hike starts on Monday. I don’t know what I will do if my kitty hasn’t passed on by that time. I can’t see leaving her to die without me there to comfort her and say goodbye. Every time I leave for work, I give her lots of cuddles and tell her I love her, just in case it is the last time she will hear it from me.

I was late to work today by 11 minutes, but I was the first person here, so no one knew. Maybe saving the worm gave me just enough good karma to pull that off.

I wonder what the rest of the day will bring….
Janis, you make me blush! Down girl! I'm a meso-endo too, or an endo-meso, depending on the test.

Tricia, you made me laugh about the toilet. It simply has never occurred to me that a toilet repair could be so fraught with anxiety - I don't know if I've ever thought about what could go wrong- but you can bet I will next time!

Alisha, Weeds is one of my favourite shows, but I hardly ever watch it because it's never on at a convenient time. I hate to say it, but I have my doubts that your stomach issue is related to gluten. It just came on so fast, and so extreme; it seems to me that if it was a gluten issue it would be a more gradual thing over a longer period of time.

Christine, it's interesting that you like Turbo Jam. It isn't for me at all most of the time; I just find Chalene's style problematic and her cues to be extremely hard to follow. Fun, when I'm in the mood sometimes, though.

Jenn, I'm glad the bottom expander operation went okay. How'd you like Bikes and Trikes (back and triceps)?
Good morning,

Morningstar, WOW what a morning you had. I will keep your kitty in my prayers.

Bikes and Trikes I like! It's all those darn push ups I can't stand. :D

Alisha I hope your new medicine gives you some relief.

Tricia glad the bathroom turned out good. Enjoy the long weekend any plans?

Hi Janis and Christine what are your plans?

Today I think I'm just going to go for a run. I am going to aim for 3 miles.

I am so sorry to hear about your beloved kitty.

Is she in pain?

Maybe you can help your dear pet friend let go.:( Whether it be from a syringe from the vet, or by just 'laying on hands' and helping her to breathe/relax/feel, helping her to die peacefully is the kindest, most loving gesture of friendship and gratitude you can make.
Thanks, Janis. I don't think she is in pain, but as she no longer has the energy to move, pee or move her bowels, even the teeny bit of food and water she has taken in over the past couple of days is making her uncomfortable, I think. Unless she is clearly in distress, I will do my best to let her leave me on her own schedule. I have had to help other pets and will do it with her if I have to, but I don't think I will have to this time. She is just ready to go, and her body will figure that out soon. I was lucky to have her in my life. I adopted her off the streets about 5 years ago. She has been my personal money pit ever since, but she more than paid me back in purrs and cuddles.
Hellos to all!

Morningstar, I'm so sorry about your kitty! It makes me so sad to hear this news. I LOOOOOVE cats, so it's especially hard to hear about one of them being sick or near death. I'm glad she gave you such great companionship though during the time you had to spend together! I will keep you both in my prayers too!

That was a nice thing you did this morning helping that man. He could have just died on the sidewalk if you didn't call 911 and wait for them to pick him up. I hope everything works out with him too. My hubby has a good friend who was formally into some heavy drugs. He went through a lot but has been clean and sober for many, many years. Lets hope Christian has a happy ending too.

Oh, about Turbo Jam, I had trouble at first too following along but I guess I've done the cardio workouts enough times to get what's coming, even if Chalean doesn't cue me. I just have so much fun with the dance style choreography & music. (Although it's funny that I would never actually listen to that type of music on the radio, go figure!)

Jen, how was your run? I took my dog for another walk today, we went 3.4 miles. I let her jump in the lake when we were done, that's her favorite part! :) No major plans this weekend. My hubby is going to Albany with his dad in a moving truck to get some beds his aunt is giving away. We may have a mini-BBQ on Monday.

Alisha, did you go for your hike this morning? How are you feeling?

Hi Janis & Tricia! Hope you are both well!

I plan on doing Ripped & Chiseled today, maybe skipping the squats & lunges though. I want to work my upper body but my legs are tired. As mentioned above, I also walked my dog today 3.4 miles.

Hope everyone has a great 3-day weekend! :)
Its tough losing a fur friend.

Mstar- I'm so sorry about your kitty. We lost our beloved Jon The Kat a few years ago and it was so hard. I feel your sadness. That man was lucky to have had your assistance. Oh btw, I have no idea if I'm gluten intolerant. Maybe its just candida or a yeast issue.

Christine- I would have gone for a hike but I did not wake up early enough, which is ok because I have not been sleeping well. I am feeling a little better but I don't think my prescription helped because i had major cramping and did not go to sleep until 3 am. I just feel so weird.

I've spent the morning figuring out how I'm going to get back into the swing of things, easy rotation etc. and how I'm going to get a job (now that I have part of my brain back maybe I can get some serious skills under my belt.) I'm trying not to go back to bed even though I'm tired because I understand that its better to wait until night so that you don't get out of rhythm. I spent the night reading "Filmmakers guide to directing."

I hope that everybody has a good day, hugs/loves for everyone.:)
Hey, I am back from working out. STS legs today.

The entire family is home today, off from school and work, which has thrown me completely off my normal routine/timetable.

Morningstar, I knew, as I wrote my reply earlier ^, that you had already been processing/dealing with kitty's end of life, and had probably had been through it before. It seems, though, that humans and non-humans alike need permission to leave their loved ones behind when they drop the body. Sometimes they just need to hear/feel that it is okay to let go.

And, wow, your morning was quite eventful...a whole life lived in the span of a morning is a perfect description of how emotional/stressful/exhausting it must have been. You are very compassionate; Christian is lucky that it was you who came to his aid. Treating and turfing is, indeed, unfortunate. It seems like many drug addicts living on the streets end up choosing this lifestyle in order to self-medicate rather than stay on a pharmaceutical regimen. My BIL is bi-polar and has come dangerously close to being homeless, he was on a PhD path when his life spiraled out of control. He still cycles through periods of "believing" he is better, so he drops his meds, which brings on another cycle, and in turn he looks for rapid relief...around and around it goes.

On another note, how cool that you can test run your 5k route!

How long is the hiking trip? The days and the k's?

Christine - 3.4 mile walk and a whole body workout! Good for you! Your family bbq's sound fun, if they are mini it makes me wonder what is a full bbq? LOL! Have you tried baking with whole wheat again? Did you find ww pastry flour?

Alisha - how are you feeling today? Did the Donnatal help relieve some of the the spasms and pain? The body sure can get in the way, can't it!? [it took me so long to post, you posted while I was composing - I sure hope you get some relief and some answers soon! Sorry the drugs didn't help. :( } Celiac can be sneaky and cause sudden, debilitating pain. There are tons of forums/boards and supportive sites available that will give you enough info so you can to see how you fit in the continuum, or whether the diagnosis fits. Your book sounds interesting!

Tricia - burritos are our 'go to' food too! Well, I make them for everyone else, I don't eat wheat, but I'll pile all the good stuff on salad greens. Yum, salsa!!! What are your labor day weekend plans?

Jenn - how was your run? There is another check in thread, if you are interested for those of us who started STS in Sept. come join us there!

We have had some excitement this morning/noon as I sit here trying to type... three CDF (California Department of Forestry) planes have been flying low over the house. Turns out there is a fire just beyond the hill, which is obstructed by trees, so we can't see what is going on. My boys left to investigate. Normally they use helicopters....makes me wonder what is going on. [update] It was a house fire, I am told by the ds's, it is out now. Thank goodness....too close for comfort. [edited later to add a second update: I am told, this could be rumors, but I am told that it was an arson fire, set by the owner to cover up his drug operation, I am told the blaze started with an explosion. Based on that, the folks here are thinking meth.]

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Janis, your reply about the "mini BBQ" made me laugh! I don't know why I am calling it a mini one and assuming everyone knows what I mean, ha! At our last BBQ it was a whole day affair that included my mom, grandma, 4 siblings with spouses/girlfriends, and FIL with chips, veggies & dip, burgers & hot dogs, potato & macaroni salad, fruit salad, etc., etc. But this time it's only going to be a few of us and only an hour or two with just some grilled food, and then afterwards we were going to have a bon-fire. I guess by "mini" I mean less people with a whole lot less food and not quite as long in duration! :p

WOW, I'm glad to hear that fire is out!! That IS too close for comfort! I've heard how those fires can rage out of control!

I like to get some cardio in on my weight days but I have to admit that walking that far AND doing a pretty tough weight workout, I was wiped! Jari's Ripped & Chiseled is the toughest for me!
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Wow! Morningstar and Janis - Sounds like you two have had some kind of day!

Morningstar - Doesn't it feel good to help someone in distress? Christian and the worm were lucky to have you there today! I believe every life is equivalent in value!

Alisha - Hope you get some answers and relief soon!

Christine - What a workout today!

Hellos to Jenn and Janis! Wish I could join you in your STS rotation, but alas, I am STS-less!

On the other hand, although I did not run yesterday (something told me to come home instead - my DH ended not getting lunch at work yesterday, so it was a good thing I did!), today I went out and did 4 miles! Yes, that's right, I hit 4 miles today! Woo-Hoo!

We don't have too much actually planned - just want to get some biking in, take the pups to the Cliff Walk in Newport, maybe go diving or surfing again or get some tennis in. Haven't played but once this year! Partly because of the early summer rains and partly because I've been running so much! Just hanging loose and doing whatever the body wants!

Anyway, having some spaghetti for dinner, so I'll check back in later!

Realized I had totally forgotten about your kitty M'Star! I'm so sorry! I really don't know where my brain has been today. It is never easy to lose a pet, even when you expect it. They give us so much with no expectations and no grudges. I hope you are able to be with your kitty until he/she passes on. You and your kitty will be in my thoughts throughout the weekend.
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Well, I lost my lovely kitty at 9:14pm last night. For the most part, she went gentle into that good night. The last couple of hours she was convulsing every few minutes, but I don't think she was aware of what was happening and I don't think she was in pain. She didn't die alone and she was much beloved while she was with me. I don't know much about her life before I met her, but I know that she was happy afterwards. I wish I wasn't an atheist so that I could believe I will see her again, but maybe it was enough to have loved each other on this earth.

Thank you all.
I'm so sorry about your loss Morningstar, but I'm glad you were with her through it all. Know that, although you don't believe in an afterlife, she will always be with you in your memories and you will always have your love for her. You gave her a better life, comfort, happiness and security for the time you had her and I'm sure it was mutual.

Well, I lost my lovely kitty at 9:14pm last night. For the most part, she went gentle into that good night. The last couple of hours she was convulsing every few minutes, but I don't think she was aware of what was happening and I don't think she was in pain. She didn't die alone and she was much beloved while she was with me. I don't know much about her life before I met her, but I know that she was happy afterwards. I wish I wasn't an atheist so that I could believe I will see her again, but maybe it was enough to have loved each other on this earth.

Thank you all.

There is nothing a person can really say that helps you feel better. I care so very much and truly understand how you feel. I'm glad that you were able to be with her. I wish both of you peace.
Yesterday I ran for 35 minutes straight. I put my ipod on shuffle and just did it. It felt good although my abs were sore from "no equipment abs" the day before. :D

Janis, that is scary how close those fires are to you. Are your legs fried yet? You did do sts legs 2x this week right?

Christine enjoy your "mini bbq", we are also have a "mini bbq" on Sunday!:)

Tricia did you get any biking in this weekend?

Hi Alicia, how are you feeling?

Today I took a rest day and did some housework, grocery shopping.

Tomorrow will be STS legs disk 3 and ab work.

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