Good Morning Runners!,
I'll be less of a blabber mouth today, promise.
I am going to do a little run this morning. My ankle is better, less painful and not swollen in the evenings, so we'll see how it goes. I am still trying to get in to see a dr. about it, but with the long weekend, I doubt I'll be seeing anyone until next week.
Then it's onto STS disc 3 legs, I'll do disc 2 on Thursday and Disc 3 legs, again on Friday. I really enjoyed it yesterday, and yes, Christine, I was able to lift heavier than when I first started the program, but then again I was still recovering from an accident, and was also terribly out of shape. I think I do need the rotation structure the program provides, Morningstar, because I am so easily distracted. A 30 second rest could turn into a 3 minute or 13 minute rest or longer! I have tried various lifting programs, from books mostly, in the past and have not stuck with them do to boredom, circumstances, and my lack of focus. What I like about the 3.5 month rotation is, yesterday's dvd was only the second time I had ever seen that it remains fresh, and the subsequent dvd's either add something new or switch the order around, or change the lifting pattern, which also keep it fresh. We'll see how I feel in December. At some point I may be far enough along in my lifting that I won't need the dvd's to stay on task.
Wow, Morningstar, work sounds intense! Exciting, but intense! Your colleagues may be noticing cm loss that isn't reflecting itself on the scale (especially if you are glycogen,water,salt pumped), have you measured recently?
What a great time of year to take a hiking trip! When do you leave.
Tricia, 51 days til your bday! I'll have to write that down! Does that make you a Libra still? Isn't it a shock to see the age number increase! I certainly don't feel like I'm old....wiser, definitely, but not OLD! lol.
Christine, I am glad you like Jari's Ripped to the Core. I liked that one, and her first one. I did look around for the suggested rotation. I didn't find it, but if memory serves me it was basically every other day, with the exception of ripped 1000 can be done back to back with other dvd's since she says it is more of a cardio workout.
Alisha, how are you feeling? I second and third the recommendations that Christine and Morningstar have given you, get a second opinion from a western medical doctor, a Gastroenterologist is a good idea!
Jenn, take it easy, if you're not feeling 100% don't start STS just yet!
You guys are leaving me in the dust with your running progress!!!
off to take ds to school.
ETA: Back from my run, 3 miles (4.8 km dear, morningstar) in 27:59 minutes. And I swear, I had a little mini-morningstar on my shoulder watching each kilometer...whispering in my ear. I listened girl, I got off, I restrained myself from going longer! It felt great to run though! And while I was out there the dr.'s office called, they can't see me until 9/14 (firetruck!!!) but at least I finally found someone I feel good about.
{{{hugs}}} and {{kissess}}}

I'll be less of a blabber mouth today, promise.
I am going to do a little run this morning. My ankle is better, less painful and not swollen in the evenings, so we'll see how it goes. I am still trying to get in to see a dr. about it, but with the long weekend, I doubt I'll be seeing anyone until next week.
Then it's onto STS disc 3 legs, I'll do disc 2 on Thursday and Disc 3 legs, again on Friday. I really enjoyed it yesterday, and yes, Christine, I was able to lift heavier than when I first started the program, but then again I was still recovering from an accident, and was also terribly out of shape. I think I do need the rotation structure the program provides, Morningstar, because I am so easily distracted. A 30 second rest could turn into a 3 minute or 13 minute rest or longer! I have tried various lifting programs, from books mostly, in the past and have not stuck with them do to boredom, circumstances, and my lack of focus. What I like about the 3.5 month rotation is, yesterday's dvd was only the second time I had ever seen that it remains fresh, and the subsequent dvd's either add something new or switch the order around, or change the lifting pattern, which also keep it fresh. We'll see how I feel in December. At some point I may be far enough along in my lifting that I won't need the dvd's to stay on task.
Wow, Morningstar, work sounds intense! Exciting, but intense! Your colleagues may be noticing cm loss that isn't reflecting itself on the scale (especially if you are glycogen,water,salt pumped), have you measured recently?
What a great time of year to take a hiking trip! When do you leave.
Tricia, 51 days til your bday! I'll have to write that down! Does that make you a Libra still? Isn't it a shock to see the age number increase! I certainly don't feel like I'm old....wiser, definitely, but not OLD! lol.
Christine, I am glad you like Jari's Ripped to the Core. I liked that one, and her first one. I did look around for the suggested rotation. I didn't find it, but if memory serves me it was basically every other day, with the exception of ripped 1000 can be done back to back with other dvd's since she says it is more of a cardio workout.
Alisha, how are you feeling? I second and third the recommendations that Christine and Morningstar have given you, get a second opinion from a western medical doctor, a Gastroenterologist is a good idea!
Jenn, take it easy, if you're not feeling 100% don't start STS just yet!
You guys are leaving me in the dust with your running progress!!!
off to take ds to school.
ETA: Back from my run, 3 miles (4.8 km dear, morningstar) in 27:59 minutes. And I swear, I had a little mini-morningstar on my shoulder watching each kilometer...whispering in my ear. I listened girl, I got off, I restrained myself from going longer! It felt great to run though! And while I was out there the dr.'s office called, they can't see me until 9/14 (firetruck!!!) but at least I finally found someone I feel good about.
{{{hugs}}} and {{kissess}}}
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