New Runners Check-In; All Runners Welcome! August 10, 2009

Hey guys,

I found out that yesterday was the hottest day of the year in Toronto; in fact, it was so hot, it almost broke the record for that day. So I don't feel so bad about not completing my run anymore, especially with the pack and the lack of sleep. I really appreciate your cheerleading, guys. I felt awful about not finishing, but I feel better today.

Christine, that was the best incentive I ever heard for working out, in my whole life! I guess I must be a hare too. I hope your sore throat is way better today.

Tricia, my next door neighbour's dog is named Milo! I'm completely in love with him, he's a minature daschund and he's so freakin' cute. Why does your Milo have to be on anti-seizure meds? Thank you for the encouraging words - I may repeat week 4 too.

Janis: wild blackberry picking, followed by making a pie? Whatever century you're in, can I join you for dinner? I'll help you pick the berries!

Today's workout was a strength, full body circuit, no cardio. I just felt like doing my own today. I really wanted to hit the muscles in an isolated fashion, without too many compound exercises and no cardio factor. I didn't want to work too hard though, to be honest, so I did a lot of favourites in a circuit fashion, rather than working one muscle group to fatigue at a time. It also had to be quiet.

Here was my workout:

Equipment Needed
Ankle Weights: 2*5
BB: 65, 85, 50
DB: 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35
Mat, Bench, Band, Gliding Disk, Ball, Yoga Block
Time: 90 minutes
Calories burned: 723

Warm up, 5 minutes

Legs/ Biceps/Forearms/Wrists/Abs Circuit
Narrow squats, holds and 3 pulses, 8
Bicep curls, regular,12
Squats, narrow, 32
Plank, 1 minute
Static lunges, 24 each leg
Hammer curls, regular, 12
Gliding disk side lunges, 12 each leg
Gliding disk pikes, 12
Gliding disk slide back lunges, 12 each leg
Forearm reverse curls, 16
Wide squats, 32
Roll ups, 16
Lying band crosses, 64
Wrist curls, 12
Abductor leg lifts with ankle weights, 32 each leg
Butterfly crunches, high end pulses, 16
Gliding disk splits, 32
Wrist curls, 12
Plie Squats, 32
Weight over the head side to side bends, 24
Adductor leg lifts with ankle weights, 32 each leg
Reclining on Ball Bicep curls, 12
Ball squeezes, knees bent, 32
Ball squeezes, legs straight, 32
Weighted side bends, 24
Bridge butt raises, 24
Hammer curls, halfway holds, 12
2 leg calf raises, fast, 32
Regular crunches, 32

Pectorals/Back Circuit
Supermen, 24
Push ups, regular, 16
Pullovers, 12
Chest Press, 16
Double arm rows, 16
Push ups, wide, 16
One arm rows, 12 each arm
Chest Flies, 12
Posterior flies, 12
Push ups, staggered, 16

Shoulders/Triceps Circuit
Alternating Seated Shoulder Press, 12
Tricep dips, 24
Standing Ys with band, 12
Skull crushers, 12
Wide angle front press to sternum, 12
Skull crushers, 12
Lateral raise, bent arm, 12
Crossbody kickbacks, 12 each side
Arnold press, 12
Tricep bench press, 12
Shoulder shrugs, 16
Tricep dips, 16

Stretch, 5 minutes

I can't eat or drink anything but water this morning, as I'm off to get an abdominal ultrasound at 8:00am. I hope I can find a good, healthy breakfast downtown- I'm starving!

Have a fabulous day, everyone!
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Hey Ladies

I am back from my sweat filled morning. My workout schedule for this week is a little scrambled as my sister is coming up here for a day visit and then Friday she wants me to meet her for a spa day.

So, today I did 4dsplit kickbox, I ate, then I did gym styles. Tomorrow, before she arrives, I am going to do an interval run, (aiming for 6miles since my run yesterday was curtailed.) We are going to go wild blackberry picking, then I am going to teach her to make blackberry peach pie.

Christine did you run today? I just love your avatar! So sweet. That is you, right?

And a shout out to any runners I have neglected in my posts today, last week and beyond! Would love to hear from each and all! Remember to check in! :)

Janis a spa day sounds wonderful. I have only been to a spa once with a bunch of girlfriends it was a lot of fun.

Blackberry picking sounds like fun also. We have lots of farms in our area where you can pick your own fruit depending on what's in season. Once fall gets here there is loads of apple picking.

Hello runners!

Welcome, Jenn!! I got excited when I read your post because I live in the Hudson Valley, NY area too! I wonder if we are neighbors! ;) I actually DO have a neighbor named Jenn!!

MStar, I see the great advice you've gotten already and I'm not surprised with how great the gals in this check-in are :)D), but I wanted to add my 2 cents. I agree with the others, don't be so hard on yourself! I know that is much easier said than done, but you are already running out of your comfort zone by doing these intervals to begin with, and then add to that the weight pack, lack of sleep, and humidity (which does just about anyone in)! Sounds like your circumstances would make for a less than stellar run for any of us! Look at the positive side, you made it through the first 5 minute run! I came to a point where I felt like quitting too because I never thought I could do it, but it can be done! Just keep trying and you WILL make it! You cannot quit! I forbid it! I will not come and clean your house if you do! ;) Oh yeah, about that, since you live in Canada, that is going to be one expensive house-cleaning for me to make the trip! :p :p Seriously though, I hope you are feeling better tonight!

Janis, thanks for the compliment! That is me and my hubby on our wedding day! :D We got married in April 2008. Ooooh, spa day!!! That sounds like so much fun, I love that type of stuff!

Tricia, how nice that your run with your hubby! My hubby always gloats that he can run faster than me, but then I always remind him that even so - I can run farther! I'm the tortiose (sp?) and he's the hare! :p

Today's workout was Week 6, Day 1 of C25K. I ran 5 minutes, walked a few (forget how many), ran 8 minutes, walked a few, ran 5 minutes, then cool down. I struggled today because I've been battling a sore throat. I feel okay, just a bit sluggish. I also did GS Chest/Triceps (timesaver premix), Ab Jam Floor Abs, and a good long stretch with Slim & Limber.


Howdy neighbor! Where in the HV do you live? I live in Accord now but grew up in Kingston and I work in Newburgh!
Everyone is welcome no matter when they start up with us, so Jenn Welcome!!!!

This morning was sort of a mix match of jumping jacks and a little step (front step to be exact) and lateral jogging up and down the drive way. It was too dark to really use my dirt track so I just stayed close to the house. I did a 5 min warmup and then 20 minutes of 1 min of jogging 30 seconds of jumping jacks and then walk to bring the HR back to 150. It was fun. All of this at 5 am. Oh my. Still, I got up at 4:30 and it was ok. The only problem was I kept waking up all night thinking I was going to miss the alarm. lol. Broken sleep for no reason.

Thats good to know about the iPhone. There are two iPhones in the house that I can borrow.


Hi Alisha!! Your workout sounds great.

Ok now I must get ready for work. :( Will try to check back later. Hope everyone has a great day and great workouts. I did not workout this morning. Oh well maybe later or tomorrow.

Hi Early Risers (and those of us who'll check in later)!

Morningstar: Glad you feel better about everything today! Looks like you got a good workout in today - already! Wish I could do that! Get up early, that is! Good luck with your sonogram! Hope it's just routine and nothing serious!

I'm already feeling like not moving much today! I was already sweating right out of the shower this morning! We don't have central air. Why they don't believe in that up here, I'll never know. It does get hot in the summer!

I joined a 100 mile challenge on the Nike website, so now I'm trying to decide if I want to go run or come home and lift tonight! The humidity will make that decision for me later today, but now I'm all psyched about the challenge! It runs until January, so I have more than ample time to get it in! My DH is all gung ho about getting a Nike sensor now too! We're going to pick his up this weekend.

You know, they have team challenges too! We could form a Cathlete team and enter some of these challenges! Go on, you know you want to get a sensor! ;)

Have a wonderful day today everyone!

BTW, my DH is getting his CFA results today! (Certified Financial Analyst) It's his third and last exam. Keep thinking positive thoughts today!
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Good Morning Ladies!

I am in from my run and I am bumming. At mile 4, at the beginning of Challenge 3, Cardio Coach V8, my knee started twinging, as I headed into the hill climb my knee buckled. (Waaaahhhh). I took the incline down and tried to continue running, it was a no go! I came inside, took one of each - acetiminphen/ibuprofen. Hmmm feeling better - so I went back out to finish the run, I was thinking "Oh I'll knock out another 4 before my sister gets here." Ha. It was a no go! (I know I know Morningstar, I remember the lesson learned from my back! LOL!)

Now I am freaked out because it isn't just my left knee, it is my right ankle too! Damn. It must be from the kickbox workout from yesterday.

well, here are my stats for this morning:4.16 miles, 38:43 minutes, 226k Most of the run was at 7.0 on the tm. (oh, I changed the setting on my polar hrm from ownzone "basic" to "high" which put my target heart rate numbers in the right place. It will be interesting to see if I get more accurate caloric burn numbers.

Hey Morningstar, wondering what they will find with the ultrasound! May it be the outcome you are wanting. :)Wowzer on your circuit workout, how in the world do you do that AND be quiet? AND how in the world do you lift weights fasting??? Running I can do fasted, lifting - NOT. :D I was just thinking about the gliding discs yesterday. I am going to re-start STS soon and am actually looking forward to them! You're always welcome to eat at my table.

Tricia - great news about dh! Do let us know the outcome!!!

Christine - sorry to hear about your sore throat. Is it allergies? I used to be really susceptible to sore throats. At the first sign - I gargle. I alternate between warm salt water and hydrogen peroxide mixed with anti-bacterial mouthwash. (ibuprofen too....hey I make it sound like I live on ibuprofen, but truth is, I rarely use pain/anti-inflammatory meds.!!) Popsicles are good too.:):):) Wow! Your still newlyweds! Congrats on your first year!

Hi Jenn - spa days are nice. It has been hot here, so right now sitting in a vat of mud is not so appealing, the things I do for my sister. :) There is a swimming pool and two hot springs outside, so I may do some sloooowwww laps.

Hi Alisha, and all the other runners !!!
I had a meal out yesterday and even though I was within reason on my calories I put on 4 pounds. Poop. Ok. That restaurant goes on the "Do NOt Eat List" It usually takes me 4 weeks to lose 4 pounds. I feel like I'm treading water not going anywhere even though I'm working really hard. Dagnabit. I've readjusted my goal for the end of the year, to get back to where I had started the year, 8 pounds lighter than I am now. I know I can do it, I just need to stick to my guns. I'm hoping it was salt. I do look puffy.


This morning I did an hour of yoga and tonight is MIC. I should be off tomorrow. I tried to do the up at 4:30 am thing and was not loving it so I'm reduced to two runs per week (Fr/Sun) I will be keeping one interval run and one steady state.
First, too funny! I thought I was the only one who still used dagnabit! :p

Second, sorry about the weight gain. Has to be salt and water! I hate when that happens! Hopefully, most if it is water retention and it's gone by the weekend! That would be good!

Third - UPDATE! DH PASSED IS EXAM!!! Oh, when he e-mailed me, I was doing my Snoopy Dance in my head! This was the 3rd and final one. He passed the last 2 on the first go also! This one was the hardest! So, here we are 2 1/2 years later and he's done with that!

Now, it's on to grad school!

Oh, Morningstar - My Milo takes phenobarbital for seizures because a couple of years ago, he started having these little fits where he would stiffen up, shake, get really scared and pant a lot. They weren't lasting very long, but the vet thought they were small seizures, so we put him on the meds. He's been doing fine ever since!
I had a meal out yesterday and even though I was within reason on my calories I put on 4 pounds. Poop. Ok. That restaurant goes on the "Do NOt Eat List" It usually takes me 4 weeks to lose 4 pounds. I feel like I'm treading water not going anywhere even though I'm working really hard. Dagnabit. I've readjusted my goal for the end of the year, to get back to where I had started the year, 8 pounds lighter than I am now. I know I can do it, I just need to stick to my guns. I'm hoping it was salt. I do look puffy.


This morning I did an hour of yoga and tonight is MIC. I should be off tomorrow. I tried to do the up at 4:30 am thing and was not loving it so I'm reduced to two runs per week (Fr/Sun) I will be keeping one interval run and one steady state.
I had a meal out yesterday and even though I was within reason on my calories I put on 4 pounds. Poop. Ok. That restaurant goes on the "Do NOt Eat List" It usually takes me 4 weeks to lose 4 pounds. I feel like I'm treading water not going anywhere even though I'm working really hard. Dagnabit. I've readjusted my goal for the end of the year, to get back to where I had started the year, 8 pounds lighter than I am now. I know I can do it, I just need to stick to my guns. I'm hoping it was salt. I do look puffy.

Alisha, of COURSE it's salt! Unless you ate like five zillion calories, which I doubt, it pretty much has to be bloating from sodium (or carbs, which is how they affect me). You'll be fine in a couple of days, I promise!
Good Morning Ladies!

I am in from my run and I am bumming. At mile 4, at the beginning of Challenge 3, Cardio Coach V8, my knee started twinging, as I headed into the hill climb my knee buckled. (Waaaahhhh). I took the incline down and tried to continue running, it was a no go! I came inside, took one of each - acetiminphen/ibuprofen. Hmmm feeling better - so I went back out to finish the run, I was thinking "Oh I'll knock out another 4 before my sister gets here." Ha. It was a no go! (I know I know Morningstar, I remember the lesson learned from my back! LOL!)

Now I am freaked out because it isn't just my left knee, it is my right ankle too! Damn. It must be from the kickbox workout from yesterday.

well, here are my stats for this morning:4.16 miles, 38:43 minutes, 226k Most of the run was at 7.0 on the tm. (oh, I changed the setting on my polar hrm from ownzone "basic" to "high" which put my target heart rate numbers in the right place. It will be interesting to see if I get more accurate caloric burn numbers.

Hey Morningstar, wondering what they will find with the ultrasound! May it be the outcome you are wanting. :)Wowzer on your circuit workout, how in the world do you do that AND be quiet? AND how in the world do you lift weights fasting??? Running I can do fasted, lifting - NOT. :D I was just thinking about the gliding discs yesterday. I am going to re-start STS soon and am actually looking forward to them! You're always welcome to eat at my table.

Tricia - great news about dh! Do let us know the outcome!!!

Christine - sorry to hear about your sore throat. Is it allergies? I used to be really susceptible to sore throats. At the first sign - I gargle. I alternate between warm salt water and hydrogen peroxide mixed with anti-bacterial mouthwash. (ibuprofen too....hey I make it sound like I live on ibuprofen, but truth is, I rarely use pain/anti-inflammatory meds.!!) Popsicles are good too.:):):) Wow! Your still newlyweds! Congrats on your first year!

Hi Jenn - spa days are nice. It has been hot here, so right now sitting in a vat of mud is not so appealing, the things I do for my sister. :) There is a swimming pool and two hot springs outside, so I may do some sloooowwww laps.

Hi Alisha, and all the other runners !!!

Yikes, sorry about the knee! I had that happen a few months ago, but it was fine the next day, so chin up and cross your fingers, 'kay?

I actually love the gliding disks and use them in almost every one of my own workouts. The Gliding Disk splits are really effective for hitting the inner thigh. When I used to do all my strength training in the early morning (for 4 freakin' hours every day!) I always did it before breakfast. I'm not sure why it's not a problem for me. I don't need to eat before cardio, either, even HIIT.

The tech mentioned a cyst in my right kidney that was there last December; they just didn't mention it to me. Apparently lots of people have them and it's no big deal. Any other results I will have to wait until my doctor calls (unless there's nothing wrong, in which case I will have to wait until the cows come home- and you don't see too many of those in Toronto).
First, too funny! I thought I was the only one who still used dagnabit! :p

Second, sorry about the weight gain. Has to be salt and water! I hate when that happens! Hopefully, most if it is water retention and it's gone by the weekend! That would be good!

Third - UPDATE! DH PASSED IS EXAM!!! Oh, when he e-mailed me, I was doing my Snoopy Dance in my head! This was the 3rd and final one. He passed the last 2 on the first go also! This one was the hardest! So, here we are 2 1/2 years later and he's done with that!

Now, it's on to grad school!

Oh, Morningstar - My Milo takes phenobarbital for seizures because a couple of years ago, he started having these little fits where he would stiffen up, shake, get really scared and pant a lot. They weren't lasting very long, but the vet thought they were small seizures, so we put him on the meds. He's been doing fine ever since!

Congrats to you and your DH, Tricia! What kind of dog is Milo?
Hello everyone!

Jenn, I used to work in Newburgh! Accord is pretty far from me, I remember wanting to apply for a job at an animal sanctuary there and my hubby said the trip wouldn't be worth the pay. How long does it take you to get to Newburgh everyday??? That's a hike, isn't it?

Tricia, congrats to your hubby!!! I'm sure he is so relieved that the tests are all over! I hate those days where you sweat right out of the shower! :confused: During the summer months I hardly ever blow dry my hair, except for an occasion, it's put right back into a wet ponytail! :) what is the 100 mile challenge? Do you have to run 100 miles by January? I'm sorry about your little Milo's seizures, but I'm happy to hear his meds are keeping him healthy!! I just love animals and hate to see them suffer in any way!

Janis, I'm sorry about your knee & ankle! :( Did you hold ice on them? I know what will make them feel better.... that spa day on Friday!! :D I hope you are already feeling better. Don't be bummed, your stats look great so you did get in a good workout! I think I do have allergies, but they've never been confirmed by a doctor. I get stuffy when the pollen counts are high, and they've been high the past few days. I take Motrin too, and I had a bunch of popsicles the past few nights! Mmmmmm :D Thanks for the congrats on our one year anniversary, we can't believe it's been a year already!

Alisha, I agree with Morningstar that unless you ate "five zillion calories" :)p), then you couldn't have gained 4 lbs of actual fat. Sodium bloats me big time and makes the scale go up, up, up!! Drinks lots of water to flush it out, you'll be okay. I was wondering about your workouts. Maybe you are working out TOO hard? I only ask because I was doing that for the longest time, mega tough and long cardio/circuits/weights sessions 5-6x per week, and I couldn't get my weight to budge for a whole year! I was at my wits end and finally decided to back off and go with light intensity 4-5x per week (starting with just walking my dog 4-5x per week), the weight just started shedding. I was actually doing too much. I don't know how much you're doing, but you mentioned working out real hard, so I just thought I'd ask and mention my experience! :)

Morningstar, Awesome fully body circuit today! I'm glad you're feeling better about your run too. Who can compete against the hottest day of the year!!? The heat is really a drag when trying to run. I'm glad you made out okay with your tests. I get cysts on my ovaries which can be painful, but other than that they tell me not to worry about those either! My throat does feel better today, thanks for the well wishes!

Today's workout was Kickmax, followed by a stretch with Slim & Limber. WOW is all I have to say!! I'm not really into long or high intensity workouts anymore, but once and a while I get the itch to do one. I don't find the kick/punch combos particulary tough, but that kickbox challenge at the end is no joke! I modified some of the moves but made it through all the plie jacks and plyo jumps!! I couldn't ever do all those before. I finished with the leg drills! This is such a testimony to how running has built up my endurance and leg strength!

I also went to NJ today to pick up some blinds my hubby and I ordered for our back door. Our dining room project is almost all complete!

Have a great day everyone!
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Morningstar - Milo is a beagle. We got him when he was 2 yrs. old. He had been bought from a breeder by a family who waited 2 years to decide they couldn't handle him! Kept him in the basement in a kennel all the time! Poor baby! He's such a high energy, loving dog! A little "special," but I wouldn't trade him for anything!

Thanks for all the congrats! He is so relieved to have all that done!

The 100 mile challenge is part of the Nike+ Running Club. People create and join challenges that are posted by Nike and each other from all over the world, just for fun! I'm so psyched!

Janis - Hope you're feeling better tomorrow with your knee and ankle!

Sounds like everyone got some great workouts in today! Again, I missed :eek::eek:, but at least I had a good excuse! It should be starting to cool off tomorrow, so I'll be able to get my runs in! I'm going to need it after tonight's jumbo margarita and dinner! Buy, hey, we were celebrating!

Talk to you all tomorrow!

Hello everyone!

Tricia, congrats to your hubby!!! I'm sure he is so relieved that the tests are all over! I hate those days where you sweat right out of the shower! :confused: During the summer months I hardly ever blow dry my hair, except for an occasion, it's put right back into a wet ponytail! :) what is the 100 mile challenge? Do you have to run 100 miles by January? I'm sorry about your little Milo's seizures, but I'm happy to hear his meds are keeping him healthy!! I just love animals and hate to see them suffer in any way!

Janis, I'm sorry about your knee & ankle! :( Did you hold ice on them? I know what will make them feel better.... that spa day on Friday!! :D I hope you are already feeling better. Don't be bummed, your stats look great so you did get in a good workout! I think I do have allergies, but they've never been confirmed by a doctor. I get stuffy when the pollen counts are high, and they've been high the past few days. I take Motrin too, and I had a bunch of popsicles the past few nights! Mmmmmm :D Thanks for the congrats on our one year anniversary, we can't believe it's been a year already!

Morningstar, Awesome fully body circuit today! I'm glad you're feeling better about your run too. Who can compete against the hottest day of the year!!? The heat is really a drag when trying to run. I'm glad you made out okay with your tests. I get cysts on my ovaries which can be painful, but other than that they tell me not to worry about those either! My throat does feel better today, thanks for the well wishes!

Today's workout was Kickmax, followed by a stretch with Slim & Limber. WOW is all I have to say!! I'm not really into long or high intensity workouts anymore, but once and a while I get the itch to do one. I don't find the kick/punch combos particulary tough, but that kickbox challenge at the end is no joke! I modified some of the moves but made it through all the plie jacks and plyo jumps!! I couldn't ever do all those before. I finished with the leg drills! This is such a testimony to how running has built up my endurance and leg strength!

I also went to NJ today to pick up some blinds my hubby and I ordered for our back door. Our dining room project is almost all complete!

Have a great day everyone!
Christine - It takes me about an hour to get to work. You get used to it after while. I have drive over the mountain everyday and the views are beautiful so that makes it not so bad. In the winter the drive really stinks.

The animal adoption agency is right up the road from me. My sister got her dogs from there.

Tricia - Congratulations to DH!!! Hope you guys had an awesome celebration.

Alisha - I'm sure it's just water retention. The scale is such an evil piece of machinery. A man must of invented it to torture women. :p

Janis - Sorry about your knee hope it heals quickly.

Morningstar - just reading your circuit work makes me tired. Wow that is some workout.

No workout for me today. Just some shopping with DD(11) after work. Went to Payless, she got 2 flats and bookbag. I got a new bag. Yeah BOGO!!! Then I got my eyebrows waxed. Not fun, but a neccessity.
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Guys, this is going to have to be another $%^&%$ rest day for me. I got woken up at 1:30am and just couldn't not get back to sleep. This lack of sleep every night is just killing me and my workouts. I hope the rest of you have a great time kicking butt!
Hey Janis, I've been reading your blog; I hope you don't mind me commenting here (it's just easier). If you are already at 10-11% body fat, I really wouldn't recommend going any lower. 8% is the absolute lowest a woman can go without having dangerous repercussions (sp?) -that's essential body fat and we can't be healthy without it. If you continue to do strength training and cardio, but do not have a calorie deficit, your body should continue its journey towards the definition you want without going dangerously low in body fat. Even the 18% you started out with is considered a healthy body fat range for women.

That sucks about the credit card, but I'm glad you know where it is and that cash isn't an issue!

Not being able to delete your Facebook account freaked me out too- and Facebook is actually facing a court order over it from the Canadian government. It's not just Facebook- I don't think you can delete most of these types of things - I know you can't delete accounts on; we may not even be able to delete our accounts, but I'm not sure.
Good morning runners!
I had to be somewhere by 7:30 this morning so I actually got out for my run at 6:30am. I usually run around 8am and I have to say, it's soooo much nicer to run earlier in the morning! It was so breezy & cool, and the sky looked beautiful! Today was Week 6, Day 2. I did two 10 minute intervals with a 3 minute walk in between. I plan on doing GS BSB, along with some abs and a stretch later, but we'll see how they day goes. I have a bunch of stuff to do.

Morningstar, I'm sorry you're still not sleeping well. :( It really messes things up when you can't get adequate sleep! What woke you up at night? Was it something you can control so it hopefully doesn't happen again?

Tricia, were you able to run today? I'm hoping it cooled off for you!

Jen, that's so cool that you live right near that shelter. I actually have a shelter near me that I go to a few times a week. I love seeing the animals and helping out. I was actually there this morning to bring a bunch of kittens to get spayed/neutered.

Janis, WOW you are at 11% body fat!!?? I don't know mine, but I know it's more than that! I'd love to lose some more body fat, but not necessarily weight (can that be done?), so I want to know your rotation secrets!! Do tell!! :) How can I read your blog?

Hellos to Alicia and everyone else! Have a great day!
Hey Janis, I've been reading your blog; I hope you don't mind me commenting here (it's just easier). If you are already at 10-11% body fat, I really wouldn't recommend going any lower. 8% is the absolute lowest a woman can go without having dangerous repercussions (sp?) -that's essential body fat and we can't be healthy without it. If you continue to do strength training and cardio, but do not have a calorie deficit, your body should continue its journey towards the definition you want without going dangerously low in body fat. Even the 18% you started out with is considered a healthy body fat range for women.

That sucks about the credit card, but I'm glad you know where it is and that cash isn't an issue!

Not being able to delete your Facebook account freaked me out too- and Facebook is actually facing a court order over it from the Canadian government. It's not just Facebook- I don't think you can delete most of these types of things - I know you can't delete accounts on; we may not even be able to delete our accounts, but I'm not sure.

Hi Morningstar, I didn't sleep well last night either. What a drag you were woken up! Do you feel like a zombie? I want to go shake it off with a run, but both ankle and knee are griping at me. :mad:

I don't mind you reading the blog and commenting here. :)

The body fat calculator tools don't seem too accurate. I have visible fat! Not just "oh, I don't like the number on the scale" fat, but jiggly loose visible fat. Because I am genetically a smaller girl, I think the measuring tape and calipers give me an unusually small number. I have been trying to find a dunk tank to get more concrete numbers. What is confusing is I can see and I can grab hold of a handful of knee fat! (plus there is still junk on the front/back of my thighs.)

What would you do? (BTW how much do breasts weigh? If I don't have any - doesn't that skew the numbers too?)

If you continue to do strength training and cardio, but do not have a calorie deficit, your body should continue its journey towards the definition you want without going dangerously low in body fat.

Do you mean, persist, but not at a calorie deficit? (duh, you already answered this, I just read and re-read the above, it seems my reading comprehension is hampered by morning fogginess!)

If it was just my credit card in my wallet, no biggee, but my driver's license and my debit card were there too! What is the biggest pain though is the nearest bank is 25 minutes away.

The internet, world wide web of public domain, is a little scary. A bf from high school found me recently (not the facebook person). YIKES. I thought I had hidden myself fairly well. (kind of easy though when I am not creatively using cute user names - I never can think of any - but I digress) The weird part...and now that I think about it...he could be reading this right now...any way the weird part is he told me I was the one, and he has been holding a candle for me all these years, and he was hoping we could resume our relationship regardless of the fact that I am happily married. Blech! No thanks.

You're a very patient person! Reading my blog!!! LOL! For someone who spends most of their day silent, I sure can blather on in writing!

Anyone who is mildly curious about my life and my fitness journey here is the link:
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Good morning runners!
I had to be somewhere by 7:30 this morning so I actually got out for my run at 6:30am. I usually run around 8am and I have to say, it's soooo much nicer to run earlier in the morning! It was so breezy & cool, and the sky looked beautiful! Today was Week 6, Day 2. I did two 10 minute intervals with a 3 minute walk in between.

Janis, WOW you are at 11% body fat!!?? I don't know mine, but I know it's more than that! I'd love to lose some more body fat, but not necessarily weight (can that be done?), so I want to know your rotation secrets!! Do tell!! :) How can I read your blog?
Have a great day!

Hi Christine, you made me laugh out loud, I mean literally laugh out loud, when you told me you knew what would heal my knee/ankle. (spa day on friday.) Very cute and funny.

Congrats on nearly finishing your dining room project. I bet it'll look great!

Week 6!!! look how far you have come - pretty soon that 3 minute walk will feel unnecessary! (except maybe for a brief sip of water.)

I've lost 12-13 pounds, (about 9 pounds of actual body fat.) I just did what you are doing, eating clean and alternating weights with cardio. I followed the recommendations in Burn the Fat Feed The Muscles, the ebook by Tom Venuto, ran, and lifted to STS. It has taken 8+ months. Even so, the scale still does the up/down dance. :)
Tricia!!!! Congratulations to you and your husband!!! How was your celebration! Is he thrilled and relieved that this hurdle is over!?

I bet you give him lots of nurturing support.;)

And Tricia, the heat is getting to all of'll get back to it, I know you will. Yesterday, picking blackberries, then assembling and baking two pies in two 475 degree ovens - I thought I was going to die. I had sweat pouring down my back. My sister, who is a nurse, kept commenting on my vascular arms. lol! (except the way she does it, it always turns into some sort of complaint/criticism of herself.:( it gets tedious after a while.)

I confess - I tried to go run. :rolleyes: The first minute, I was like, "yeah - I love running, god this is great" and then it was "you dumbass stop the tm right this minute!" lol. I'm stubborn, I know.

Hi Jenn Hi Alisha. Hi all other runners who I am hoping will chime in.:)

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