
Active Member
Okay, so I got a new puppy a week ago and still haven't named the little pooch.

I need a good name for a small dog (he's a yorkie), male of course. But I'd like to name him something unique, or at least relatively uncommon, exotic even, yet fittingly cute and easy to pronounce.

I've asked my husband to help me but he just shrugs, and looking through loooong list of dog names on the internet has given me a headache.

Anyone have ANY ideas at all? I can think of tons of female names that I love, but can't think of any male names.
Okay, here's a stretch.

James Herriot (of All Creatures Great and Small fame) was a vet in Yorkshire. Maybe you could call him Herriot and he could be Herry (or Harry) for short?
Can you post a picture for our inspiration?

My favorite pet as a kid was a dog named Pogo (after Pogo the possum of the Pogo cartoons). It was very appropriate for a bouncy little dog as well.

But you'd probably have to be a Pogo fan to want to use that.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
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What's the name of that guy in that old movie Gigi? A French movie? I think he had a good name. With that song about leetle goils? Off to do a google search...

...okay I found it. I guess I was thinking of "Gaston". LOL, maybe it wasn't such a great idea... it was just as you were describing the little guy I flashed on that movie for some reason!! :p

Leslie Caron stars as Gigi, an avant-garde French waif being groomed as the fille de joie of affluent and handsome Gaston (Louis Jourdan). Soon Gigi metamorphoses into a stunning beauty, and the head-over-heels Gaston asks for her hand. But Gigi's courtesan grandmother is aghast: No one in the family has ever considered something as plebian as matrimony! This 1958 gem won Oscars for Best Picture and Best Director (Vincente Minnelli).
We recently got a Brussels Griffon and I named him Punky. He's cute cute cute. My son bought his girlfriend a teacup yorkie and he wanted to name him Mojo but girlfriend won out and his name is Oliver and he's called Ollie.

Are you looking for small names or are you thinking hypermasculine? Coming up with an appropriate name really is hard isn't it.
Hi Sherry,
I don't think that is so geeky. I named my orchid Ophelia.

For the dog? Do you want an incongruous name for a little dog? If so, how about naming him after one of Cathe's workouts? Viper. lol

Other names: Feist, bijou, zorro,corky,dudley,gilad,arnold,skippy, elton, merlin.
Sorry I hit the key to fast. How about Morgan, Milo, Aldo, Nikko, GinGin, Dino, Scrappy, Bingo, Sirus, Cisco, Robbie, Bruno.....

There is only one name. My DD has approximately 1 million stuffed animals and I am asked to help name each and every one of them.

The name?

Dave. Don't know why, but that's the one I picked when I could just not come up with one more name! }(
My brother named his new dog Ziggy, if that helps any. I'd base it on the dog's personality or look. If we could see a pic, I think we could help a bit more.
I know you're tired of going through lists of names, but here's what I did with my last one.

She is a Giant Schnauzer so I went to the library and got a book on German names. Picked out "Izella" which means "little princess" in German.

Course she is large (110+ lbs.), but she is definitely a princess:7
We named our dog Woody, but he's a big, clunky, yellow lab and the name suits him perfectly. However, we sometimes call him Puddin' and I think that would be cute for a Yorkie...your own little Yorshire Puddin'! I also like the name Putter for a small dog.

So Puddin' or Putter are my votes :)
I love the name Snickers. Next pup I get is going to be called Snickers. I also love the candy bar. The best.

Good luck at picking a name.

God bless,

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