new pill info....

What an informative thread. Thanks for all the info on FAM, I'm going to check it out. Anyhow, I hestitated giving my two cents on this topic because many may disagree, but I will anyway...

For all those open to alternative medicine, I highly recommend the book "What your doctor may not tell you about pre-menopause" by Dr. Lee. There's also one about menopause for those that are older.

Anyhow, I used to be on the pill and hated the fact that I was messing with my hormones. I did not feel like myself while on it and was even psycho at times. Now that I'm off the pill, I feel so much better.

Since then, I've read the book I recommended above and wish I had read it years ago (when my mom gave it to me, but I was too "busy" to read it). Would've stopped the pill even sooner.

Just wanted to share some info with those interested...

I'm new at posting here, but had to say thanks so much for this great information! It was an answer to prayer for me this morning. I have been using NFP for 20 some years and have some questions as I enter pre-menopause. I plan to check out the book and web sites mentioned. I hadn't heard it called FAM before, so want to check out any new information that I may not be aware of. Thanks again!
I read _Taking Charge of Your Fertility_ over the weekend, and really found it interesting! Right now, though, my big worry is that she says that when you come off the pill, your cycle will be very messed up for awhile, which makes me nervous since we definitely want to avoid pregnancy. At this point, though, I am definitely getting off of the pill since I, too, don't want to be on hormones anymore. My DH has been saying for years that he would have a vasectomy, so I think that we are going to consider that route.

Thanks, Melissa, for recommending the other book! I'm going to order it right now since it looks really interesting and useful!

Thanks, everyone!
Melissa: Thanks for the book recommendation - it looks very interesting!

Leanne: Glad you liked the book - I love having all of that information! What I've learned about post-BCP cycles is that some women return to their normal cycle patterns right away, and others take a bit longer. I'm only on my 2nd cycle after stopping the pill, and while this cycle seems more "normal" to me, the 1st one was 54 days long. Not to scare you, but just be prepared. (However, my best friend's cycle returned normally and on time - not fair! x()

The only thing that helped me keep my sanity was regularly charting my fertility signs - never for a minute did I think I was pregnant (even with the delayed period) because my signs were telling me that my body was just trying to ovulate (which it did, finally!). I've also been taking Vitex regularly and drinking a lot of "women's teas," which I think have been making a difference in this cycle.

Kudos to your DH for his willingness to get the "snip, snip" done!!! We don't even have kids yet, but I'm already trying to "plant the seeds" in DH's mind about having the procedure done after having children! Right now he's in the "never in a million years" stage, but I'm gonna keep working on him slowly! ;-)
You're welcome! Hope you like the book and find it somewhat informative. I feel it never hurts to read alternative info then judge for yourself what might work best for you. I always hesitate making recommendations, but I've taken after my mother. I can't help giving advice or at least make people aware of other options, opinions, etc.

I need to read Taking Charge of Your Fertility as well. So far DH and I have been lucky. Wish he'd get a vasectomy!

Thanks so much, Zora, for providing this info! I hadn't realized that it could take quite so long for our cycles to return to normal, so it's reassuring to hear that it took you so long, but that that was normal for your body in order for it to re-adjust. I think that I'm going to buy some Vitex to help ease the transition.

Over the past week, I've also been looking into the non-hormonal IUD, but it seems like it can cause heavy bleeding and cramps during menstruation. The whole idea of it sounds a bit scary to me!


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