New peeve

L Sass

I live in Cleveland, where LeBron James plays basketball. I LOVE the deltoid muscles - I think they are a thing of beauty to see and one of the reasons I love to see basketball players play is because I think it's awesome to really SEE the arm muscles working together, but mostly those delts.

Last night I saw a VERY large, obese man, who appeared to be in his late 20's or early 30's wearing a LeBron James jersey, with the flab hanging out in ripples. So flame war me if you will, but I think large, very out of shape men who have no clue about what a deltoid even is (speculation there) should NOT be able to wear that kind of jersey. YUK!!!!!!


"Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever"
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
hahahaha! I completely agree! However, on CNN's home page, there is a story called "Ay Caramba! Fat men are hot".
It's just wrong.
Susan C.M.
No, they are NOT!

Some people don't realize how they look until they see photos of themselves, hard as it is to imagine. The camera doesn't lie. Too many people don't really take a good look in the mirror before they go out.

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias[/img]
IMO, it's no different than all the overweight females walking around wearing low cut jeans and half shirts with their belly fat hanging out. I'm sorry, I just don't understand how they can look at themselves in the mirror and say "Dang, I look GREAT!"

Sorry, just my thoughts.

I think it's interesting that we preach a lot here for the need for self-acceptance and then don't bother practicing that with other people. Why are we so concerned with how anyone (or everyone) else looks?

I guess I don't understand why we spend so much time judging everyone else. On the other hand, what goes around does tend to come around, so...

Just because people are bigger does not mean they should not enjoy the clothes they like or in style. I am sure they see themselves in the mirror and see fat rolls. I am sure they are insecure about it as well. How sad is that? It is even more sad that they are judged.

Maybe they DO look good, compared to how they looked before. Maybe they're on a journey, as many of us are. Who knows what their story is?:)
at work, we have a new security guard. he is 6'9" and over wieght. he wears a black suit so he looks like cop with his arms crossed and sometimes dark sunglasses. he looks scary but is very nice.looks can be decieving.

As a formerly morbid obese woman who is now petite (originally size 26-28, now size 4), I can tell you, and studies confirm, that there is something called "body dismorphia". Obese people look in the mirror and see "pleasingly plump" or chubby; they do not see what the rest of the world sees! They usually see the awful truth revealed in photographs, and that's the reason many avoid having their picture taken.

On the other hand, when they shed the pounds, they don't see a fit person in the mirror either! No, again, what they see is plump or chubby. Again photographs reveal the truth.

So, they probably don't realize what they look like to you. And when you look in the mirror and see somebody who works hard to maintain physical fitness, they may see something else entirely as well! Perhaps if they sense you are looking down on and/or judging them, what they see is not very attractive either. I can tell you, it hurts to have people who don't know you judge you on account of your appearance! May it never happen to you.
Couldn't agree with you more, Marie (red mct).

I have to say that one of the reasons I read Cathe's forums religiously is because everyone is usually so encouraging and supporting. I'm overweight and am at this very moment wearing a sleeveless tank top. I'd hate to even think what might be said about me:-(

Thanks for your "been there, done that" insight. Sometimes we need to imagine walking in the other guy's shoes before we pipe up.

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias[/img]

Don't let one person's ignorance bring you down. I am sure you look awesome in your tank top! Personally, I would rather have a few rolls and a big heart as compared to giant deltoids and no heart!!

Jeez, of all the things to have "peeves" about and this person picks this.....pure #$%#^%!!!!

Well, as I said, flame war me if you want. I'm not saying he's not a good person, I'm saying there was something ironic about the paradox of the definition in b-ball players arms and how they are shown off in those jerseys, vs others when they're not. This gentleman put himself in the public eye to be seen. That doesn't in anyway mean he's not a nice or good person, and I'm sorry that those of you who would fan this flame think that's what I meant to say. I didn't think I said that at all. Oh never mind ladies, I'm sorry I said anything here.


"Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever"
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
I want to apologize for my previous comments. Yes, all of you who said it is not fair to judge anyone else are completely right and I felt terrible about it after I posted it. It is not fair of me to judge anyone. I used to be overweight as a teenager and I was very self conscious and wore everything 3 times too big because I didn't want anyone to see what I really looked like, so maybe that's why it is difficult for me to understand those who choose to wear more revealing clothes. I realize that we are not all the same and I'm sure there are those out there who are happy with who they are no matter how they look, and I think that is wonderful. Maybe I wish I felt more that way even now when I am no longer overweight.

I am truely sorry if I offended anyone and please know that my comments earlier had nothing to do with people being overweight. Just from my own personal experience I guess I have a difficult time understanding someone elses choices. But, as I agree, it is not my place to comment or judge.

It is TTOM, so maybe I'm just not the nicest person today.;(

Katie, what a gracious post. :)


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage

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