New peeve

"I'd apologize for being negative towards you for not being vegan, but I never did that and I never would do that. And I'm not saying that you said I did do that."
Again, apoligies extended to anyone I may have offended regarding their eating habits/ certainly wasn't intentional. I am guilty of getting sucked into the negativity and after this experience I may very well decide to stay out of the fray as well (thank you for the kind words Nancy) and leave the mudslinging to others. Do know Amy that I appreciate your comments and would be happy to extend a wedgie that anyone who gives you trouble about skipping the animal products.:)
Erica I think you are absolutely right and I am sorry for that. But don't you think that this is not only selling the sports gear but actually encouraging, praising, and promoting really unhealthy choices? I think that's what I found most disturbing (I was at an event where this was one of the "star" appearances). It's not that people who carry extra weight are unhealthy or unattractive by any means, but cheering on people to buy and consume massive amounts of fat laden, trans fat loaded junk (another judgment - sorry) so that they can be among the heaviest with the biggest bellies to squeeze into a garment is, I think, a little contrary to what most of us on this forum would believe or advocate (again, not meaning to speak for everyone).


"Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever"
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
As an occasional lurker who decided, perhaps regretably to sign up, I can help but to note the irony. It's amazing that people can be so concerned with eating the right foods yet be so unhealthy spiritually. I think I would rather eat barrels of trans fats than be as cruel as some of you been to your fellow human.
Since Deb hasn't done it yet...I will! :7

*takes knife out of back pocket and begins stabbing at computer screen*

Die thread! DIE DIE DIE!!!! ;)
I find it interesting. Really, really interesting. Every time one of these pissing match threads starts up, inevitably veganism, clean eating, breast implants, overeating and being overweight gets dragged into the discussion. I guess it really shows who brings their "baggage" to the table doesn't it? Yes, I probably should have stayed out of this one and let it die. Wouldn't it be something. Really SOMETHING. If we could all agree and disagree without throwing ANY insults at anyone else? Now THAT would be a worthwhile thread.:eek:

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