new kitten


A litter of kittens was abandoned in my neighborhood. My neighbor kept one and we decided to keep the other. He is all gray and sooo cute. He is a big mush. This is our first pet. At about 9 pm he gets all wild and starts running around the house playing with anything that is on the floor. He is very funny!!..
Funny neighbor told us the cat was a girl ( i didn't notice I assumed she was right). Well we took the cat to the vet and she told us she was a boy. Kinda shocked us. My boys named him Dusty so we didn't need to change the name.

Question for anyone with cats. Does anyone have the automatic litter box? Do you think its worth it or should I just get a regular litter box. I bought the breeze and I hate it!!!

Here is a picture of him:


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How sweet of you to adopt the kitty. What a cutie. Reminds me of "skeeter" our gray kitty when I was growing up :D
Congratulations on your new family member! ;) What a cute kitty!!

I've never tried an automatic litter box. We have the kind with a lid and a swinging door. I found that Yesterday's News litter (it's pellets made of paper) works best for our cat- a lot less tracking of litter on the floor. :p

Good luck with your new kitty!!
Congratulations! What a handsome little fella! I love the way they play! Dusty is great name! My next litterbox will be an automatic one!
Chrissy, congrats! Did you see Gayle's post about her new kittens too? Must be something in the air!

I have 3 cats and no auto cleaner. I think if you keep up your litter boxes and make it a habit, the regular boxes won't be such a chore. I have 4 boxes which I clean(scoop) every day and there is no smell - ya just have to stay on top of them.

Enjoy you new furbaby!
I think he is too little for an automatic litter pan. If I remember correctly--I have had 3 and they all broke after a couple of years--there is a size/age guideline. I wouldn't spend all that money for the automatic for such a young kitten anyway. You will get used to scooping and then you can rethink it when he is older. Just be sure to get him neutered. Take him to the vet and get him vaccinated and tested. Nothing is contagious to you but could be to other cats. Congratulations! Your family must be so excited and he sounds like a fun kitty. Pets for Dusty.
I have zero kitten advice, but just had to agree w/ everyone else that Dusty is sooooo adorable! He's looks like a sweetie too! :)
I have an Omega Paw litter box and it works well. They call it self cleaning because you simply roll the box to clean the clumps. No fishing! The sand is filtered through and the clumps roll into a pullout tray. You can get this at Pets Mart.
I also bought my cat citikitty. It's a way to teach you cat to go on the toilet...Yes, like Jinks from Meet the Parents!:p I was unable to teach my cat but I think it's because he is 16 and could care less about learning something new at this stage in his life. I know I will always have cats so one day I will train a kitten to use the thing. I hate litter boxes too!
Here is the site There are testimonials on there. :D
Congrats on your new family member (he's a cutie!)

A litter of kittens was abandoned in my neighborhood. Does anyone have the automatic litter box? Do you think its worth it or should I just get a regular litter box.
I tried an automatic litter box, but none of my cats did!, so I returned it (thank goodness Walmart accepted it for a return!). They had absolutely NO interest in it whatsoever. IMO, it's not worth it.
i would never use the CITIKITTY CAT TRAINING SEAT. 2 weeks ago my cat was taken to the vet because she was drinking a lot and not urinating. she had a lot of blood in her urine and christals. hopefully it wont b a kidney problem. i seem him again tomorrow. also, if u use a litter box keep the lid off! i did not notice til i took the top off the litter box that she had a stomach virus by watching her stools.
My daughter who was home from college this summer adopted a kitten she named Harlow in July. Since our other two cats are 15 years old, it's been awhile since we had a kitten around. As we feared, my husband and I became quite attached to him. Our daughter left for college today with our "grand-kitten" in tow. It's already too quiet and lonely around here! However, our other cats are relieved.

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