New Forum Idea for Exercisers over 35 - Anyone Interested?

Lets do it!!

I would be very much interested in having a forum dedicated to "35 and Fitness". When the menopause thread came up, I have to admit I was a little scared. I am 39 and in the best shape of my life, but fear the big M. Once I started reading the comments in the thread I became less scared and found myself not as anxious about it all. I think that woman over 35 need reassurance. We need to know that we can get fit, stay fit, be sexy,youthful and strong. Such a forum would certainly help us to maintain that confidence not to mention educate us all. Deb D
One Last Try

I didn't want this to get lost into the archives without giving it one more chance to see if enough people are interested in the idea. If not, I promise to go gracefully.
Lucky me... :)

I am not Jewish or Christian, so the traditional winter holidays were not celebrated when i was a child - but it still was annoying to get "lost" in the midst of it all

Speaking of over 35 - have you read Outsmarting the midlife female fat cell?

I found this book to be very fascinating and motivating in terms of exercise!
Great Idea

Hi. I don't post often, but read a lot. I'll hit the big 50 on 11/29 (can't wait, I'm so excited). Yes, count me in. I think this is an excellent idea. Plus I can always use extra motivation.

PS When I previewed Circuit Max and Cardio Kicks all I could do was shake my head and say "Girl, I'm scared of you!" But I modified, modified, modified and got through them. I love all the new tapes.
Go to Open Forum - Fit in the Middle

For those of you who expressed interest in this issue, I took the liberty of posting a new topic "Fit in the Middle (With You)" (major groan.....) with a couple of sub-topic questions to get things going. Okay so the title may leave a bit to be desired, but one of our first tasks should be to find a good name.

I look forward to all of your wisdom!!!


I love the name!! I mean "Fit In The Middle"!! (I already told you I liked your name! My Mom's name! Hee-Hee!)I'll go check out the open forum & see what all has transpired. Thanks for taking the intiative!

I Love Your "Goals" Comment!!

Larysa - What a beautiful name! I also love "young hippy chicks." Perhaps that could be worked into the new thread (forum????? name).

We seem to focus on the here and now challenges so much - thank you for the reminder to look ahead!

Definitely Interested

At 37, I'm facing a lot of different fitness and health issues than in my 20's, so it would be great to have an over-35 Forum.

Sharon H.

Exercise is the fountain of youth, IMO. I want to keep going as long as I can!

Please keep me posted!
Terrific Idea!

I know I sure wouldn't mind a forum for our special needs.
I'm currently going through a horrendous battle with my midlife changes (among other things) and it would be nice to be able to discuss them with others who are going through the same thing.


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