New DVD scratched up


UPS just delivered my new DVD -Timesaver about 10 minutes ago. When I opened the box, I could hear the DVD moving around in the case. I know that is not normal. Well, when I opened it, it was not placed correctly in the center of the DVD case. Therefore, it must have been moving all around during shipment. I look on the back, and it is all scratched up. I am so mad. This is the only one that I ordered. I am new to Cathe. I just started in Sept and I only own 2 other DVD's and they did not look like this when they arrived. What should I do?
In her post dated December 8, Cathe says:

"Once again, as a friendly reminder, the following can also be found in the "contact us" section of our website.

"The quickest and best way to reach us is always by e-mail. If you receive a defective video, have a question or need any kind of help...then just e-mail us and we will get right back to you .

You may also call our order center (800-433-7837 - USA and Canada customers only), but this is only an order center and answering service that we contract out to. They will gladly forward your question or problem to us and we will contact you back by phone. For faster response time, always email us whenever possible."

I know that they are really backed up trying to get the pre-orders out, so you should hear something soon!
Hi Affirm,

I had the same experience with my Timesaver DVD and it was the one that I was most looking forward to receiving. Well I popped it into the DVD player anyway to see if ANY of it would play and so far (knock on wood) the whole DVD played fine. I haven't tried the workout blender feature with it, but I did try the volume control feature and it continued to play fine.

I was thinking of just posting a note to SNM customer service so they will have a record that I received a scratched DVD in case it decides to go looney in the future. Remember all Cathe's DVD's are guaranteed. If your's does not play properly I'm sure they will replace it. I have always has excellent customer service from them in the past.


I have had exactly the same experience! The DVD was rolling around in it's case and is all scratched up. It won't play at all. In fact, three of the four DVDs won't play a single chapter. Very disappointing. I am contacting customer service. They have always been wonderful to me.
My DVDs were rolling around in their cases as well, but upon preview, seem okay. There are some slight "skips", but they seem to right themselves quickly. Perhaps SNM should look into a different case supplier or be more careful about securing the DVDs to the case before shipment.
Ooh - sorry to hear they are all scratched up, that's a bummer! From what I've read though, SNM is very reliable in their customer service. You shouldn't have a problem getting new discs if yours do not work due to the scratches. I also wanted to add that these DVD cases do appear to be more secure in holding the discs than the I-Series and other previous DVD's. The center piece is different this round - perhaps the reason they switched was to avoid this kind of thing...
Have you tried using a DVD cleaner as these will sometimes fix scratches as well. The cleaner I have has some type of cleaner you apply that, I guess, kind of fills in the scratches. I have always had very good luck with this. I'm sure it depends on how deep the scratches are if it will work or not.
I was pretty worried as well. My Timesaver and my Supersets DVDs were rolling around in their cases. So far they seem to be playing alright so I hope that continues.
One of mine wasn't set in it's place properly either. So far, it plays well too. I too noticed these cases are a bit different. You have to press harder to set the DVD in place. I'm thinking in the speed to get these out, they stuck some of them on the circle, but didn't press hard enough to secure them. Too bad some arrived damaged.

I contacted SNM and they responded saying they would send me a replacement with a CD mailer to return the old one. Thanks for letting me vent.
That's good to hear. The UPS man delivered my DVDs about 5 minutes ago and I had the same problem with the Timesaver one - loose in the case and all scratched up. I haven't tried playing it yet, but I will soon. I'm so happy that SNM will send a replacement without hassle if needed.

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