New DVD - Resistance Band and Stability Ball Only?


Active Member
Hi Cathe,

Im not sure if this is the appropriate forum to ask (it was here or the video forum) but I wanted to know if it would be possible to do a "limited equipment" workout DVD? I selfishly ask because Im thinking about doing Peace Corps (thinking about it)but my fitness regiment is still important to me (i'll have limited electricity for my laptop). But I also think that this is a good DVD to do just because it does not require much equipment (maybe a chair, various resistance bands and stability ball) so its good when I don't want to lug out my 160 lbs weight set. Little set up, little clean up. Still all around intense. I don't know. Just a suggestion. Thanks!!!

Hi Lynette! I have this workout on my line-up in the future. It will be the traveler's workout. I actually was very close to filming it and intended to squeeze it in before STS but the demands of STS didn't allow for that to happen. Thanks for your suggestion :)
I can't wait for this traveler's workout! Wish it was already out as I could have used it several times this year. ;-)
Yea!!!!! I travel all the time and would love this. I'm in sales and I have a lot of overnighters and it would be great to take Cathe with me. :+

This sounds like a great idea, especially the band part, I think this would be good for my 70 year old mother since you have control over the amount of tension. Keep us posted! Kay
Cathe I'm glad to hear you have a Travelers Workout in mind. Put my name down on the list for getting it whenever you find time to do one ( or a few :))
I have to stop packing my weights in my suitcase now the airlines are charging for extra weight per bag. Oh heck. They're even charging for bags...
I have been searching for Cathe's vacation workout that she posted awhile ago, but am having no luck finding it. Can anyone help me? TIA!
IU don't travel much any more but I still love the idea of the workout. Sounds great and I hope you eventually manage to film it.
I don't travel but I do hope this workout is still planned because some days there's just no extra energy to pull out a lot of equipment. :eek:
Hi Lynette! I have this workout on my line-up in the future. It will be the traveler's workout. I actually was very close to filming it and intended to squeeze it in before STS but the demands of STS didn't allow for that to happen. Thanks for your suggestion :)

When can we pre-order???

I am going to Boca with the family for Thanksgiving and the only reason I DON'T want to go is I can't workout down there. We drive down, but I can't take the weights with me and so I always end up running and hurting my back or knees. For one day, that's fine, for a whole week though...Ugh! Plus, if I hurt myself, it makes it really tough to get back on track when we get home.

And my mother-in-law (God bless her) has no idea how to STOP FEEDING US!!! And if you don't eat whatever sugary concoction she has bought from the special Jewish bakery of the month, she gets offended. The funny part is that after she stuffs my DOH and the kids with junk food, she tells DOH how heavy he's getting and he gets mad. LOL!! Now that's ENTERTAINMENT!! :D

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