New Cathe DVDs

What are you looking for in a workout?

I bought BM2, LIC, and DM. I love them all, as they have fantastic music, innovative moves, and give a great workout. I did not want B&G because I do not enjoy parts tapes and wanted more cardio options. I also did not pre-order so I do not have cardio fusion. But as I said before, what are you looking for your new purchase to accomplish?
I want something that is similar to Body Fusion or cardio and weights, I love those DVDs but I dont have an hour to workout. I have 45 minutes at the most

With that being said I want something similar to Body Fusion or Cardio and Weights.

Thanks so much
Hi there,

I have done all the new DVD's and they are all great! If you want more cardio with a little lower body weights that are optional and upper body weights that are also optional you should get Body Max 2. I love the step routine and you continue to get cardio benefits during the leg work.

Low Impact Circuit is done with a similar format to Cardio and Weights, but instead of having compound weights followed by upper body weights after each step combo, LIC has lower body weights followed by upper body weights after each step combo. Obviously, it is low impact compared to mixed low and high impact in Cardio and Weights.

Body Max 2 has 3 step combos after the warmup (mixed impact), then 4 "power circuits". Each power circuit consists of a step section, a step blast (more demanding aerobically), with lots of impact followed by leg weight work. Then comes about 20 minutes of upper body work, much of it done on a stability ball, followed by abs and stretch.

Have fun with whatever you end up getting.

I would also like to add that these new workouts have fantastic premixes that shorten the workouts and allow you to focus on only upper body, only lower body, only cardio, only circuit, or only circuit with an emphasis on lower or upper body exercises. They range from 30 to 80 minutes long, with most averaging in the 45 minute range. I love the premixes and it makes the DVDs seems to have dozens of workouts on it instead of only one.

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