Negative comments I've heard about Cathe workouts

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>By all means discuss shortcomings of Cathe's workouts (and
>they do exist), but have some common sense and class by DOING
>IT SOMEWHERE ELSE than on Cathe's board.

I agree. Which is why I think this thread has no place here (since it obliquely brings those criticisms back here, where of course it is going to stir up disagreement, regardless of the OP supposed intent).
>Thank you Chiquita (and a few others who have posted mature,
>productive, and on-point stuff) for being someone who sees
>things in the proper perspective.

So those posts that support you are "mature, productive, and on-point" and have "the proper perspective"?

Kind of like saying you don't want to stir up a debate (as in "I don't want any posts that disagree with me").
"I think a lot of us are having a problem understanding why you would do that."

If you read the person's response, you will see that she did in fact explain why she did that, and it seems sincere enough to me. Isn't it funny that even after she explains, people go on to next attack her explanation? Totally uncalled for IMHO. I don't blame her for then finally calling people on it. But alas, perhaps a bad choice as bullies never like to be put in their place.
You're defending a person who wrote THIS??!!! You call THIS a sincere explanation?:

>>>>>I'm here to talk about fitness, not engage in games. But I suppose I should have been more aware that this is a faceless, voiceless webboard, and for all I know, I am interacting with teenagers, which is clearly not my preference. If anyone wants to have a real conversation about fitness levels and the business of home-fitness workouts, then perhaps we can start a new thread, as this thread has clearly been poisoned by immature drama-queens. Sorry to offend, but you all have earned the right to be called-out on your ridiculousness, and I'm sure many would agree, even if they don't post that they do. And I'm sure the drama-hungry will have a field day with this post I'm writing now, so go your thing, but I won't be watching anymore because it's not a level I wish to sink to.

Oh yeah, she really garners my devotion. YOU are obviously not reading correctly.

Hey fitgoddess - what happened to the love you felt for the Cathe board where you claimed there was no drama?
What is so funny is I have been reading all of this on both boards and I actually do not know what intentions fitgoddess had but the best way to handle these kind of situations is ignore the person if you think their intentions are not good and go on with your day. She has been called immature and told she must have to much time on her hands. Looks like others have way to much time on their hands and are a little immature themselves to follow her from one board to another just to tattle. What are you the forum police? :p
We have now locked this thread as it appears to be going South in a hurry and there really doesn't seem to be anything further worthwhile to discuss.
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