Need some good friendly help


To my wonderful friends here at Cathe, I need some help. Last year my mom passed away from cancer so when the STS was coming out I really didn't follow it very much. I was intrested but never could get enough time to really check it out. So after she passed I decided to run a marathon in her honor for Live Strong. For me that meant really no heavy weight, just endurance workouts. My body is in need of an over haul. I'm not the A typical runner. My body does so much better with weights and less cardio. I'm the kind that gains weight when I run. Go figure. So this year I am treating myself since I have the 20% off coupon thanks to Cathe and her calander. I have looked though all the searches and I find bits and pieces of things I want to know but I would really appreciate if someone could just take the time to put it all down for me.

1. Do I need to purchase any additonal equiptment. Many of the searches say no but does it effect the workout. I have all the weights and barbells but do I need a tower or a pull up bar which I don't have. I have one green band too.
2. . What is the thrid cycle for. I know the first is endurance, and the second is heavy weights. What is the third.
5. How is the program set up. Is this a 5 day a week program or three days with two cardio. My sister ordered the schock cardio for Christmas. She is going to let my borrow it in Feb.
6. What is the workout manger people are using to get reps. Do you buy that or is it free on Cathe.
7. How were your results. I'm looking to lose weight and tone up.

Ok. that is about it. Thanks to anyone who can help me.
Hi Karen,

Congrats on jumping on the STS train! It's fantastic! In answer to some of your questions:
1) you have the weights- great. You will need a step, and either a pull up bar or elastic tubing. And when you get to Meso three a tower allows you to go much heavier when doing chest presses etc. I did go through the whole program once without the tower.
2)the third mesocycle is strength. The second Meso focuses on definition and muscle building, but in the third cycle you raise the weight and lower the reps.
3) STS is a three day a week (every other day) workout. Monday, wednesday, friday for example. I do cardio in between days. And between each mesocycle you have an active recovery week before you start the next meso.
4)Workout manager is free on cathe's site. It'll record your results, give you calorie counts and you can print work cards for each STS workout. Before you start STS you take one rep max tests and record them there. Then they will show up on your workcards (one rep max tests are time consuming, but easy and beneficial to STS results-instructions are in the STS manual or on the site).
5) results vary for all of us from what i've seen in people's posts. I gained muslce and have more definition pretty much everyone. More importantly, I feel stronger and healthier than ever. I've completed the STS program twice already and plan to go for a third round in February. I do recommend trying to eat clean. It definetely helped me see more result the second time I did the program.

Oh- and of course we all know how great Cathe is... but STS is definetely her best work yet!!

have fun,
Jenn, thank you so much. I really appreciate the time you took to answer me. I'm gettting such a good deal with the coupon. Initially I was going to order meso 1 and 2 but then I got the 20% off and to get all three is like a $35 difference. So you know I have to get them all. I am so ready to begin something new. I loved gymstyle but even more so slow and heavy so I cant' wait for STS. Thanks again for helping me.

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