need opinion on lower body workout


I am ready to order more Cathe and I need your advice. I want another for lower body. I have Gym Style Legs and Pyramid. What is the next best and if I were to order two more lower body, which two are best. I really appreciate all the input on this sight. Thank you so much! I am five weeks into Cathe and I absolutely love it!
I would recommend Legs & Glutes. It's a little different from what you have already as the exercises are less tradional but every bit as effective (I love this workout!)! I would also recommend Leaner Legs (also known as Meaner Legs! :)). Legs on the Pure Strength Series is also excellent!

Hope that helps!

Thank you. I will be ordering tomorrow (Easter today, no one working....except in the grocery stores and some retail)
I would go for PS legs and leaner Legs because they offer grater variety than any other combination and are more different from what you already have.

PS legs is more strength orientated than any other lower body workout, except S&H legs, and Leaner Legs is the queen of endurance workouts for the lower body and will prepare you like no other for all your explosive cardio work.

Just wanted to say I agree with Clare:D

Clare can I say you ALWAYS give such good advice!!:)
Take care,
I usually do Legs and Glutes and the floor work of PLB.GS legs is great too.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Thank you all. I just ordered seven videos (great price with the discount, free shipping and free video, couldn't ask for more) including the all the above. Give me six months and I will be ten years younger thanks to all of you and Cathe.
yep... legs & glutes! my second favorite (used to be my favorite.. til gym style legs came out!

how about low max? that way you get cardio and a great lower body workout together!?

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!

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