need maximum weight loss rotation :) Pls help me stay motivated!!


any one of you fabulous fitness divas wanna recommend a no-boredom maximum weight loss rotation?

i'm one week into recharging my fitness batteries after a 3 month hiatus. I got married in September and completely abandoned my fitness routine after my honeymoon/all you can eat fest in Jamaica... (gained a hard to believe 20 lbs. since then - UGH!)

anyway, i'm intermediate to low-advanced and while I like variety, I will do fun factor workouts over and over again...

Prob is I have TOO many Cathe workouts (if there is such a thing) and often feel like I'm doing them with no real structure, rhyme or reason. I tend to procrastinate with strength workouts, but know they're necessary to help burn fat. I LOVE step and kickbox and usually reach for RS, Step Blast and Tae Bo for my cardio. Beginning to incorporate Pilates as well because it really helps with my lower back pain.

I've lost as much as 35 lbs. before, so i know i can do it, just hoping that a good, solid rotation will help me stay motivated...

anyhoo, here's my Cathe lineup:

RS+ (RS, MIC, Imax)
Imax 2/CW
High Step Circuit
High Step Training Advanced
Pure Strength
Supersets/Push n Pull


Step Blast

i'm grateful for any advice/suggestions! I don't know if i'm alone out there, but i really have a great feeling about 2005!

You can try this :

_MIC and the abs of PUB



-The workout 5 of timesaver (48 minutes) of the timesaver dvd and the first 5 intervals of IMAX 2.

-Push n Pull or superset and the cardio of one of the ctx workouts.It is your choice.

-Step Blast and the abs of C & W


There are lot of great rotations in the rotations forum too.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:) :)
Hi! Just read your post and I can certainly sympathize. I am also trying to lose 25 pounds I put on over the past year and a half. I had a great resolve to start the new year out right, rejoined weight watchers and then I've been sick the past week and haven't been able to work out. I felt better today and managed 20 measley minutes on the exercise bike, without coughing too hard.

I join you on this quest for losing those pounds and getting healthier and feeling better.

I don't have a lot of suggestions except do it one day at a time. That's all I can ever seem to manage but they add up and it will work!

Hang in there and I hope to see the both of us posting on here in a few months about our success!

We can do it!
I would recommend alternating a circuit workout (eg high step) with a cardio day, taking a day off as needed, and varying the cardio. That way you will be burning lots of calories and getting weights in, but in a fun way.
hey lynn, i hear you... we can do it one day at a time... i'm always ultra motivated with the rest of the world in the month of January.. let's see if this year, we can make it stick, huh :) Oh, and hope you feel better.

And Shaz, thanks for your response... mixing in a rotation of circuits is exactly what I plan to do. I'd never really been a circuit fan before, but I finally broke down and bought SJP and I love it. I'd done pieces of it before on TS, but it's not like having the real thing to move quickly through everything. Anyway, I'm going to see how much of Cathe's Jan rotation I can make it through without modifying. I'll probably throw in some Tae Bo and/or Powerstrike on cardio days and I may swap a Pilates workout for an ab workout, but i'm seeing that people believe in circuits to "shock the system"... hope this rotation works for me...

Pam, if you're body type is anything like mine, maybe this will work for you:

I understand the importance of muscle in increasing metabolisma and burning fat, so strength training has to be a part of my workouts. However, too much strength training, mixed with the large amount of muscle mass in my body, equals no big weight loss, even though my size gets smaller (muscle weighs more than fat, so this makes sense). The most frustrating thing is I can feel all these new muscles on my body, but they're covered with this soft layer of cushion. I want to get rid of that cushion.

With that said, I've been doing so much strength training in my current rotation that I've been frustrated with my lack of weight loss. So, over the weekend, I developed a 3-week high cardio rotation that I will implement when my current rotation is over. This 3-week rotation only has one upper body and one lower body workout incorporated per week, whereas I normally do two of each. Varying intensities of cardio will be done 5-6 days each week. This has worked for me in the past when I wanted to shed pounds and lean up quickly, so maybe it will work for you, too.
thanks for the tip catwoman.

i think what i will do is one month on cardio-circuit-strength mix rotaion (i.e. Cathe's Jan 05), and then one month on heavy cardio, once/wk weights like you said. i'll fool around with this depending on how my body responds. it's tough to know exactly what to do, mainly because I've lost 35 lbs. two consecutive times now, doing Wt. Watchers and a cardio/lt. strenght training mix, then I hit a plateau and then I get frustrated and gain back most of the weight.

This is my third try at getting it right (of course i did just get married -- that's my excuse this time - ha ha -- I'm just now bouncing back from my all-you-can eat fest at our honeymoon in Jamaica). Maybe that is why I'm living on the boards, and making sure I have every motivational workout DVD known to man at my disposal, so that I can once and for all slay the procrastination demon and reach my goal.


ps - i'm about to crossover into the world of MIC next week. It'll be my first try at it. I consider myself intermediate to advanced, but from what I hear (and see, now that I've gotten it) that tape is straight from hell (ha ha)... Anyway, I've ordered my Enell bra (serious support) so I'm ready to strap those puppies down and go for it!!
As just a little follow up, I did Imax 2 for the past two days (Sunday morning, then again last night). I think I lost about 2 pounds in those two days. Of course, I also ate Cooking Light recipes those two days, too...but I've done that before without any weight, I'm attributing the little burst of weight loss to the fact that I haven't done much strength training for a few days and did high intensity cardio workouts instead. As such, I'm really looking forward to my 3-week cardio rotation! I won't do high intensity every day, just so I don't over exert myself, but I think the high cardio, low strength training formula will boost my weight loss significantly.

Good luck with this, Pam! I hope you have success!
I think I just might try your plan . Ty . I have 10 more pounds to go scale hasnt moved since Sept. ! Down 48 though !!I will let you know if it helps . :) :)

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