Need input - IMAX 3


I am trying to decide whether or not to purchase IMAX 3 and could use some feedback. I am 47 years old and am not sure how much stress this workout would have on my knees. So far I haven't had any problems with workouts such as Rhythmic Step or Step Blast but don't want to over due it on my joints as I get older. Thanks for the imput!

Lorie O
>I am trying to decide whether or not to purchase IMAX 3 and
>could use some feedback. I am 47 years old and am not sure how
>much stress this workout would have on my knees. So far I
>haven't had any problems with workouts such as Rhythmic Step
>or Step Blast but don't want to over due it on my joints as I
>get older. Thanks for the imput!
>Lorie O

Hi Lorie O. I am 48 and love IMAX 3 for a couple of reasons: 1. It is an hour long and just as tough as the other workouts. 2. It is extremely challenging and thus, 3. i feel great when I'm done. I don't have Rhythmic Step but compared is Step Blast it is much harder}( . there is a lot of jumping on/off the step, plyos, jacks, so if you have joint problems it might not be great, but if you're not experiencing problems, then go for it. And you can always make adjustments in the routine where needed. And make sure you wear good shoes!
Hi Lorie ~
I've done (and I use the term loosely) IMAX3 two times. There is an appreciable amount of "jumping" in this workout. Jumping w/ both feet on and off the step; airborne jacks, airborne squats w/ turns, tuck jumps, uneven squats, (you get the idea). If I had existing knee problems, I'd tread cautiously thru this one.

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
I agree with Kim. Although I do love this workout it is way too hard on my knees. I can't do more than once or twice a week :( Plus my knees aren't even that bad but this one sure tends to bug them! There have been some other threads on modifications that might help.
Hi again ~

Cathe is quick to remind us to cushion the landings by using our muscles, not our joints. This is an exercise in "form" for me because I'm naturally heavy-footed. It's tough to do when you're pushing through high intensity segments. I am trying to focus on being lighter on my feet, absorbing the landing w/ my muscles and "accelerating" the intensity. It's an incredible challenge. Good Luck!

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
This workout is done on the 6 in step but is full of pylo moves bith on and off the step. If you have no knee issues, go for it. You can always modify some of the jumps to be more knee friednly if needed.

PS....have you ever done,love that one and it is not as hard on the knees, IMHO of course!
I have trouble with my knees too, and I find IMAX 3 very stressful on them. But I modify. Instead of plie jacks I do regular jacks or low jacks, and I take rests when I need them. I also do a lot of the blasts just on the floor which takes away a lot of the impact. Also, I often do just the step part too and eliminate the blasts. It gives a pretty good workout, and if I want more I can do it again or do the step part from Low Max too.
Hope that helps.
IMAX 3 is very stressful on my knees. I've modified the blasts to lessen the stress, but I don't see myself using this too often.

IMAX3 is a fun, fun workout. The moves are not repetitious either. I find myself quite mentally engaged during this workout which I love. But I am finding it hard on my knees. I do IMAX1 and IMAX2 quite often and they have never bothered my knees. But this one definitely does. I have been trying to modify it in various ways though.
IMAX 3 is absolute murder on my knees. I've been doing it once a week since I received my Hardcores, and even with modifications, I feel shaky later in the day. On the other hand, I just did Rhythmic Step today, and in the midst of doing it, I thought, wow, this isn't hard on the knees at all compared to IMAX 3. I am definitely going to reduce my times doing 3 to maybe once a month. I much prefer IMAX 2.

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