You might want to try Eoin Finn's Power Yoga for Happiness 1 and 2 which have premixes and full practices from about 30-80 minutes. He doesn't do inversions (he might do shoulderstand but that's about it) but does do some good arm balances. The title is true -- you feel very happy after doing these!
Here are the chapter details for PY4H2:
Chapter 1 - Shoulder openers, child's pose, cat/dog tilts, lat & chest stretch; chest stretch; downward dog
Chapter 2 - Sun Salutations A and B
Chapter 3 - Standing Flow 1 - forward folds 1 and 2, chair pose, chair pose flow (tough!), one leg head to knee, warrior 1 flow, warrior 2, side angle, crescent, triangle, half moon, revolved half moon, one leg forward fold, standing forward bend and chest stretch; revolved chair/side crow option
Chapter 4 - Standing Poses 2 - one leg downward dog with twist; sprinter's lunge, revolved prayer twist; one leg stretch; I.T. band love; 3 little pushups
Chapter 5 - Standing poses - inverted table, warrior 1, warrior 3, warrior 3 lunges, standing big toe front, standing big toe to side, standing big toe 3 with twist, one leg balance, vinyasa, repeat next side, tree; half lotus eagle
Chapter 6 - Core Work - 2 boat poses, gomukhasana arms, boat with twist, boat to submarine flow x 3 lift chest to feet, windshield wipers; supine twisting cross lateral
Chapter 7 - Hips and Twists - pigeon; half spinal twist; gomukhasana twist; gomukhasana with arms added
Chapter 8 - Seated forward bends - seated forward bend, butterfly, wide leg forward bends, revolved wide leg forward bends
Chapter 9 - Shoulder Extensions - table pose, one leg table pose, shoulder extensions, shoulderstand, supine twist
Chapter 10 - relaxation
Eoin does great hip openers; core work is short but good; also great balancing poses.