Need help - yoga dvd


I need to buy a new yoga dvd. I am getting sick of my favorite two - Rodney Yee's power yoga and Bryan Kest's 3 series power yoga. They need to be inter/adv to advanced and about an hour long. Does anyone have any ideas for me??? Thanks.
You might want to try Eoin Finn's Power Yoga for Happiness 1 and 2 which have premixes and full practices from about 30-80 minutes. He doesn't do inversions (he might do shoulderstand but that's about it) but does do some good arm balances. The title is true -- you feel very happy after doing these!

Here are the chapter details for PY4H2:

Chapter 1 - Shoulder openers, child's pose, cat/dog tilts, lat & chest stretch; chest stretch; downward dog

Chapter 2 - Sun Salutations A and B

Chapter 3 - Standing Flow 1 - forward folds 1 and 2, chair pose, chair pose flow (tough!), one leg head to knee, warrior 1 flow, warrior 2, side angle, crescent, triangle, half moon, revolved half moon, one leg forward fold, standing forward bend and chest stretch; revolved chair/side crow option

Chapter 4 - Standing Poses 2 - one leg downward dog with twist; sprinter's lunge, revolved prayer twist; one leg stretch; I.T. band love; 3 little pushups

Chapter 5 - Standing poses - inverted table, warrior 1, warrior 3, warrior 3 lunges, standing big toe front, standing big toe to side, standing big toe 3 with twist, one leg balance, vinyasa, repeat next side, tree; half lotus eagle

Chapter 6 - Core Work - 2 boat poses, gomukhasana arms, boat with twist, boat to submarine flow x 3 lift chest to feet, windshield wipers; supine twisting cross lateral

Chapter 7 - Hips and Twists - pigeon; half spinal twist; gomukhasana twist; gomukhasana with arms added

Chapter 8 - Seated forward bends - seated forward bend, butterfly, wide leg forward bends, revolved wide leg forward bends

Chapter 9 - Shoulder Extensions - table pose, one leg table pose, shoulder extensions, shoulderstand, supine twist

Chapter 10 - relaxation

Eoin does great hip openers; core work is short but good; also great balancing poses.

I'd try Shiva Rea. They're really good (but a bit too advanced for me right now).
I'm in love with Brian Kest's Power Yoga. LOVE that DVD (and he ain't so bad either!).
My vote is for Yoga Shakti from Shiva Rea, but then I dont own Eoin Finn's dvds. You cannot go wrong with this DVD. Beautiful production and lots of material. Amazing yoga sequences including advanced poses with excellent instruction.

Other notables:
a. Spirit of Vinyasa Flow Yoga by Deb Dobbin
b. Maha Sadhana 2 (pranamaya production) with Dharma Mittra
c. Baron Baptiste's stuff - he has many advanced DVDs and I like the DVDs of his live classes. Quite athletic and strength oriented in his approach.

I have heard a lot of good stuff about Mark Blanchard for advanced yoga but I havent tried his stuff.
Chiming in here...I recently discovered a free (yes, free!) podcast in the ITunes store called Elsie's Yoga Class - Live and Unplugged. There are about 80 downloads, all approximately 1 hour in length from her live classes. There is quite a variety, and I love that she radiates energy and positive motivation. As long as you are somewhat familiar with the names of yoga poses, you can close your eyes and pretend you are in the room with her. I highly recommend it. And what have you got to lose - it's free!
I also have to agree with Shiva - I like Fluid Power and Yoga Shakti. Both of these have matrixes so you can put together your own practice within your own time frame. Deb Dobbin's is also great. There are three practices on there - one beginner and two are intermediate to advanced. The beginner is 39 minutes and the other flows are 70 and 71 minutes. I have done all of them and they're really good. Has great hip openers and arm balances. Jennifer Lynn also has a great vinyasa flow practice. I think the whole thing is about 75 minutes but it's broken up into four quarters so you can pick which ones you want to do.

My vote is for Yoga Shakti from Shiva Rea, but then I dont own Eoin Finn's dvds. You cannot go wrong with this DVD. Beautiful production and lots of material. Amazing yoga sequences including advanced poses with excellent instruction.

Other notables:
a. Spirit of Vinyasa Flow Yoga by Deb Dobbin
b. Maha Sadhana 2 (pranamaya production) with Dharma Mittra
c. Baron Baptiste's stuff - he has many advanced DVDs and I like the DVDs of his live classes. Quite athletic and strength oriented in his approach.

I have heard a lot of good stuff about Mark Blanchard for advanced yoga but I havent tried his stuff.

OOh, those are great suggestions. I too also like the Shiva Rae dvds. You can try a bunch of yoga dvds on netflix without having to buy them.
Thanks everyone. Over the last week or so I have been reviewing ALL the sugestions. They all seem so good that I don't know which one/s to buy. I only found most of them on though. Is there anywhere else to find them?
Other than trying them out through your library, Blockbuster online, or Netflix, Amazon will probably be your best source.
like the previous poster mentioned, you could try these on netflix or from your local library before you purchase. i've done that a lot with yoga and fitness dvds. in fact, there are some i like but dont feel the need to purchase because i can always request them again! can save yourself some $$ and the hassle of returning in case you don't like them after all...

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