Need help on a step move and a kickboxing move...


There are two Cathe moves that puzzle me and I'd love some help.

Step move - can someone walk me through "over, face in, over"? I know it's an over-the-top move but I get messed up on my feet. Say I start turned to the left, so my right foot is nearest the step. I step up right, step up left, step down right, step down what?

Kickboxing - in a couple of workouts Cathe says to "chamber your kick." What does that mean?

Tks in advance,
Confused Allison
Hi, you step up with the right foot, follow up with the left foot, the right foot comes down off the other side of the step,follwed by the left foot but when the left foot is coming off, you place it such that you are doing about a half turn into the step and you are now facing in the opposite direction. You repeat the sequence from the other side of the step. Right foot up first etc.

I believe chambering is important for positioning your leg for a kick. If you are doing a front kick, it involves raising the front leg with knee bent to a position that will let you accurately and powerfully land your kick. For a side kick, a bent leg is raised to the side to a position that will enable an accurate kick. Cathe sometimes just does the chambers without the kicks as a warmup or preparation for kicks.

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