Need Encouragement . . .


I ask so much of you all :eek:

I am signing up for the Portland 1/2 Marathon that happens in October of this year and I'm very, very nervous :confused: - I have only been running since August of 2009 (LOVE it!!!) and I'm scared. I'm almost 99% sure I can do it, but I'm afraid that the "real" runners will see right through my facade and know that I'm out of my league. . . of course I intend to do it anyway, but having never ever experienced anything close to a marathon I don't know if I'm getting in over my head . . . .
I've toodled my way through many a 5K, a handful of 10Ks and a 1/2 marathon and the "real runners" have never bothered about me in the least. I think that's because I make sure to line up in the appropriate place for someone who runs my pace - that would be the back of the pack for a local 5K or for a 1/2 marathon, in the 11 - 12 min/mile box. The real runners start off well ahead of me and have never looked back to think about me or why I am there :D. Don't worry about it, pick a good training program (I like one I got from Runner's World, they have several available online) and have fun.
My Dearest Friend,

I am 100% triple-positive that you will have no problem running the 1/2 marathon. The more experienced runners will be cheering you on as we all will be. The running community is a supportive one. I am ALWAYS at the back of the pack and have received nothing but support from the more experienced runners. Please be sure to check out the race results from last year. You will not be alone and you won't be last either. I have been in races with 2000 runners and races with 45 runners and I have not come in last yet...and I am slooooow!!

BTW....I am doing my first 1/2 in November.

Oh and guess what? You are a REAL Runner!!!
Travis, . . seriously woman have you not seen your very own success story that till this day continues to inspire me??? Girl you so can do it. Don't sweat it. Just go and have fun. You'll be surprised how well you do when it is over.

Keep us posted on how it goes.
Travis, no worries! What date is it? Maybe I'll come out and do it with you. I have friends in Portland I like to visit in October. I did the rock 'n roll half marathon in Chicago last year. I did not train for it. I know, I know, that is so bad, but I was moving and getting divorced and I just couldn't do it. But I went anyway and I stayed with my friend who had only started running earlier that year. We went at her pace, which was pretty slow (13-14 minute miles) and took walk breaks when needed. After mile 7 or 8 we walked more than ran and then completely walked the last 3 miles. But we did it! We were both tired and sore, but we finished.

My point of all this rambling is you can do it! And I concur that the running community is a supportive one. And just remember--at least you're out there doing it. That's better than the majority of the population!

Train well and have fun with it. I was supposed to do a half in Cleveland next month, but I have a stress fracture or a bone bruise on my big toe and could not start training when I should have. So I signed up for the 10K instead. We'll see how it goes!

Hugs and take care!

Lisa, Jane, Janie, Anne . . . I love you guys. . . thanks so much. :D

I can do it, I will do it, it'll be fun and I'm very excited and Anne if you want to come out PLEASE DO!! :) The race is October 10th!

I went to Borders on my lunch and bought a training book -- I plan to enjoy this journey!!

Never fear, Travis! There are always beginners or just first time marathoners at all events like this! You will do great! You'll probably meet up with some others in the same situation as you also! You may even be able to hook up with a pacing buddy! There are already people running the MCM who are looking for pacing buddies!

I think that is fantastic and so exciting for you!

You are awesome and you're going to be as successful there as you have been with the rest of your fitness!

Keep us posted!
Travis, there isn't a doubt in my mind that you can't run this marathon. Every one has to start some where. You can do it girl. :)
Travis, darlin'! Of course you can do it!! If my short little legs can survive a 1/2, I'm sure your wonderful self can!! I did the 1/2 in San Diego Rock & Roll about 100 years ago and it was awesome and amazing and I lived to tell about it!! Just finishing is all that matters- finish in your time! Get into your zone and focus on having a great time and feeling proud for every single glorious step you take!! You will ROCK it, I am positive!! :D:D

Big hugs to you!
you guys are so great . . . thank you thank you thank you!!! I'm so excited. I'm off to read my training book :D
Good going, Travis! Training for a big even like that is all about the journey.

And I'll keep that in mind as I plan my travel for the rest of year. If I decide to do it, I'll definitely get in touch with you. Have fun!

The real runners

Are probably not thinking about you much, if anything they are thinking about themselves or worse looking at your Cathelete muscles and saying "Dang, she works out!":D

Don't worry. Go check out the "Two Gomers Run a Marathon" podcast and you will feel much better about yourself. They are just two regular guys and I guarantee you they aren't half the athlete that you are. If they can do it, you can do it!
Hi Travis!
I'm sure you can do it!
A friend at work does it and I will ask her about suggestions. Also, I'm pretty sure Lululemon in the Pearl has an ongoing training to prepare for it. Let me look and I will send you a link on Facebook. I think you will meet some nice people to train with there!

Also, it looks like all the various training events are after work, so, I don't know if you can arrange your time to stay downtown those days or not, but, it looks convenient from the proximity to work perspective for you! Also events are on Saturday and Sunday. I can see you getting involved with this!

I put a note on your FB wall, and suggested you Lululemon (Pearl) as a friend!
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I'm training too!!!

Holy Moly! You make me want to re-think what I'm doing. I just pulled up a beginner 1/2 marathon training schedule (from and have been using that to train for my 1/2 marathon this June...and I just started running!

One of the things that is helping me to train and give me confidence is two other races I have scheduled along the way. I have a 10K this weekend, which falls perfectly in line with my training schedule, and a 10 mile run on May 1st.

Like you, I'm nervous, but I once read that if your goals aren't exciting and somewhat scary, then you need new goals.

So, we're in this boat together. Just start that training and I believe you'll make it.

Yay! I'm doing a half in October for the first time too and I'm scared too! That's wonderful - if I wasn't nervous, I'd know it wouldn't be enough of a challenge and what fun would that be? Hey, all we can do is get out there are try, right? What's the worst that could happen? So we may have to walk some of it (I DEFINITELY will have to walk some of it!). Maybe we even have to stop early. That's WAY better than not trying at all, like the vast majority of humanity who have never tried running a race. Just being willing to put ourselves out there and give it everything we have, damn the consequences, that's what it's all about.

See how many women can totally relate to you?! There are so many many examples of people who have done this and if you look at them, you will be able to say: "If they can do it, I can too."

Go to a race and look at the people there - you will be amazed at the sizes, shapes, and ages of runners. EVERYONE is 'real' runner!

I second the recommendation to listen to Two Gomers - they did their first half marathon last year and you can listen to all the podcasts leading up to the race. Now they are training for a marathon and you can join in and listen to those podcasts too!

I started running in May 2008 and ran 2 half marathons last year. Super fun and the back of the packers are about the nicest group of people you will ever meet!

My suggestion is to not think too much about what your plan looks like toward the end but just take each week as it comes - and build some buffer weeks into your schedule - you may need it.

Oh - and come join the beginner runner check in. :)
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