I am 46 years old and weight 265lbs and have started back over 8 months ago doing Cathe workouts 5 days per week. I went to the doctor last week and I have not lost one pound on the scale since I was there 6 months ago. I know have I have lost inches because I have been able to size down one size on my jeans and my tops. I know I have muscle gains because I can see a difference in my legs and arms and with how my clothes fit. I had my thyroid removed back in 2015 however, since I have changed jobs my levels have been more stable than they have in awhile. My stress levels are much lower since my job change, but why am I not losing weight? Will I only lose inches, is that ok? Should I be worried? I spent time with a nutritionist about 3 years ago, and follow Intuitive Eating which has allowed me to let go of the food issues that I have had over the years. When I first started with "weight loss plan" I had simple goals at first; like being able to tie my shoes without breathing so hard, and bending over to hook up my beagles to let them outside. I would like to lose another pants size however, I just don't understand why the pounds haven't dropped off. Your thoughts? Suggestions?