natural p-nut butter...


Hi ladies,
I've just discovered Crazy Richard's natural peanut butter and so far I think it the best out there!!! All I do is pull is out of the fridge and it spreads perfectly!! I haven't noticed any oil seperation(after refrigeration) and it tastes great!! It has no added sugar or trans fats either!! Has anyone else tried this? I think I've tried everything out there and so far this one wins hands down!!
What are the ingredients?

I'm skeptical about the term "natural," ever since I saw Skippy (or is it Jif) with a new "Natural" p.b. that contains sugar and palm kernel oil. "Natural" p.b. should ONLY contain peanuts and salt (but there's no legal defition of it, so manufacturers can put in additional stuff, as long as it comes from nature, and still call it "natural").

Natural p.b. won't separate after you refrigerate it, but it will separate if left at room temperature (like when you buy it off the store shelves). The fake "natural" p.b.s have the oil and sugar added to keep it spreadable without separation.
Shelley's right. The only ingredient listed is peanuts. It then states that there is "no added salt, sugar, or hydrogenated oils". It also says that "Crazy Richard's finely grinds select peanuts to create our unique creamy texture which remains smooth and spreadable even when refrigerater!"
Let me tell you, I kinda skipped reading this when I first bought it because I rarly believe what they tell you, but gosh darnet, they're actually telling the truth. It does stay creamy after you mix it(I mixed it once before I put it in the fridge not everytime I use it like I had to with other brands).
I first found it at Food Lion, but this weekend I bought it at the Shopper's Food Warehouse. I haven't looked in other stores yet but I'm assuming since I found it at Food Lion, I'm sure it's in other "regular" grocery stores and not just health food stores. Come to think of it, I haven't seen it at my Whole Foods.
P.S. I don't sell this stuff even though I'm raving about it.:)
I've made my own peanut butter at home with a food processor-if anyone is interested in how to do it.

First and foremost-Don't overload your food processor. I burnt up my 1st one doing this.x(

I just used peanuts and added a little peanut oil to get it to the consistancy I wanted.

It will not be smooth. It will not be chunky. It falls somewhere in between. Semi-smooth with tiny peanut chunks. My processor is a quad-blade, and I thought I would be able to get a perfectly smooth peanut butter. Wrong. Still tasted great, though.:9
I'll have to look for that peanut butter. I bough the "natural" Skippy without reading the label. uggggh! I was so mad to find out it had sugar in it.
>I'll have to look for that peanut butter. I bough the
>"natural" Skippy without reading the label. uggggh! I was so
>mad to find out it had sugar in it.

Doesn't that just p(*# you off? And what about the palm kernel oil!

I picked up a jar of it...but read the label (I always do) and was appalled at what they were calling "natural." I'm sure lots of people are picking it up thinking it's "healthy."
Do you have to stir it? I hate that part. I read that the amount of trans fats in peanut butter is so insignificant as to be nothing to worry about so I don't worry about it. That and Boca breakfast links are my allowable trans fats becaasue they don't amount to much. I like Maranatha Organic Peanut butter but in a pinch, I don't sweat it. I have the Skippy right now because I was pressed for time and could not make that mess trying to get it stirred. I know there has to be a way to do that without making such a huge mess and never getting it quite perfect. The Skippy has less than a teaspoon of sugar per serving and since saturated fat is part of my healthy diet, I don't have a problem with palm oil. I want to get to the health food store and grind my own but I haven't gotten there yet. When are they going to open one near me? :) What did make me mad was that my closest grocery store halved their organic and vegetarian section. Dogs!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
For peanut butter lovers, you can also try storing the container upside down in the fridge. I do that and find that I don't have a problem with the oil separation. Just make the lid is secure when putting it in the fridge.

My favorite natural pb is from Trader Joe's -- It is the best I've had!! It's funny because I tried Skip or Jiffy over the summer and it tasted so gross to me.
I love peanut butter in a huge way.

My favorite is Arrowhead Mills Organic smooth. I also like Maranatha. I don't like the freshly ground because it is too grainy.
Does anyone pour the oil off their peanut butter when they buy it? I did this to a jar of natural peanut butter before I stirred it. the consistency is pretty awful but it tastes the same. Do you think it's worthwhile just to save that little bit of fat?

>Does anyone pour the oil off their peanut butter when they
>buy it? I did this to a jar of natural peanut butter before I
>stirred it. the consistency is pretty awful but it tastes the
>same. Do you think it's worthwhile just to save that little
>bit of fat?

I pour SOME of the oil off, but not all. 1/2 seems to be the maximum without having the p.b. end up hard as plaster on the bottom! I think saving about 3 TBSP of oil (pure fat calories) per jar is worth it. But if you eat less p.b., then the fat calories wouldn't be that much to worry about.
I've found that you can actually pour off more of the oil (and never have to stir!) if you use the electric beater method I posted awhile ago. Just insert only one beater into a handheld mixer, lower to the bottom of the jar, hold on tight and slowly accelerate to about medium (4 on my mixer that has 7 speeds). This seems to more evenly and thoroughly distribute the oil so that separation is never and issue and to make the peanut butter slightly lighter in texture and never rock hard on the bottom. It takes about 15 seconds, and then of course you get to lick the beater!:D

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