natural p-nut butter...

Okay, I use natural PB and stir it the first time I open it, but once I put it in the fridge I never have to stir it again. In fact, my PB always gets so hard in the fridge that I almost have to cut chunks out of the jar and wait for my toast to melt it in order to get it to spread, so forget about me ever being able to spread it on an apple or something. Am I the only one that has this problem??? I don't drain any of the oil either.


I will have to try this Crazy Richards if I can find it anywhere.
>Okay, I use natural PB and stir it the first time I open it,
>but once I put it in the fridge I never have to stir it again.
> In fact, my PB always gets so hard in the fridge that I
>almost have to cut chunks out of the jar and wait for my toast
>to melt it in order to get it to spread, so forget about me
>ever being able to spread it on an apple or something. Am I
>the only one that has this problem??? I don't drain any of
>the oil either.
My p.b. get rather stiff in the fridge as well (I usually get Smucker's natural p.b. and pour off some of the oil. When I haven't poured off the oil, it doesn't seem to get as stiff). I usually leave it out on the counter for 15 minutes or so before trying to use it. I use pretty tough bread (sprouted grain burger buns), but sometimes it's even a bit tough for them. I thought maybe it's because I didn't get the oil distributed all the way to the bottom (which ends up being the stiffest part).

I just got a new jar, and am trying turning it upside down to see if the oil will distribute by itself a bit more before I pour some off and stir. I'll see what happens!
I feel like I've done this with Smucker's pb a million times. It always get hard and "chunk-like". I've tried distributing the oil tons of ways(including storing it upside down) but the last third of the jar always ends up being dry and impossible to spread.
As I type this, I'm eating a PB&J sandwich with CR's and I had no problems. It comes out of the fridge and spreads just as good as JIF or Skippy and it's natural to boot.
Maybe we could all just cut the last third of the jar into spreadable sized bits and store them in Tupperware.

Sorry, that's the lack of nicotine talking. It's making me wonky.

>Maybe we could all just cut the last third of the jar into
>spreadable sized bits and store them in Tupperware.
>Sorry, that's the lack of nicotine talking. It's making me

Or make peanut butter balls with them: add a liquid sweetener (I used to use honey, now use agave nectar) and either carob powder or cocoa, and knead to form into balls (you have to get your hands dirty to make these!). Optional additions are raisins, chopped nuts, sunflower seeds, cocoanut...whatever floats your boat.

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