
What a fun thread :)

I am 100%, 1st-generation Portuguese. Very sad when Portugal lost to France in World Cup :(

What a fun thread :)

I am 100%, 1st-generation Portuguese. Very sad when Portugal lost to France in World Cup :(

Hey, Cristina! My mom is Portuguese!!(third generation) My dad was Irish, English, French, and a little Native American.

Hey, Cristina! My mom is Portuguese!!(third generation) My dad was Irish, English, French, and a little Native American.

I'm 100% Greek. Both sets of grandparents are from Greece. My dad came here when he was 15. My mom was born here.
I'm 100% Greek. Both sets of grandparents are from Greece. My dad came here when he was 15. My mom was born here.
My mother is 100% Irish as her parents came over on "the boat." My dad is mostly German. Interestingly enough, my EX is also Irish and German. Needless to say, our children do NOT suntan! :)

My dad is 100% Portuguese and my mom is 50% Portuguese with the rest English, Welsh, Austrian. Guess that makes me 75% Portuguese and 25% EWA.

My folks are going to the Azores next month. Us kids paid for them to go for their 50th wedding anniversary last year. It's a dream come true for them and they hope to find relatives on the islands. We're so excited for them.

I am heinz 57...

My dad is mostly German and his grandmother/grandfather, on his mom's side was Pennsylvania Dutch and I think his grandfather had some irish in him too. His great grandmother on his mom's side was from England. My dad's father was mostly German. Some descendents from France that go back to the late 1700's.

My mom is half German and English. Her father was all German and his dad (mom's grandfather spoke only German). My mother's mom was all English on her side.

I have the genealogy history of my mother's mom's side of the family and my dad's parents side of the family. Somewhere down the line on my dad's father side, I am related to Napoleon.


WOW! That is exactly what my hubby is! You know they do say that Lithuanian's are always right...can't argue with 'em. LOL! (smile)

I think I'm Russian, Russian, Russian & Russian, but 3 of my grandparents were born in America. My grandfather's name is posted at Ellis Island.
Charlotte, why am I so NOT surprised to read you are related to Napoleon????? LOL!

Very cool! I had a huge crush on him in high school. ;-) I know, I know, I should get a life...


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