Nashville Star

We watched last nite thinking he was in the finals! I was so disappointed not to see him. At first, I thought Charlie (who got voted off) was Scott. Must have been the hat! I am hoping Dani is okay.. I haven't seen her here in a long while!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
Hi there! I'm here!

I watched part of the show last night and couldn't finish watching. Notice almost everyone is in their early 20's? It looks like they're looking for very young people. Even after Scott went down to the finals in Nashville they still sent out a casting call looking for males between 16-24 "who can sing". Since Scott is 37 I guess that's too old for them. Forget that Scott does this professionally every weekend and has a ton of experience behind him, tons of fans and has opened for some big, big names including Charlie Daniels, Keith Anderson, Jake Owen, Chris Cagle, Kellie Pickler and many more! We got so many emails and phone calls last night from some fans and friends who couldn't believe who they picked for the finals and that Scott wasn't there. They were all telling us that he blows them away. Which I know is true.

Scott's voice is way more polished than the people I saw and heard, and he's an awesome entertainer. I kept hearing things from the judges on the show last night telling the finalists who made it, "You have to learn how to engage the audience and draw them in. You have to learn how to entertain." HELLO, Scott does this every weekend! He knows how to do all of this perfectly and his voice is way more polished. That's why people love him because he's such a great entertainer and engages everyone in the audience. That's his thing. I guess he was just too old for what they were looking for. Who knows. But, I couldn't finish watching it. It looks like they're trying to "sell the sizzle and not the steak."

Here's a pic of him after he opened for Kellie Pickler. These finalists on the show can't say they've done as much as Scott has.
Hi Dani,

I turned on the show last night and was also disappointed not to see Scott. Honestly I wasn't that impressed with the contestants. Sounds like Scott is doing just fine on his own...he doesn't need that stinkin show ;) Great pic of him with Kellie.

Take Care :)
Dani -

I'm sure he'll be on to bigger & better things without their help! Wow, opening for Kellie Pickler is a BIG DEAL! Looks like Nashville Star is patterning itself after American Idol. If they were really smart, they would know not to go after the teeny-bopper girl crowd, but rather the "mature" female crowd! I don't follow country music all that much, but even I know that's the true target-money-spending group.
Hi Dani,

My husband and I watched last night, too. When the finalists were introduced my husband said, "Where's the guy we know?" I'd been bragging about "one of the girls on Cathe whose husband made it to the finals". We were so bummed when we didn't see him. But you're right-they were looking for young ones. The two with the lowest scores were on the older side. Ah, well. I'm sure he'll do great anyway. Keep us posted on any other developments in his career-we'd love to see him play if he's ever in the Detroit area!

Take care,

Hey .. sounds like Scott is doing fine on his own .. he is probably TOO talented and polished and they want someone to make a huge improvement from the start .. but it does sound like age is a factor .. you know .. I don't know a whole lot of teeny bops that listen to country music!!

I am sure Scott will be a star w/o the help of a show!!! I mean isn't Billy Rae Cyrus MC'ing .. that should say something for the show .. :eek: .. LOL
I also was looking for him last night. I was really shocked to see the "talent" they had chosen to be the finalists. I personally thought they sounded so flat, pitchy and amateurish. It's really a shame that your husband didn't make it. Just looking at his picture, he seems to have such a great presence; I just wish we all would have had the chance to hear his voice! Maybe you could post a clip of him from one of his shows on YouTube and send us the link?

On a brighter note, Dani-- Your due date is getting so close! Are you excited??
Thanks so much everyone!

> Maybe you could post a clip of him from one of his
>shows on YouTube and send us the link?
>On a brighter note, Dani-- Your due date is getting so close!
>Are you excited??

Here's a link (youtube video)from when he was opening for Montgomery Gentry in front of over 3000 people! Just listen to the audience go crazy at the end!! Not the best quality sound but a fan recorded this from up where she was sitting from her camera.

YES! Only 4 more weeks to go! Baby Boy Wonderful will be here. :)
I can see why you couldn't finish watching last night. Scott sounds SOOO much more talented than the finalists. What an awesome and strong voice! Thanks for sharing the link.
WOW .. he IS talented!!! Awesome!! Thanks for the clip!!!

and congrats on the upcoming Baby Boy Wonderful!!

>I'd bet they're looking for people with some talent but whom
>they can improve. Seems like Scott is so good he doesn't have
>that kind of room for improvement!

I think you're right. :) :)
>was he the guy who sang garth brooks song,friends in low

Scott made it through all the auditions and to the finals, but he didn't make it on the show. He beat out 30,000 people to get to the finals though.
WOW! He is GREAT! I am so sorry that he didn't make it to the final 12, I think that's a load of steamy horse... yeah, that. It really is so obvious that these producers just want someone (preferably a cute blond) they can mold and influence to do what they want to make themselves the highest profit possible. \

I think Scott rocks. :7 :7 :7

I've decided not to watch this show at all - I'd taped it to watch this weekend and planned to see it all summer to the end of the selection process, but I'm not going to bother now.

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