My pants are getting baggy!

Oh Dear

I was looking at one of these at "that" store a couple of weeks ago. Can't remember how much it was, but now I will have to go get it. If it works that well, it has got to be worth the money! Thanks for the info!

Oh Dear

I was looking at one of these at "that" store a couple of weeks ago. Can't remember how much it was, but now I will have to go get it. If it works that well, it has got to be worth the money! Thanks for the info!

How often

Hi. I was wondered how often you use the bun and thigh rocker and for how long. I am seriously thinking of getting one. Thanks.
I did it!!!!!!

I broke down this weekend and bought one!!! I WANT BAGGY PANTS TOO! Actually, I am happy with my fit but I would like to tone a bit better. I can't wait to try it. Maybe tonight! I watched most of the video. I'm disappointed that the video isn't actually a workout. It just shows you the different exercises you can do, unless it does have a workout at the end??? I haven't watched the whole vid yet. I guess it is something I'll do when I watch TV. I am sooo excited I got it. Both my daughter & I tried it yesterday while she was here and we liked the "feel" of it. It is VERY smooth and seems to be made very sturdy. Also, a head's up~I got mine from D I C K's Sporting Goods and they were marked down from $199.99 to $99.99. I mentioned that my friend (thanks DebHarvey) said that they were on sale for $79.99. The guy in the store said, yes, they were about a week or so ago. I will go ahead and honor that price! WOO-HOO! A $200.00 item for $80.00 makes me HAPPY! Not sure your store will do the same, but it sure is worth a try. Also, I heard that SOME Sam's Clubs & B.J.'s carry them also for around $65-75. Just wanted to share. I'll keep you all posted. You all know my excitement as we ALL LOVE a new fitness toy!(THANKS HB!)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Leanna!

I just got mine so I am not educated with it yet. The box says something like "Get Sleek & Sexy legs in just 3 minutes!!" Now, we both know, that ain't going to happen! Don't we wish? If I remember right, I think the video said to do 15 reps of each of the 3 exercises which takes approximately a minute to do 15 reps. They then tell you to rest 30 seconds inbetween each set. Perform 3 sets in all. I guess they mean(on the box) that it takes 3 minutes to do EACH exercise NOT counting your rest period. If I remember right, there is also two or 3 advanced moves you can do. I hope I am gettig this all right. I should have let HB jump in here. I'll report back after I have given it a try a couple of times. Hope this made ANY sense at all! :-rollen

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: How often

Twice a week. I do 5 exercises, 3 sets each, and tack on 3 sets of leg extensions and walking lunges when I'm done. It takes less than 1/2 hour.
RE: I did it!!!!!!

You really don't need a video workout....just follow the instructions for the exercises and go at it.

Hard core Cathe-ites would be happy with 3 sets of each exercise, with 16 (or more reps each set). Just keep your movements slow and controlled and really feel the contraction.
RE: I did it!!!!!!

I did it too!!! I just ordered from Sports Authority. Hope I get it soon and that I love it just as much as you guys. I did do an archive search and found some great ideas there on adding weights and intensity. Will report in when my legs get toned.
Woo-hoo, Leanna!

Keep me posted! Where did you find the ideas for weights & intensity? Here at Cathe's place? Did you just put Thigh Rocker in as your keyword? Thanks for any info. Keep on rockin'!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Woo-hoo, Leanna!

1. use all the bands they give you, all 3 sets (one blue, 2 black)

2. I added a total of 15 lbs extra weight with 5# of plate mates and 10# with ankle weights on the handles.

3. Do 3 sets of each exercise (except calves), AT LEAST 16 reps, and really concentrate on contracting through the concentric and eccentric phases of the movements. I do the exercises one after the other with no breaks. Stretch after each set. I do calves last by themselves, because you move the position of the foot plate.

This can be a very intense workout.

Hint: If you have a trouble spot, for example, quads or inner thighs, throw in addition sets of leg extensions or whatever.

Total workout will probably take less than 30 minutes. Less than 20 if you don't add extra exercises off the Jake machine.

This is my "Baggy Pants" routine.

Thanks for all the tips. My thigh rocker only came with two sets of bands. (both are black-one set 10# & the other 25#) Hmmmm~is it possible someone took a set out??? I used my rocker yesterday! I only did one set of 15 reps for all 5 exercises. (reason being I had just come in from a 4-mile jog! :-tired) Again, thanks for the ideas to intensify the workout.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Repeat after me, "I deserve this, I deserve this, I deserve this, I deserve this, I deserve this, I deserve this."
HB, I've really liked reading your posts for quite a long time now and if you swear by it, then I'm game. I usually don't pay too much attention to items that could be considered gimmicks, but if you, as part of the educated crowd, thinks this is "the real deal" then I'm willing to try it.

I deserve this, I deserve this, I deserve this...........;-)
RE: Honeybunch and Debbie H

Honeybouch thanks for posting your reps and exercises. I look forward to trying them out.
Debbie H- I did do a search here on the Cathe forums. I think it was Step Edith who suggested some ideas for adding weights and intensity to the rocker. One that I loved and that intruigued me was the use of a weighted vest. My husband recently brought one of those home for me. I tried to wear it while walking but found it would get uncomfortable because over time it slipped down on my shoulders, but I think it would be an easy way to increase weights on the rocker. Another suggestion she had was to place weights on the bars your hands fit on. I am also wondering if I can find a way to include my newest toy-a 15 pound bodybar in some way. Will let you know how much I love it. Please post any ideas or thoughts you have. The more options we have to use with it the less likely we are to get bored.
Debbie H

That thread I had mentioned was called "My New Toy" and the post about adding some resistance was by Francine. I attempted to bump it up for you. Hopefully it worked.
Yes, Leanna!

I saw the post. Thanks for bumping it for me! I will definitely keep you posted on new ideas. I have all different size bodybars and that could work real well, I bet. Let's keep in touch.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Way to go honey, congrats!!!!!!!!!!! I have a pair of feel good pants as I call them when I was really heavy, they are my therapy!!!!!!!! I bet you look great!!!! Cookiebaby

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