my neck is just killing me- help!


I don't think its related to working out since I have not changed my routine lately. My weight work is kinda wimpy- 2 days a week total body, either Cathe wedding tape weight work or a firm all weights tape, plus cardio 4 days a week. Have not changed routing lately.

BUT I woke up 3 days ago with a sore sore neck. I don't know how I strained it. Could I have done it while sleeping?? It hurts to turn my neck to one side. I do spend most of my day carrying around a 19 lb baby and it has been bothering me with this neck thing. I was backing out of a parking space today and it is just so painful in the neck to turn around. I just took 2 motrin since its killing me but is there anything else I can do?? Has this happened to anyone else??

I'm thinking I should lay off the weights until my neck feels better?? What about cardio?? I used my treadmill this morning, walked for 45 minutes.

Hi Marci!

Was just wondering how you are doing??? It could be a combination of things. I have had it happen also in the past. Usually, after a day or so, I am fine. I would think walking on your treadmill would be fine and laying off weights for a few days should help. Let us know how you are doing now.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Marci. My neck does that sometimes for no reason. You definitely need to lay off the weights for awhile. Put some Bengay and a heating pad on it. Bufferin...Motrin, etc are good for anti inflammatory treatment. Try to just relax the neck muscles and don't strain or twist your neck. Usually neck pain is due to a disc in your neck that slips out to the side and causes the muscles to strain. It will go away soon but I know it's a real pain. Hope you feel better. Bethc
I sometimes get a painful pinch in my neck, that seems to be due to something I did while I was sleeping! I found that a trip to my chiropractor is in order. After an adjustment, I feel better by the next day. If I put off getting an adjustment, I usually feel crappy for several days. If you don't already go to a chiropractor, many of them have free initial diagnostic visits, often including x-rays.
This happened to me a couple of months ago. I didn't know if it was from weights, or what. Anyway, I laid off the weights for a few days and I used Therma-Care on my neck and shoulder. It is a wrap-type of thing that you put on the affected area. It heats up just like a heating pad. The heat is supposed to last up to 8 hours. Mine lasted for 12. It didn't actually make the pain go away, but it sure made it feel better and felt like it loosened it up to where I could move it better. You can wear it throughout the day, no matter what you are doing. Advil really helped a lot. Sure hope you feel better!

I too experience this pain in spurts from long usage on my laptop or a bad nights sleep- that usually takes 3 full days to heal(personal experience)! I eliminate weights and do dance cardio(advanced zumba/hi/lo,kickboxing) something fun to keep my mind off of the pain)The more free I am with my body and arms, the more easily it unwinds my neck! Neck pain and stiffness usually is due to straining or having a spasm in your neck muscles. It can also be caused by inflammation (swelling) of the joints in your neck. Sometimes, neck pain can be caused by arthritis or injury to the discs between your neck (cervical) vertebrae. Neck pain can cause other problems like headaches, pain in shoulder, upper back, or down your arm. Some Causes:Looking down for too long a time ,Using a pillow to sleep on that is too flat, too high or does not give your head the right support. Sleeping on your stomach or with your neck twisted ,Resting your forehead on your upright fist or arm.Watching TV or reading lying down. Stress ,Being hit in the head or on your neck.
Exercising your upper body and arms too much at one time. VERY Important: If you have a very stiff neck with a fever and headache for more than 3 days you need to see a doctor.It may be something serious!
Some of the most important things to help you avoid neck pain, are to use good body posture and exercise your neck.
If your neck pain is worse at the end of the day, you need to look at what you do during the day, you need to take several mini breaks, so you're not sitting too long in one position.
When working at a computer, the top of the monitor screen should be eye level. Talking on the phone a lot can be bothersome. You may want to use a headset or speakerphone. Move the seat in your car to help support your head and lower back ,If your neck bothers you more in the morning, check how you slept and what you did the day before.
Try a special cervical pillow and/or a hard mattress ,Try not to use pillows that make your head go forward when you are sleeping on your back. Keep your nose in line with the center of your body when sleeping on your side. Use relaxation exercises, if you think stress is causing your neck pain. Do neck exercises once a day to help make your neck muscles stronger. Use cold packs placed on muscles that hurt for 10 to 15 min. as often as once every hour. This helps with pain, spasms and swelling. Try to keep your head looking straight ahead rather than a downward position
Use a pain medication that is recommended by your doctor or pharmacist Try walking and relaxing the shoulder muscles. Start with walking for 5 to 10 min. 3 to 4 times a day if cardio is out of the question. When the pain feels better you need to do exercises to help strengthen your neck muscles. For a Stiff Neck stretch your neck muscles and the ones that run down your buttocks and hamstrings. Try these exercises for relief: Hamstrings: Lying on your back, lift your right leg straight up until you can grasp the back of your knee, then pull your leg in toward your chest and hold. Repeat with your left leg. Buttocks: Lie on your back and cross your right ankle over your left knee. Grab the back of your left knee and gently pull up until you feel the stretch. Hold, switch legs, and repeat.
Neck: Stand, pull your chin down to your chest, and hold. Then rotate your neck to the left and hold, and to the right and hold again. Never roll head backwards forwards and to the sides! Take
Precautionary measures: don't go out in the cold without being well wrapped-up, don't sit or lie with the neck in an awkward position, keep warm, use a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel or hot showers for relief, keep the neck moving within the limits of pain, and take pain killers such as ibuprofen. I hope you're feeling better soon and this info was helpful for anyone experienceing neck pain! Take care!
Thanks everyone!
Francine, very very helpful info!

I'm thinking the neck problem may be a combination of my 3 year old daughter climbing into my bed when I'm sleeping and hogging the pillow and lugging around my 19 lb baby all day causing shoulder/neck strain.

I'm still taking motrin, still sore but slightly better. Did my stairmaster today. I'm sticking with treadmill and stairmaster because when I do step all the twisting and looking down at the step is causing strain.
I need to get better and do my Cathe!! Oh well, I'm just happy I have other cardio alternatives at home to do.

This happened to me once and I could barely move my head. I was in tears with pain! I went to the doctor and he gave me muscle relaxers. They worked wonders!!!

I have a 2 yr old that weighs 33 lbs. About 11 mos after he was born, I had terrible neck pain for almost a year on my left side. Well, that was the side I slept on the majority of my pregnancy and that was the side I had to lay on when I nursed him in bed (so he wouldn't fall out!) I struggled with the pain for a year until I started yoga. I am telling you, that has been the best thing I have done for my neck. Try Bryan Kest's yoga, he has a 3 boxed set called Tone, Sweat and Energize. Believe me, the tapes are not easy but if you can do Cathe tapes, you can do Bryan. Good luck.
just wanted to add my own experience. The same thing happened to me and it got so bad that I could really not turn my neck at all. I went to the doc and she said it was probably a muscle spasm. She gave me a muscle relaxant and an anti-inflammatory.

That muscle relaxant was a great drug. Wish I had more, ha ha. Seriously though, don't continue to suffer if you still have problems. There are various things your doc can do to help with this and there's no reason to be in pain like that! I know it sucks trying to get through the day with your neck hurting.
Hi from the "other Marci"!

I've had problems with my neck since last OCTOBER :-( and still don't really know what did it. Probably a combination of too much upper body work, not enough stretching, tension, and a genetic predisposition to neck problems (uhhh, bad conformation!)

Anyway, chiropractor works wonders, massage therapy helps, and alternating heat and cold on it. Chiro said to back off the heat because that won't make the swelling go down, so I alternate 15 minutes of a hot beanbag on it, then 15 minutes with a cold gel pack. You might also try those Icy Hot patches. They're not messy like BenGay or other creams, and you can wear them under your clothes....and it'll take allllll that annoying hair off your back/neck, too! :p HTH
Hi Marci!!

Its fun to see people over here that are from the ya ya forum as well. I'll try that icy hot thing.

Now today my neck is feeling a little better but my back is hurting grrrrr.

Its so frustrating when you want to do weights and you mind says go go go and your bodys says Nope, not gonna happen today.

Kay, I've been taking over the counter anti inflammartories and its helping a little.

If this does not go away in a week completely I'm gonna see someone. Carrying kids gets me.


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