My Mesocycle 2 Preview Review!!!!

Thank You, Miss Cathe!!!!

Me too Traci! Was that not the greatest use of comical candor or what? Yes, everyone, it is true, Meso 3 is by far not the most exciting mesocycle to preview. But doing it is a whole other can of spinach (that one's for you Heather :D). Afterall, you are working at 80% to 90% of your 1RM all game faced and pulling for it. The exercises are basic yet effective and the rests are long yet expected. This is truly one mesocycle you have to experience to appreciate. Thank you Heather and all others who have started reviewing the workouts. Your honestly is appreciated and of great value to all who read them. Happy Super Bowl Weekend! :)


You know I love you more than cheesecake and especially more than spinach! LOL! Did the muscle animations end up on the editing room floor, or did I miss them while I was cleaning my workout room and previewing at the same time?

Your personality and the music together help set the tone and fit the goal of each mesocycle! All joking aside, I would not change a thing. It is easy to see that everything about this series was by design, and I am ready to embrace the challenge! I am thankful for the 5-month rotation that is just right for me!

Thanks for helping me make one of my fitness dreams come true (with your cardio workouts). If you have time to visit Open Discussion, I posted an update on my first 5K that I completed today in my goal time of less than an hour on a very hilly course! I am ready to rock STS in the morning, but a warm bubble bath with epsom salt is calling my name tonight! :)

Heather B.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
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Did you really Heather? Wow, I can't wait to check it out!!!! I'll head right over. But first I'll answer your question about the muscle animations. No, you did not miss them. When we were editing, they somehow seemed misplaced in the workout flow. We were going to insert a different one between each of the rest periods but over the course of this mesocycle there were more rests than animations so we couldn't find the right "fit" for them. That's when we decided that we would include muscle animation tutorials on our new Cathe TV which is featured on our newly upgraded workout manager. Now you are able to enjoy viewing them at anytime, not just when you are using your DVD's. Ok, I'm off to go read about a very special ladies accomplishment :)


You know I love you more than cheesecake and especially more than spinach! LOL! Did the muscle animations end up on the editing room floor, or did I miss them while I was cleaning my workout room and previewing at the same time?

Your personality and the music together help set the tone and fit the goal of each mesocycle! All joking aside, I would not change a thing. It is easy to see that everything about this series was by design, and I am ready to embrace the challenge! I am thankful for the 5-month rotation that is just right for me!

Thanks for helping me make one of my fitness dreams come true (with your cardio workouts). If you have time to visit Open Discussion, I posted an update on my first 5K that I completed today in my goal time of less than an hour on a very hilly course! I am ready to rock STS in the morning, but a warm bubble bath with epsom salt is calling my name tonight! :)

Heather B.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
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