My last dance with the FIRM


I was so annoyed because today I was expecting delivery of Low Max and Core Max as I was officially starting Cathe workouts today....and they did not come in the mail as expected! So, I was forced to do a Firm cardio workout....and in a way, I think it was a blessing in disguise!

As I was doing the Firm DVD, it really sunk in for me just how much the Firm workouts are not working for me anymore (and I have been a 100% loyal Firm junkie since BSS 1!) I have not even tried a Cathe workout yet, but I have previewed the Muscle Max I just got, as well as other Cathe workouts online....and based on my Cathe previews alone, the Firm workout just seemed so basic and easy and boring .... I guess this means I am ready for the Cathe challenge! Not to mention how childish and somewhat condescending the "baby talk" that the Firm instructors seem to do is. (of course, not to dismiss the fact that I owe a lot to the Firm as they are the ones that primed me for my next step up to Cathe).

So I can't wait till the rest of my workouts come (should be tomorrow) ... I am really feeling proud of myself for moving up to the next level and can't wait to see the new and improved results! I admit that I used to be scared of Cathe workouts ... but I'm glad I was forced to do that Firm workout today, because I feel it proved to me that I really am ready, and ABLE, to move on. It's SUCH a great feeling! And I know this is going to sound SO cheesy, but I have the feeling that a year from now, I will be having fond memories of when I first started out with Cathe ... also, just saying that lets me know that fitness truly is part of my lifestyle and I am so proud to be able to say that, in a world where so many people do not take their health or fitness seriously, that I am serious about my fitness, and my body is evidence of that!
I just wanted to say congratulations on your fitness journey!! It sounds like you have come so far already!!

Get ready to be so super spoiled by your Cathe workouts!! After Cathe, the disparity between workouts that you find interesting and workouts that you just can't stomach anymore will continue to grow!!
I hadn't done a Firm workout since January!!!! I, too, was a total Firmaholic, but needed to move on after doing it exclusively for three years. I was barely breaking a sweat!!!!! The other day I was "stranded" in my upstate home for a few days because my car died while I was up there. I had planned on staying only one night and therefore brought a Cathe workout to do the next morning. Well, because of my car situation, I needed to stay a few more days. The only workouts I had there were my Firm's that I put in storage. I decided on Standing Legs because that's a tough one. I remember it being sooooo hard, but it actually seemed easy this time. It just shows how much I've "grown" with Cathe. Today I did Butts & Guts and loved every minute of it!!!!! I seriously doubt I'll ever do a Firm workout again.
While reading your post, I started to think of the first time I did a Cathe workout. Like you, I needed a change from the Firm and was ready for the Cathe challenge. I started Cathe a year ago (next week to be exact:) ) and I have seen significant changes in myself. I can lift heavier, my cardio endurance is higher and my body is more toned and defined. Like you said, I look back where I was a year ago and where I am today and I am AMAZED!! I owe it Cathe, but I also owe it to myself for finding a workout regimen that I'm committed to and WANT to do.

Congrats on your new purchase! Just know once you buy a Cathe workout, you will not stop. I have 5 more workouts until I complete my Cathe collection. I don't want to think about how much money I spent in the first 3 months!!!;-)
Reading your posts wants me to get out the big box of old firm tapes (from the classics days, and the ones after .... I dropped the Firm by the 'new style' days) that I packed up and maybe do one or two out of curiousity and to compare 'me' then vs. now, and how my perception of them has changed.

I got my first Firm tape when I was desperately overweight, and it ws my introduction to weight training. I just went to Target and picked what seemed to be the least 'cheesy' and best quality workout from the selection there. I avoided gimmicky titles like 'buns of steel'. I found a FIRM you, I was SCARED to try Cathe because of the comments of how difficult Cahte tapes were. I wish I hadn't waited so long, hadn't underestimated myself so long, and I wish others wouldn't be so scared either. I think you're'll be so happy with Cathe workouts. Just modify where need be. She is innovative, consistently gives us quality and well thought-out workouts, she is so down to earth and most of all, so very motivating.

You'll be so happy you took the plunge....have yourself a blast.....or several. :)
You will not regret switching to Cathe. Her workouts are advanced, but keep in mind you can always stop and rest for a minute or modify if you can't quite keep up.

My first Cathe workout was Step Fit, back in 2000. I liked the music and loved Cathe's down to earth and genuine personality. She will cheerfully kick your butt! :)
When "Good Times" took over The Firm it was the end of it for me.
They gave you these "Vitamins" with your order and shipped you a new supply whether you wanted it or not. They charged your credit card too of course. You could cancel and I did . I had to call long distance because they did not have a 1-800 number at the time.

The quality of the workouts went down hill from there.

I wish I started Cathe then. I just started this year and I cannot believe how much my fitness level has improved. The things I used to think I would never be able to do such as some of the more advanced cardio moves I am LOVING now!

Cathe is the only one that can kick my but and make me like it.:)
I've only done a few of the Firms. After I had been with Cathe, I did the Firm Crosstrainers and they did absolutely nothing for me. The only one I'm keeping is the Firm Super Cardio Mix. It's still a pretty good workout. Not quite as intense as Cathe but still a decent workout and it's also programmable. After I did Cathe, the plyos in this seemed so much easier than the first time I had done it.

I was just thinking the same thing yesterday, about having moved on from the FIRM. I saw the new infomercial and had absolutely no interest in it, for the first time since BSS1. I converted to Cathe about four months ago and I haven't looked back. I now use what remains of my Firm collection for easy days. I lost the weight and changed my body with the Firm and there is a certain sentimentality there, but there is so much more power and pride in having graduated to Cathe, and in the experience of strength gains and cardio endurance that I've gotten from her. So you should be so excited to get those workouts! Congrats on the next step.

You made two good choices...Low Max and Core Max are two of my favorites. I also was a firm Believer (haha) and thought that I was in great shape until I started doing Cathe workouts (FitTV). Her FitTV workouts are only 45 mins long and I almost pasted out doing IMAX 2. Well since I enjoy a fitness challenge I started ordering Cathe DVDs and I have no regrets.

I remember paying the Firm to chat on the Firm Believers it still the same? You see.. another good reason to make the forum advice.
I'm joining the X-Firmers and moving on to Cathe. I actually haven't regularly done the firm for a while now. I owe it thanks for getting me in the best shape of my life pre-kids but post kids I have tried a few other things. Started with Turbo Jam and then discovered P90X. Did a round of that and while I enjoyed the workouts, I didn't have the time to commit to it. A friend of mine recently introduced me to fit tv and I have now discovered Cathe. I'm actually excited to get up and do a workout and I've been doing them consistently for 2 weeks now. I'm a bit disappointed that I only get 45 min of the workout but for now it's a good transition. I'm going to save some money over the next few months to buy a set or maybe ask for them for Christmas.

So excited to be a part of this crowd!

The firm was good in its hayday. It's just gone downhill.. I do have alot of there tape. They only problems I had with the firm is customer service, paying for website membership and how many new pieces of eqipment you have to buy. Why can't you just add onto what you have?

That's the one good thing I like about Cathe: you have a stepper, 5-40 pd wtgs, res. band, mat and she adds on from there. No buying Xtra equiment to do the workouts. Straight to the point! And she cares about your personal growth....

Need I say more :7
I remember when I was there where you are not to long ago. Scared but anxious...warning on Cathe when I started her I had to lower weight poundage and go slower to get back to where I was on the firm...Cathe is tough and wonderful! Occasionally I pull out a classic firm and up my weights and get a good workout but my picks are very slim with the firm. I also agree once they changed the Firm should have started a whole new name as it was not the same. I almost can't stand to watch a new firm video. It is funny how most of the girls that stayed around developed breasts. Anyways I hope your gift arrives for you soon...Cathe is the way to go! duck
I too was a hardcore "FirmBeliever" until I found Cathe. There is such a difference in my cardio endurance and overall strength now. I'm 48 years old and in the best shape of my life. I have now been working out with my Cathe DVDs exclusively for about a year now. Cathe took me to a higher level of fitness that I never thought I could reach. You will not regret your decision!!!
I did the firm many years ago. The newer workouts do not compare to the older FIRM workouts. I have been doing Cathe for 4 years now and it is pretty much all that I do, other than walk on my treadmill. I still own the older FIRMs through Super Cardio/Super Sculpt which is a good workout. I just don't use any of them any more.
I agree the original "classic" Firms are great, especially the first 4 volumes. I've always done them in addition to running or extra cardio and have gotten great results over the years. The newer Firms are simply awful imho, and shouldn't even carry the "Firm's " name because they in no way exemplify what the original Firm was. I still on occasion do a "classic" Firm with HEAVY weight and get a good solid workout. However,I can honestly say that nothing in my experience can compare to Cathe workouts! You've got it all in one package, heart pounding intensity (my favorite lol), strength, flexibility etc etc.. I find it very hard to do anything other than her workouts.

Congratulations on your progress! Keep in mind that Cathe is a rather large step, so even though you are ready for it don't be too hard on yourself if you struggle through the first few tries. I know we have *all* done that... and Cathe keeps trying to get us to work harder!!

All the best
I gave up on the Firm after the Classics.

It was downhill from there on.

Thank heavens for Cathe! She's the best!

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