My grandma died last night!


I can't believe it. Well, I can, but I can't.

She had a massive heart attack. I got the call that they were trying to revive her. But to no avail. She was 75 yrs old. She had surgery scheduled for Thursday to remove a suspicious lymph mass in her neck. She had to go off her blood thinners for that. Now we wonder is that what killed her. Makes you think someone would have told her the risks, I mean if that was a REAL possibility. She was scared about the surgery, but I figured the docs weighed the risks of taking her off her blood thinners vs. not getting the mass out. Maybe they knew it was cancer and never said. I don't know. Grandma could have kept that hidden I guess. But I don't think she knew yet. It just did not look good.

She was the hippest, coolest, most caring grandma ever. She was a little italian fireball who always had something interesting to say:eek: but she was soooo cool. She always kept it real. She stood up for herself. She stood up for other people. Every time I'd go to her house she would ask me "Oh, I forgot I had a grandaughter" (LOL) and then she'd give me a new shirt she had purchased for me. She was always giving you something, even food. That was so her. She was a big part of my life all my life and she will be very missed by all who knew her.

What really breaks my heart though is her husband of over 30 years. They had the perfect marriage...true love..they wrote love notes to each other every day even the week before she died. She cooked for him, did all the cleaning, paid the bills, etc. She did EVERYTHING. Other than us, he doesn't have much family that cares about him and he always joked that "you won't want me around" after my grandmother died. Last night he was just in shock but also his usual personality, acting like, "well, this had to happen sometime" and talking about selling the house, what furniture he would get rid of, etc. It was absolutely heartbreaking. I know he is in shock, but when the reality of this loss hits I am afraid he will struggle to find his way. I wouldn't even rule out suicide. After years of not drinking, he drank last night. ;(

So, what can we do to help him? My mom asked him to stay at her house last night but he refused. How sad! What else can we do? I know many of you have elderly parents. Please share your story if you can relate and what you did for the other parent when one died.

This is so surreal. My funky grandma is gone. She seemed so young. Too young at heart to die.:-(
Janice, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Your grandma sounds like a wonderful person.

As for your grandfather, I don't really have any advice. But make sure that you give him time to grieve and don't try to push him into anything that he won't be ready for yet.

My thoughts are with you and your family.
I am so sorry! I will keep your family and her husband in my prayers. The best thing you can do for him is be there for him and let him know how important he is to your family. He is mostly likely still in a state of shock and it hasn't fully set in yet. When it does, he will really need you guys. (((((HUGS)))))
I am so sorry for your loss. I can understand why you're so worried about your grandfather too. He will need you guys once this hits home. Just keep reminding him about how thankful you are that you still have him. Maybe someone could go stay with him for awhile? He probably didn't want to stay with your mom because men are creatures of habbit. He probably wanted to be in the place that comforted him, and his and your grandma's home probably is the place he feels closest to her. You know that men, for the most part, especially older ones, are very proud and want to always be regarded as strong. I'd just let him know how you admire his strength but let him know that if he ever needs to talk or let his guard down, you're there for him. Again, I'm really sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for your loss! Sending hugs and prayers your way. Your grandma sounds like she was an amazing person. Wow, my heart is breaking for you.:-(

I don't have much advice for you regarding your grandma's husband. Just be there for him. People grieve in different ways, but we all grieve. Let him know how much you care.

Take care of yourself.

Oh my goodness... I am so sorry to hear this & so very sorry for your loss! Your description of her was so nice to read, though, & she sounded like one really neat & cool lady. I don't really know what else to say except to relish those memories you have of her (I was really close to my Grandma who passed away in early 2000 too & my memories bring me such joy & happiness now) & give yourself time to grieve. I also don't have any advice about your Grandfather. How heartbreaking! I can't begin to imagine how difficult this is for him & like others have already said, I'm sure he's still in shock right now. Hopefully, he will agree to stay with your mom or another family member for awhile at least. My heart goes out to you & your family during this difficult time...
Awww that's so sad. My Nana was the most important woman in my life & I never really recovered from losing her.

I don't have any words of wisdom, just wanted to let you know how sorry I am for you & your family.
I'm so sorry for your loss, Janice :( Big hugs to you.

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