My February Rotations

Hi Karen Kay!

Well, having a gorgeous thing like you call me pretty made my day! You are so sweet to say that!

I am heartbroken over Mose. He was very special to all us ladies at the low-carb thread. Andrea was the best "mom" ever to that sweet cat. She couldn't have given him a better life. We will all miss him a lot.

If you can post, you should definitely come back over to WHFN. Everyone adores you over there.

Here's something that will make you chuckle. Cesar knows your name, because I had him order me another one of your books from This morning he came running into the room saying "Ren (his nickname for me), your friend Karen KANE is selling really pretty sweaters on the Home Shopping Network." They WERE very pretty, but I had to tell him that you are Karen KAY, not Karen KANE. Men -- gotta love them!

Have a great day!

-- Jeanie:D
Hi there Karen!

Just wanted to pop in and wish you a great weekend!! Hope you aren't working too hard and that your workouts are going great.

Talk to you Monday!
Hi Karen and Jeanie,

This week has just been crazy busy at work but am very proud that I did manage to work out every day except Tuesday.
My motivation is probably due to the fact the I GOT THE HARDCORE SERIES ON WEDNESDAY!!! My DH had ordered it as a Christmas present so I did not know what I was getting but turns out he got them all for me. I previewed the Core Max and it looks great. In addition to the 3 workouts, there are 3 premixes. Tonight I did a Timesaver premix on the Kick Max DVD and cannot wait until I have time to do the whole workout. I'm still following the theme of the Feb workout but am going to substitute Hardcore workouts in the rotation where I can.

I am sorry to hear about what sound like a dear pet. I had 2 cats several years ago who both got thyroid problems in later life and took me a couple of years to get any new pets as I was so heart broken about them. My siamese cat Tom if sleeping on my lap now. He is such a good boy but I still miss my old friends.

Hi Natalie,

You lucky lady you -- I didn't preorder any of the Hardcores. Please let me know what you think of them. Right now, I tempted by High Step Training and LowMax.

Wow Natalie, you'd fit right in with the ladies over at our FitPrime Board. We are all big-time cat lovers. I only have on cat now. His name is Chip, and he's the love of my life. He's very old, and I worry about losing him too. My best friend has a siamese cat named Tom. My friend is Irish, so his full name is "Thomas O'Malley". Seems like a funny name for a siamese cat.:7

Hope our leader (Karen Kay) is being super productive on that book. I can't wait to read her next one!

-- Jeanie

Well isn't that funny! My Tom is Thomas O'Malley - named by my son who is 7 and loves Disney. Tom is currently chasing the cursor around the screen (I am not kidding, he thinks it's a bug or something). I have another Siamese named Lennie so yes, there are lots of turned over trash cans and opened cabinets when I get hom efrom work during the week.

I did Muscle Max yesterday and OMG it was a butt kicker! I managed a run/walk today but my legs are really fatigued and then did the first Core Max segment with was very doable. I really love the Muscle Max as I am a big fan of ME. This one is more intense than ME- every group is worked to exhaustion. I was also very excited to see that there were several Premixes including a Timesaver. So that makes a Timesaver for Kick Max and Muscle Max so far.

I am going to preview Low Max and hope to do it tomorrow as the reviews on it so far have been great!

Incidentally, I have been following that big thread about the music being too low and I have not found it to be the case at all for me. I do have a stereo TV but nothing fancy.


That is TOO weird, huh? Two Siamese cats named Thomas O'Malley -- what are the chances? My cat is just a domestic shorthair. I work for a local government office, and about fifteen years ago, our Police Chief brought a bag of kitties in the office. They were found along the side of the road. I knew nothing about cats (always had dogs), but just HAD to have the little guy who kept climbing out. I talked my husband into taking him home, and it's been love ever since!

I am SO glad to hear the music wasn't an issue with you. That worries me, because music is SO important to me. So far, I'd like to get Muscle Max, Low Max, Kick Max, IMAX 3, and High Step Training. Would you mind giving me reviews when you do them?

Well Natalie, hope you have a great Valentines' Day tomorrow. My husband Cesar and I will celebrate 19 years of wedded bliss tomorrow!

-- Jeanie
Hi Jeanie, Rhea & Natalie,

First I wanted to say that you are very pretty, Jeanie. And thank you so much for the compliment.

As I write this post, my cat, Sierra, is sitting on my lap. Been reading your posts about cats with much interest. Love all your talk about your cats. I have six...

Sierra was also Princess Sierra in my last book, THE PRINCESS AND THE WOLF, and Kali -- another calico that I have -- was the heroine in SOARING EAGLE'S EMBRACE. Kalifornia Kali I called the heroine -- Kalifornia because I call Kali that because I found her in Florida and brought her home with me to California -- or California bound Kali... I also have Sammy. Midnight Thunder (who we found when I was on tour for NIGHT THUNDER'S BRIDE -- thus his name), Puffin -- a beautiful all white cat with gold eyes, and Squeeky -- who is an all black kitty.

I've been reading all the posts on the Hardcore Series, too. I don't have mine yet. But I got an email that said I should have it by the 16th. Didn't get them all -- only IMAX3, Lo Max, Muscle Max and Stretch Max. And of course now I've been reading the posts on the High Step and Kick Max and am wanting them. But I can only afford so much all at once. Can't wait to get those that I ordered.

Hi Rhea! Thanks so much for visiting. Have been so very, very busy, but have things getting a little more under control today. Another busy week next week, but hopefully not as busy as last week. I did manage to work out every day -- using the TimeSaver DVD. Boy, #4 of that series is intense. Loved every minute of it.;-)

Really am looking forward to IMAX3, but am a little scared of it. I am in my 50's, and I find IMAX and IMAX2 challenging. But I'm gonna give it a try.

Natalie, I'm so glad you like Muscle Max. I adore ME, and am really looking forward to Muscle Max.

Anyway, this week's rotation:

Monday: IMAX2 -- get the week started off with an intense workout

Tuesday: ME

Wednesday: A short cardio (probably from Body Max) and a stretch tape

Thursday: Muscle Max (if I have it)

Friday: Low Max (if I have it)

Saturday: High Step Advanced or Circuit Max

Sunday: Off

I love hearing from you Jeanie and Rhea and Natalie.:7

And I'm going to have to go back to the Lo Carbers at WHFN -- It's just a little difficult for me to log onto it. I have to turn off my computer first and then log back on.:+ And so when I'm busy...

I'm posting this late at night, so have a great Monday.:7
Just a quick post.

Didn't do IMAX2 yesterday as planned. The day was so busy, I was afraid I wasn't going to get in a workout at all, and so I opted to do a shorter workout with Nancy Tucker -- The FIRM's calorie killer. It's a great workout for only about 38 minutes.

One thing I did notice, is that there are very few form pointers with the FIRM. Very, very few. I think this is perhaps why with the FIRM I sometimes found myself getting injured doing their workouts.

And again, it's one reason why I like Cathe so much. Form, form, form. I love that she stresses this. Plus, I like her, period.

Anyway, today is going to be IMAX2, and then get ready for a very busy day. Pant, pant.:+

Tomorrow then I hope to continue the rotation with ME -- and then I should have the new HardCore and plan to work them into the rotation.

Karen - Calorie Killer is one of my favs. Haven't done it for a while since Cathe wins the toss most of the time.

Have a great day and don't work too hard!


Hi Karen Kay, Rhea & Natalie,

Rhea, I always think of you when I do Calorie Killer. I remember discussing that workout with you when I first met up with the low-carb ladies. I always feel like I get a good cardio workout in a short amount of time with this workout.

Karen Kay, I loved "The Princess & the Wolf" and "Soaring Eagle's Embrace." You are an excellent writer!!!!

Natalie, how are you making out with those new Hard Core workouts?

Have a great day ladies!

-- Jeanie
RE: Hi!

Hi Karen, Jeanie and Rhea,

Maybe I have to read one of your books Karen Kay. I just finished the novel I have been reading last night.

Took today off but I did Low Max yesterday. No problem with the music and it was a great workout. I think it will take me a few tries to get the most out of it as I am not the best a complicated step routines and for me, this would be a workout with some of Cathe's more complex step routines. The intensity blasts were easy to learn and they were intense but in a different way then the IMAX workouts - more of a lower body muscle burn. The workout seemed a bit more of a steady state aerobic workout vs. IMAX 2 which I have but then again, it could be that I will feel differently about it as I get better at the workout.

By the way, I'm still a little sore in the chest from Muscle Max! I was planning on doing Supersets tomorrow but may have to rethink.

I don't have the calorie killer workout. Is it a compilation of older Firm workouts? Nancy is a great instructor. Lived in Columbia SC for years and she and Tracie were always my favorite instructors.

RE: Hi!

Hi Natalie, Jeanie and Karen....

Natalie - I did Low Max last night too. I was laughing at myself at some of the steps, I couldn't get it until the last move sometimes. :eek: But it was fun and I think after you get the moves, it will be a great steady state workout without the impact which for me is nice sometimes.

Also Calorie Killer is not a compilation workout. It was a new workout a couple of years ago. I think you might be able to get it at

How's everyone else? Talk to you later.
RE: Hi!

I don't know Natalie & Rhea -- you have me worried about LowMax now. I have a very hard time learning new moves. That's why I love moves like jumping jacks, plyos, etc.
RE: Hi!

Hi Karen Kay, Jeanie, and Rhea,

Did Push Pull instead of Supersets today as I ran short on time and felt I needed a lower intensity day and for me Push Pull is easier that Supersets which I had originally planned.

I'm thinking of trying IMAX 3 tomorrow but maybe just doing the first half as time will be short and it's sure to be a burner.

I agree with the posts that the Low Max is a bit tricky but it's really going to be fun once I get it.

RE: Hi!

Natalie -- I just wanted to say that I love Push/Pull. I purchased it with hesitation about two months ago (the reviews seemed lukewarm). I really like the workout and enjoy using my stability ball more often.
RE: Hi!


Whew! What a week. And I'm still running -- literally...

Wanted to pop on and say that I have really missed talking to you Rhea and Jeanie and Natalie. Hopefully next week will be a little calmer.

Oh, Jeanie, thank you so much for the compliments. My heart just soared.

Anyway, more later -- I really have to run. Did Low Max today. I loved it. Absolutely loved it. It's a real butt kicker -- yet low impact. Sometimes I think people can be a little too critical. The music was fine. I'm hear for the workouts, not for the music -- and I thought the music was fine. And the workout -- Cathe just keeps topping herself. Loved it!

Have a wonderful day -- I really honestly want to talk more next week.

RE: Hi!

This week's rotation:

Monday: IMAX3 -- I'm a little afraid of this one as I've read that it is hard -- but I need to try it and form my own opinion -- loved Low max

Tuesday: If time, Muscle Max, if not Muscle Endurance.

Wednesday: First part (cardio only) of Body Max -- then one of the Stretch Max

Thursday: IMAX2

Friday: Muscle Max or Muscle Endurance

Saturday: A shorter workout -- either something from Timesaver or perhaps a Tae Bo workout or Nancy Tucker's Calorie Killer

Sunday: Off -- stretch

Did Cathe's Stretch Max #1 today. Loved it very much. Am quite taken by how good Cathe and her crew look. In particular I was thinking that Cathe herself, Jay and Lorraine are looking good. Also did High Step Advanced on Saturday. Remembered just why I like that workout so much.

Also really, really like the music in Stretch Max -- am hoping I can purchase it separately.

If anyone else is checking in to say hi -- Hi Jeanie and Rhea and Natalie. Have a simply wonderful day.:7
RE: Hi!


My Mom was in own for the weekend to se walked one day and then did segment 1 of stretch max. I enjoyed in. I agree, the music is great.

Sunday I did Circuit Max which is really intense for me.

I previewed Gym Style Legs and am planning on doing at least the standing portion today as a sub for the Cathe Feb rotation and then doing the 25 minute run as we are having an unseasonable warm day today.

Has anyone have/done the rest of the Gym Style workouts? I haven't even taken them out of the plastic.

Also would be interested in a review of IMAX 3. I chickened out on it last week and did IMAX 2 instead.

Hope everyone's week is starting out great!

RE: Hi!

Hi Natalie,

I really like that music in Stretch Max -- am hoping to be able to purchase it separately. I just bumped my question about it to Cathe. Sure hope I can. I'm always looking for music that inspires me.

Okay, so I did IMAX 3 today -- I had read here in the forums that it was hard and so I approached it a little scared of it, but it was really great -- and I forgot to preview it beforehand, too. The step segments were a little difficult for me as they were complex, I found, -- probably because I forgot to preview it -- and so for some of them, cause they were too complex the first time through, I jumped around as best I could until the actual blasts. I'm actually looking forward to learning those moves now.

Also, I did some lo versions of some of the moves that were jumps, as I was pacing myself through the workout -- again, I'd heard here in the forum it was hard. In truth, IMAX3 is a terrific workout, and once I get the footwork down, I don't think it will be too much harder than the other IMAX's. The music was perfect, Cathe was in great form. There's not as much cool down between segments as in the others, as she uses the step segments to cool you down if the interval is not one of the hard ones. But on the harder intervals, she takes the time to cool you down with more of the side stepping, etc. And the stretching at the end is tops.

So my thoughts are that it is one terrific workout, and nothing to be afraid of at all. I would recommend that you preview it all the way through though -- although I did it without doing that and it worked out fine. Natalie, I think you'll really like it.

Have a terrific day!:7
RE: Hi!

Hi Karen Kay, Natalie, and Rhea,

You ladies are making me jealous -- I only purchased one Hardcore so far: High Step Challenge. I have to say that I totally love it! The workout is fun, the music is great, and the ladies look beautiful. Now I want more!

Have a great day!


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