My Early Morning Christmas Story


Tonight, my cats have been acting strangly near my bed most of night. Then, they seemed a wee bit curious on my bookshelve and chest combo. My curiosity got to me, but Seville and Madrid (my cats) knew very well what was sneaking about my home. A huge field mouse. After I screamed once or twice and freaked my cats out and scared the mouse, I decided to put the alpha cat (Seville) right up there with the mouse. The mouse got up there by climbing up a lamp cord to the chest. Seville managed to get him off the furniture and with Madrid, escorted him out my bedrooom while I sit here quietly. It might be 2AM EST. Later on, I have breakfast with a friend then later to my brother's house for Christmas game day and to hand out gifts. The noises sound like the cats finally won the standoff.
Have a Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas! My cat, Princess, wouldn't know what to do with a mouse ifyou paid her! If she ever saw one, I think she would run screaming - she's such a scared, timid little creature - but I love her to pieces!
Hasn't that mouse ever heard "The Night Before Christmas Story"?

"Not a creature was stirring. Not even a mouse"

It's been a long time since we've had a mouse in the house. I hope you got your rest after that.

Jennifer-I thought you were going to tell us that your cats were sniffing out a cool gift that got hidden back there! LOL

This summer, our cat was outside with us and all of a sudden we heard squealing. Turns our, Valentine caught himself a baby rabbit!!! My younger DS thought he was trying to kill it and started crying! I started chasing the cat and the rabbit because the rabbit almost ran into my house to get away from Valentine. was mayhem! LOL

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! My cat, Princess, wouldn't know what to do with a mouse ifyou paid her! If she ever saw one, I think she would run screaming - she's such a scared, timid little creature - but I love her to pieces!

This sounds exactly like my cat Tigger.

My ex BF had to kill the mice that we had found once. Tigger wasn't have anything to do them.
Update to the story: the mouse is still alive but I believe dehydrated and hungry since he arrived about twelve hours ago. He is underneath the fridge right now. I had found him napping in my kitchen right near the dishwasher, I thought he was dead but not.
I have heard the peppermint works to keep mice away and also a mouse hotel will attract them but not harm other animals. So much for catching up on rest while school is on break for two weeks. Merry Christmas!!!

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