My daugthers perception of ME!

>Is there a photo of your DD on your picture trail? I counted
>9 of your DS, plus your avatar photo of him.

I think there's a pic of her 12 yo DD holding the son.

For the record, I would not post pictures of my teen or pre-teen girl in a picture trail account that can be viewed by the public at large.
Understandable, given the abundance of creeps in the world!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
There are more albums there but you guys can't see them. She runs from the camera these days anyway.
I really don't think that had anything to do with what I was talking about though. Jealousy isn't the issue at hand. I was just saying that I am careful not to pay to much attention to the baby most times! And my picturetrail isn't an example of my everyday life. I added most those pics of DS when he had his b-day party for friends of mine on one of the checkins and I haven't removed them yet.As for the avatar pics, I uploaded 2 of them b/c I didn't know which one I was gonna use.
A little ticked actaully that you would count the pictures between kids and then question me about it? you had nothing to contribute to the coversation but comming in here and counting pics? Odd!

>Exactly. I can show you sites that pilfer public pictures
>from people's photobucket accounts.

Unfortunately that happened here once w/ the picture of a young girl in a gymnastics leotard. x(

What a fantastic thread. As the mother of a 2 year old DD, and stepmom to two girls ages 12 and 15, I read this with much interest. (Incidentally, DH and his ex were very young parents - 20 and 21 when the first was born.)

My stepkids live in 2 extremes -- our house and their mom's house. Her house = PopTarts or sugar cereal for breakfast; Doritos, other chips, Hostess cakes, no fruit; processed anything (or pizza) for dinner. Their favorite meal at Mom's? Breaded, pan-fried chicken with corn, mashed potatoes, and macaroni and cheese. ACK! Mom is also extrememly overweight and lazy (ie: she drives the 9 year old to school -- all 2 blocks -- instead of walking).

At our house, I exercise regularly, DH is physically active. We have very little snack food (just pretzels, pistachios, fruit, and for them, 100-cal snack packs). Cereals like Cheerios, Kashi Go Lean, etc. We rarely eat out, and if we have pizza, I make whole wheat crust and we make our own. I use lots of veggies, whole grains, lean meats.

We walk a fine line with them. We are trying to teach them about making healthier food choices to help their bodies grow and to give them the energy they need to get through the day. We don't talk about "diets" either. We try to lead by example, but sadly, during the school year we only have them 8 nights a month which isn't much time to help them form better habits.

But DD -- she loves to workout with me and Cathe. When I log onto the website, she gets excited. "Mommy, esasize!" She does squats on the Step, likes "kickboxing," and lifts her own 1-lb hand weights (every time I pray she doesn't drop one on her feet!). If only I could get her to eat veggies again!! The broccoli "trees" trick doesn't work with her LOL

I need to lose about 15 pounds, and still have plenty of opportunity to fine tune myself :), but I am healthy and strong and energetic. That's what I want for my DD and my SDs.

You are an amazing role model for your DD. You embrace healthy eating and exercise without preaching it to her. Great news that you and she had open dialogue last night. How interesting that she doesn't even know what anorexic really is; she parroted that obviously. You should show her pics of anorexics, so she can see what it means to be skinny but unhealthy.

ps...Your pics are amazing! Very inspiring -- thank you for sharing. You do not look too thin. You look healthy and strong :)
>>My stepkids live in 2 extremes -- our house and their mom's
>house. Her house = PopTarts or sugar cereal for breakfast;
>Doritos, other chips, Hostess cakes, no fruit; processed
>anything (or pizza) for dinner. Their favorite meal at Mom's?
> Breaded, pan-fried chicken with corn, mashed potatoes, and
>macaroni and cheese. ACK! Mom is also extrememly overweight
>and lazy (ie: she drives the 9 year old to school -- all 2
>blocks -- instead of walking).
>Gee, No need to be so spiteful about the ex! Do you know what her life is really like? Maybe she is on the way to work dropping off her son? do you work? You have the luxury of raising your child in a two parent home. Maybe she overeats to compensate for the stress of being a single parent. She is trying to do everything alone, and you have help from your husband, dont you? it is funny how the new wife always judges the old one. hopefully you won't end up in her shoes marriage wise. there are not guarantees now, are there?? Maybe you should show some kindness about your SD's mother, they could learn from that and gain some respect for you. The respect that you obviously deny their mother. I hope they never read that you called their mother fat and lazy. It is easy to be on a high horse and very judgemental when you live with the father of your child, isn't it?
>>Gee, No need to be so spiteful about the ex! Do you know what
>her life is really like? Maybe she is on the way to work
>dropping off her son? do you work? You have the luxury of
>raising your child in a two parent home. Maybe she overeats to
>compensate for the stress of being a single parent. She is
>trying to do everything alone, and you have help from your
>husband, dont you? it is funny how the new wife always judges
>the old one. hopefully you won't end up in her shoes marriage
>wise. there are not guarantees now, are there?? Maybe you
>should show some kindness about your SD's mother, they could
>learn from that and gain some respect for you. The respect
>that you obviously deny their mother. I hope they never read
>that you called their mother fat and lazy. It is easy to be on
>a high horse and very judgemental when you live with the
>father of your child, isn't it?

I'm not a high horse. Facts are facts. When you are 5'5" and weigh about 280 lbs, you're overweight. Period.

As for judging, aren't you the pot calling the kettle black? Your very first post is an attack on someone you know nothing about. Nice way to introduce yourself to a community.

Gee, should I jump to the conclusion that you are the "old wife" of someone?! Your response is particularly defensive.

Yes, I DO work. And for years I did have sympathy for his ex. Too much has happened during 8 years for that sympathy and understanding to remain.

I will not indulge you with details and facts, but I will say it is sad when a woman hates her ex-husband more than she loves her children.

And my husband's ex-wife is NOT a single parent. She's a divorced parent who has primary custody (though she's offered to give it up if she gets to "keep my money"). My DH is very involved in their lives, as am I. And unlike their mother -- who loves to speak ill of us (which we know because the kids tell us), we do not say disparaging things about their mother to them. She is their mom, and though I do NOT respect her, I would never tell them that.
Ack!, someone hit a nerve, yikes.

Back to the original purpose of this thread. Lori - I think you look awesome! I've actually looked at your picturetrail before and thought you were a cutie (not in a weird stalker way, promise!). And your kids are cuties too. LOTS of people have posted pics of their kids or use pics of them in their avatar or signature line, so I would not let those comments bother you. I didn't see the relavance either. I think you look very healthy and the dialogue you started with your daughter sounds like things are headed in the right direction.
>Which is why some of y'all are, IMO, nuts for the links to
>your pictures. LOL

Why cuz' weirdos like me look at them? :+
no advise from me but I did snoop at your photos and you look fabulous! In no way anorexic. you look strong/healthy. One thought is with people in general today even in highschool you see alot more "plump" people and it may be seen as more normal than someone very fit. Maybe she needs to see photos of anorexic people to see the difference? Maybe you could convince her to try some of your workouts and she may want to end up doing it herself when she sees how good it is? I dunno? just rambling thoughts.

Your a beauty!! You look great! You are a wonderful role model
to your daughter. Never feel guilty. I have two small daughters.
But I love being fit and very strong. I look at it as ensuring
my children to follow suit by eating healthy and exercising.
My 2 year old has watched me early on and now copies me.
I am proud of myself and like you our children. No you are not
anorexic but a picture of perfect health. You are guiding your
daughter to live a healthy life style. Just think how sad it
would be if you smoked,etc. I also can tell by your posts
how much you love your family!

Jennifer Claire 12/24/05
Taylor Elizabeth 08/22/07
> I think its the age thing. She looks at me as a sister

I dunno about that. My mom and I are 20 years apart and while she was DEFINITELY seen as the "cool" mom by my friends because she was younger than their mothers, I can assure you that I never, EVER thought of her as a sister! There was no doubt in my mind that she was a mother - not a sister.

Do you think you act more like a sister than a mother, that would drive that interpretation of your relationship? If not, I can't imagine she's actually feeling this way. A ~20 year difference in age to a kid is ENORMOUS! :)

Actually, that reminds me of a very funny conversation I had with one of my nieces. I'm only about 15 years older than she is, and I was hanging out at their house with my SIL, my niece, and one of my niece's girlfriends, Sam. We were talking about age and I said something along the lines of "Well, given how young I am, I must be the cool aunt, right?" She and her friend laughed and pretty much said "Um. No. You're the same age as Sam's mom." Being a mere 15 years older was decidedly uncool. :)

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