My cat has died on Tuesday and I am so depressed

I am another animal lover (owned by three cats, a dog, a turtle, and a horse. Oh, and a fish) who offers my sincerest "I'm sorries" and hopes your grieving won't be too long or painful.

When you are ready, there may be another whiskered one who has picked you out as her human.

Susan L.G.
My thoughts are with you...I know this is so tough. How blessed to have had your kitty for 21 years! Think about all the love you shared, and maybe when you're ready, you can open up that unconditional love with another pet! Take time for you right now, find like-minded people for comfort. "This too shall pass."

Take care.
I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. I understand how you are feeling. When my cat died a few years ago, I was devastated. I mourned, had a little memorial service for him (dog and other cat attended), mourned a little more, then life got back to normal. But I still miss him terribly. It's okay to be sad, and in time you will feel better.

Hugs to you....
Mariángeles, I'm very sorry for your loss. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for you and I hope in time you will find consolation in the wonderful memories you have of your sweet pet.

So sorry to hear about your loss, only time can heal this one...even as I write this, I remember my loss, of not one but two with tears in my eyes. It's been 6 years and my heart still aches but it does not seem like a completely open wound anymore. It gets better, slowly, but it does. You saw the soul in your feline companion that no one else saw, and that is a truly special gift...Just knowing that a human lives on average 80 years, that's at least 10 animal companions that you can share your love with. I believe that all animals have an equal amount of unconditional, unlimited loyaly and love to give. So I hope that one day you will be able to open your heart once again to a furry companion who desperately needs someone like you.

Hugs, again,

Thanks a lot for all your help. I hate my boss. I took my cat to the pet clinic urgently on Sunday and he was in the vet since his death on Tuesday ( 2 days out of my job). I decided not going to my job because I was very bad knowing he was so ill at 21 years old and I felt very bad.Today my boss have said I have not been responsable even I adviced and I have taken a medical justification. My boss don't understand why my cat's death could affected so much to not going to my job. I can't deal with her (my boss is a woman).My job is not urgent and it has been only two days.I am a public servant and I have right to have two day for illness. How could I work knowing he was suffering?

Thanks for yor support

Mariángeles ;( ;( ;(

Lots of insensitive and uncaring people in the world. Don't let it bother you though. You are going thru enough right now. You did your best, and I am sure your cat knows he was loved very much and died happy. He will never forget you.

Thanks a lot Charlotte and Marie. I don't matter about her opinion. My conscience is clear. I took care of my dear cat and that's the most important thing I can do during those terrible days.

I agree that you shouldn't feel guilty about taking care of your old friend. To me, some things are just so much more important than a job. Missing moments like that with your baby would stay with you forever, a couple of days at a job really doesn't mean anything in the end, does it?

I just lost my 17-year-old baby this June. I, however, feel so unbelievably guilty that I neglected him too much in this past year. I was going through such a hard time, and I took for granted the fact that he's always there. I just didn't give him all of the attention he deserved. I sat at the vet's office with him for nearly 3 hours every day just holding him and grooming him and crying before I had to let him go. They would even let me come in on the weekend when they were closed. I still dream about him at least 3 times a week. The other night I was dreaming that he was "haunting" me, but I was so happy that I knew he was there I cried!

You have the right to feel however you want to feel about your cat. Don't listen to anybody else.

Take care of yourself during this time,

Sara I am so sorry for you. Yes, we took for granted the fact that he is always there. Today I have gone to the park with my mother and when I have come back home I have opened the door and I have called him and in seconds I have realized he will never ever be in the house again. Very sad.

Take care.


Mariangeles... I know how you feel.... for weeks I looked for Jasper running across the yard when I came home. He always acted like I'd been gone a year when I came home, he could hardly wait for me to out of the car. Your cat was such a steady presence in your life, it is natural to look for him when you come home. Take care... you are in my thoughts....
I remember that one of the most painful things for me when my cat Gppetto died years ago was that my boyfriend at the time kept saying that I must be upset about something else because no one would get so upset over a cat. People who don't have pets don't understand. I was devastated when he died!! I got Gppetto and my 2 other cats at the same time, right when I first moved out of my parents' house. I still have the other two cats, they are each 16 years old, and I can't even think about losing them. They (like Gppetto until he died) have been though everything with me in my adult life; each celebration, devastation, and just regular-old-boring day.
All that being said, I am so sorry for your loss. Definitely give yourself (and expect others to give you) the time and space you need to grieve. I can think about Gppetto with happiness in my heart now, but it took a long time. You will get there too.
You poor girl! I am so sorry about your loss. Please know you are in my thoughts.

Your boss needs to be more sensitive. Where I work it is already known that I do and will take off of work for my babies (Chico & my cats) in case there's an emergency. They already know how important they all are to me. Thankfully, there hasn't been too many occasions.

Your little guy was with you such a long time.I am so sorry for you. Take care.
I am so very sorry for your loss. DO not listen to people who think that your kitty was not as important because he was not human...that is just not the case. Often, our furbabies are more meaningful than some humans we know!!

Take your time to heal and grieve. Try to remember all the great times you had with Mimosin and know that he is still with you!

I completely understand your feelings and loss. I recently lost my kitty, too. It was so painful, but it does get better. Just feel that he is still with you and think of all the joys you both shared together.

I am so sorry!! ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))


I just wanted you to know how sorry I am. 21 years is a very long time & I can't imagine how sad & painful this must be for you. People can be very inconsiderate, especially when they haven't had or don't understand the love of a precious pet. I have a 15-year-old doggie & she's really starting to show her age. I can't stand the thoughts of losing her & I already cry at times when she can't get up the stairs or something like that. Anyway, I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for your loss & send you a big hug too. ((((Mariangeles))))

I'll be thinking of you,
Oh Mariangeles, I'm so sorry:( I feel your pain. We lost our cat a short while ago too. And don't you let anyone tell you that you shouldn't be sad or grieving! 21 years is longer than most people have friends! You take as long as you need to and we're here if you need to vent or cry.
{{{{{{hugs }}}}}}}}

I am so sorry for your loss .. and so sorry you have such an insensitive jerk for a boss!

I have lost pets .. my beloved Rotti Rocky .. about 4 years ago .. he was 13 .. and died just minutes before I got home .. peacefully .. in his sleep .. he was still warm .. and that sorrow will always be with me .. I cry just thinking about it ..

My babies now help .. and I get sick thinking of death of anyone .. or any pet ..

21 years is a lot of years .. and I am sure your beloved pet was so happy and honored to have you as his mother/caretaker/friend ...

.. I can still hear my Rocky waiting at the door .. he will always be with me in my heart!!

Bless you .. it will get better .. and try to ignore the insensitivity of those who don't know any better ..

everyone here at work .. knows my "babies" are my family .. and when in need I will be there for them .. like they would for anyone they loved ...and I am lucky they all understand how I feel ..

.. peace to you ..
I am crying reading your kind messages. Laura your dear Geppetto will be always in your heart. Enjoy the love of your other cats. Marla thanks a lot. Jenni I am sorry for your loss Our pets usually gives more unselfish and pure love than many humans.Kel I understand your pain seeing your doogie is showing his age. My cat showed his age too (he was very old)and I loved him even more than when he was younger. Shelley thanks from the buttom of my heart. I was waiting for the new Cathe's and Turbo jam until this happened and now I feel myself empty. Poochy I am so sorry for you.

Thanks a lot everyone. I find so much love here.


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