My Body is Telling Me I am Doing TOO Much--Help!


Yesterday, I did The Bonus workout on the Pyramid Upper and Lower Body DVD. During the workout my right knee began to hurt. Then when my husband got home we went for a jog--using the Couch to 5k plan on the site. So we only jogged 60 sec. and walked 90 sec. for a total of 20 minutes.
Well today I am not doing anything but resting and putting a hot water bottle on my knees--because I think my left knee may be next.
Here is the problem--for the last year I have done Cathe step 3 days a week and Cathe weights for the other 3 days. Alternating. Then taking Saturday off.
But over the Holidays I added racketball to my sunday weight workout, jogging--at least working at it--to my weight days(sunday,tuesday,thursday), and playing tennis with my kids about once a week.
Oh, yes, and my sex life has increased from about 3 times a month to almost every night.
So--this is the first time in my life that I have tried to incorporate fun stuff that I love into my life. Before it was just trying to get in shape.
Doing Cathe has increased my aerobic capacity to a point that I enjoy the other stuff now.
But my legs are telling me to slow down. So how do I incorporate racketball,jogging,tennis with my Cathe Workouts? Should I cut down on Cathe? If so the weights or the cardio? Is jogging just too much for my knees? I know jogging is much harder for me to do than a Cathe step workout. My breathing is fine, but it is much harder on my feet and legs.
Please help me. I don't want to hurt myself and have to quit working out until I heal. I hate starting over--it hurts too much. I also think I am addicted to Cathe workouts. What can I do?
Thanks in advance
Heather, I don't know what to tell you to cut back on, but your body is definitely telling you you're "over doing." I can only jog about once a week because of knee problems (I used to jog alot) but I use this as a cardio or interval workout depending on my mood.

Anyway instead of trying to do everything, use racketball and jogging as cross training activities instead of trying to add them with your regular workout. For example, use running as a day to replace your interval cardio workout but don't do it in addition to your workout. I don't think you have to give up anything, just rethink how you want to rotate things in.

If you don't make some modifications and give your body enough rest you may start having more injuries.

I think you've been having too much sex :) :) :) :) Don't you other girls agree with me? (no, really I'm quite jealous!) the mind boggles when one thinks of the knee injuries that could possibly occur :) :)

Seriously, it sounds like you've been doing too much too soon. I personally find with adding running in that it takes a long time to condition the body to the impact of running, so maybe a walking program to start with would be better. Racquetball requires a lot of lateral movement which is really hard on the knees, so I would be inclined to stick to walking/walk-running and give the racketball a miss.

Good luck!
Liz N

PS - I hope you're not offended by my "sex talk" -it's just a good natured friendly ribbing.....
Sounds like overuse injury in the beginning, my advice is to go see an orthopedic doctor to get an evaluation. I have jumpers knee in other words it is an overuse injury, try cutting back some, I have litteraly stopped working out for like two months to let me knees heal and just getting back into working out but going ever so slow at it as not to irritate my knees again and when I feel pain in my knee I don't do anything for a day or two such as cardio. Try riding a bike for at least 10 minutes a day, and also do NOT use a HOT pack Ice the knee not heat the knee!!! BUT MAKE SURE YOU SEE A ORTHOPEDIC SPECIALIST!!!!
Um, Heather, you should ICE an injury - not heat it. This coming from an RN here, just so you know. And, it sounds like you're really pushing yourself too hard. The title of your post pretty much says it all, and I think you answered your own question. If you think you're doing too much, then back off. I guess you're the only who can say why you feel the need to be doing all of this, and then some, but honestly I think you're right in that your body is trying to tell you something. Hope you don't take offense at this ... just trying to help.

Hi Heather the one thing I would not do right now is jog and do legs work on the same day. I think that is too much on your knees. I would maybe take either 1 of the jogging out or 1 of the legs work out for a while and see how you do. And for the sex keep at it girl, LOL.
Yeah, I think the problem may be sex related to:) Its hard on your knees when they aren't close together!:+ So I've been told!
Your body diffently lets ya know when it needs a rest, even if we don't feel like it.I ran alot last summer.I normally only ran 3 -5 times a week 8-10kms.I started running with a friend and she ran everyday,14kms.Of course I had to keep up.It only lasted a short while and I soon realized that I can't run that much.My knee started to give me alot of trouble.I rested it for a while and when I thought it was healed I started running again.About half way around my route my knee acted up again,I favored it and hurt my quad.It felt like I had a muscle pulled.I walked with a limp for days and the cycle continued until I gave myself a good rest.
I still managed to do step but I couldn't run.My knee didn't hurt from doing step but my leg was a little uncomfortable.I kept on doing aerobics until it healed.I have now started running again,not as far, but the pain is gone now.
My advice to you is to let your body rest.Its better to let our bodies rest,then to deal with some bigger damage later in life.
Take care,
Thanks for all the helpful advice. The pain is not sharp or extreme. I just feel something there that I never felt before. It feels better tonight after resting for the day.
I have decided that I have to pick what I really like and not try to do it all at once. I really like racketball. Much more than running. So the running is out. I love step and weights. So I will keep that up too. Just need to not do it all on the same day.
I have to remember--life is a marathon, not a sprint. This body has to last the rest of my life.
As for the interesting comments on the sex--That I won't be giving up. Because I like that the best of all ;-) !
You ladies and gents rock. You are always here when I need you.
I think you should cut out the sex myself. Of course, I do it 3 times a day, so I am one to talk. I even go home at lunch for sex. We do it everywhere outside, in the pool, every room of the house, in the car, on my desk, on the roof of a house once. We don't care who sees us either. You cannot name a spot where we haven't had sex!
So maybe do like I do. I workout and screw myself silly, but I had to give up sleep and alot of my eating too. I live off Powerbars and Coors light.
Trevor :)
Trevor, how about Wal Mart? Have you had sex in Wal Mart? Those dressing rooms aren't very big, but at least there's a shelf in them.

I had sex in a Royal Doulton store once! The bone china is exquisite!!
T. :)
so much sex talk!

So much sex talk…!!! I’m shocked…! And excited!!! I was handcuffed last night, but perhaps that’s for another website???…moving on…

Sounds to me like you’re doing too much. Cut back (but not on the sex!). Ice an injury, don’t heat it…

Though exercise is healthy and we should do some, more isn’t always better. The body needs rest and good food to rebuild and repair. Listen to what its saying. If you’ve increased the amount of cardio your doing, plus the sex life is now more active its no wonder your body is saying “rest me”. I think its saying “you can either have more sex or more exercise (Cathe) but not both…” Now…tell me…which one do you want more in your life??? Much as I love Cathe… I don’t think she’ll mind if this time i choose her second place… x
RE: so much sex talk!

Oh, I think you can have your Cathe and your sex too, but you have to balance the two. Handcuffed? Cool! I knew there was something kinky about you, Wayne!! LOL!!

I always break some sort of inanimate object!!! Lamp, headboard, etc.!
T. :)
I hope you have good house insurance, although I can just see your claim form now ... LOL!!

So ... the handcuffs were because you were arrested or something??? LOL!! Come on, Wayne!! We want details!!! LOL!!

Why don't you just do the shorter Timesaver workouts and incorporate Cathe that way?

My body actually improved quicker when I moved to shorter workouts. I am advanced and can get through Interval Max and Circuit Max just fine. I didn't have much time to workout because of my work schedule so I started doing Cathe's CTX cardios alone during the week (3 or 4 days) and one longer strength workout on the weekend. My body improved faster and I got in great shape.

This worked great for me!

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