My Body is Telling Me I am Doing TOO Much--Help!

obviously you've gotten the answer to your question... cut back a little. You may want to cut out running altogether- its really hard on the joints and if you're getting enough excercise in other ways you enjoy, get rid of it. Raquetball and tennis are also very aggressive moves back and forth as well as side to side. Just listen to your knees and as soon as something feels "funny" take it easy. Why don't you and your husband start swimming together? Great for the body and heart, plus it would be something you could do together.

Good for you for having such a wonderful relationship and sharing it w/us- there's nothing more inspirational than a couple that's been together for years that still gets that "dating" feeling in your stomach!:)
Lets me see.

Handcuffs. Candles. Soft music. Blindfold… me wearing only my imagination!!!

It’s all wrong. All naughty. And all highly addictive! lol

Healthy games = healthy relationship?

I honestly believe that there is nothing as exciting as hot, passionate, loving, romantic monogamy. Just me and my love. Tis all i've ever wanted... and more x
Wayne, I couldn't agree more!!! You go with your healthy passionate self there!! LOL!! NOTHING is "wrong" in sex as long as it's mutually agreed upon by two consenting adults.


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