
Help guys I am doing the Leg Blast Rotation and I need my Green Band I just started week two I upped all my weight got down to do outer thighs where you cross the band and my first pull "SNAP" it broke you should have heard my daughter "Gasp" What are you going to do now mom"
Get on the boards and find out if they are selling them in Sporting Stores or if I still have to order it could someone send me the link and what do I do in the meantime tomorrow is chest and tri's.

What next?

"Another one that proves equipment is not necessary to get the job done" -Cathe Friedrich
Sorry to hear about your band, I have a "band graveyard" of my own!:) They sell them at sporting goods stores all over the place, Target might even have them. You should be back to doing those nasty triceps kickbacks in no time flat!}(
Oh no! Mine actually just snapped last Thursday during GS BSB! Luckily I had seen a tear in it a few weeks earlier and new a break was coming so I had a spare waiting for me. Go to this website:

Click on "Dynabands" and then go get yourself another 6 ft green band. That's what I did. They're dirt cheap and ship incredibly fast!

I will see if they have a 6 ft in the stores by my house If not thank you for the site I can order now

"Another one that proves equipment is not necessary to get the job done" -Cathe Friedrich
I bought two of the three band packs at Sports Authority. Each pack has 3 bands. Each band is 4' long and have varying tension indicated by their color. I knot 2 matching colors together and the resulting 8' band works great! I really like having the varying resistance levels. I use the middle one for LB, toughest for back and easiest for shoulders and triceps. JMO, but I think the green dynaband is thinner/easier than the mid-level one in the 3 pack I bought and that's why it breaks more easily. (I actually own the green dynaband too but never use it)

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
I'm totally paranoid that my stability ball is going to burst just as I have a 20 pound dumbbell over my head doing pullovers! Hey, it could happen, right?
I noticed yesterday that mine was starting to tear a little right in the middle, so I know it will probably "snap" at any time. I'm going to order another one (and a few for "spares"). Also, a couple of days ago I ordered a couple of Versa Loops. I had never seen these before, but I have the Tracy Staehle Parts workouts and she uses them for her leg workouts. They looked perfect for the firewalkers in Cathe's workouts. They are small and fit perfectly around your legs where you don't have to knot it like you do the Dyna Band. Anyhow, I haven't received them yet to try them out, but I thought they looked neat. They were very inexpensive (as a matter of fact the shipping cost as much as the bands!).

I've broken two bands AND an exercise tube (broke my finger on that one!). I got 6 footers at Target (Giam sells them for one of the videos) and they came 3 in the package. Two disapeared (thinking the kids found a fun use for them), but my last one is hanging in there well.
I taped mine back together with wide clear package wrapping tape you use on packages or boxes and so far it's holding but I'm careful with it so it doesn't pop me in the face as it breaks again :7 .

They should last longer than they do ;( .

Thank you everyone I am ordering through the fitness wholesale all the bands in the stores are 3' I need the 6'.

"Another one that proves equipment is not necessary to get the job done" -Cathe Friedrich

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