My Amy Bento's workouts are here

Thanks for the link, Karin!
Since I posted it, I guess I can copy and paste my own post here, right! (self plagiarism!):

Here's what I did (I may change things up a bit when I do it again, but this worked well). Some changes were so the workout flows better USING GOOD KB FORM; others are to reduce impact, and others are just to replace moves I thought looked really silly.

1) right after the warm-up, when Amy turns to the side and does a front kick-back kick, turn front two side kicks to the same side, I sub alternating side kicks while turning to the front for the 2 side kicks.

2) when Amy does three alternating side kicks, followed by two mighty silly looking jump kicks to the same side, I substitute a side lunge/side kick for the two kicks (so: kick right-left-right squat left, kick right).

3) for 3 alternating side kicks into a jump front kick, I just keep doing alternating side kicks.

4) FOr her "body-body" punches (to what, an 8-foot tall body?) followed by an uppercut and 'jaw breaker, I do a front hook, back uppercut 2x.

5) for the knee, 2-count machine gun (does that even count as a ' machine gun" ?) followed by 3 drop kicks (I just don't like the look of those), I do a knee, 12-count machine gun, hold.

6) Any time there is a jab, rear hook, I either did a jab-hook both of the front, or a jab-cross. One could also do a jab-rear upper cut.

7) I changed the strange high punches (still fighting that 8' tall opponent, I see), I do a regular jab.

8) I do the thrust punch, kick with the kick coming off the front leg (seems smoother and more powerful that way).

9) for the down-up-down punches moving forward, followed by a jump kick, I do a non-jump back kick on the moving up (more space-friendly, and adds in some back kicks) and a non-jumping front kick on the moving back.

10) I did the " kick-walk-walk" move as an actual walk because those hoppy ' walks' Amy and crew do look mightly sillly.

11) for Amy's high-low alternating elbow strikes, I stay on the same arm and do two half-time strong rear elbow strikes.

12) For the elbow back/front double into 6 kicks, I turn the front whatever it is (what IS it supposed to be?) into a hook.

I might have made some other little tweeks, but I can't read the rest of my notes!

(Oh, does doing a ' boxer's SHUFFLE' instead of a ' boxer's SHAKE' count as a modification? LOL!)

I enjoyed the workout more than I thought I would on previewing, but that's with my changes, and with watching myself in the mirror much more than I watched Amy (though I couldn't miss some cringe-worthy and/or snicker-enducing sights, like the strangly bent-over ducks--because of Amy's height?--the wild-looking back elbow strikes, and the rabbit-punching speed bag arms.)

I skipped the core band work and the bonus bag work, because even without those two, the workout is over 70 minutes, and I felt well worked out (I think if I had followed the moves as-is, I would have been much more frustrated and felt less worked least worked out ' right' ).
Need opinion...

I'm not sure if I should order the kickboxing workout or not and was hoping to get some opinions.

I like kickboxing workouts, but not workouts that are basically hi/lo with some kickboxing moves. The kickboxing workouts I do most often are Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2 and I like the drills at the end of Cardio Kicks.

Do you think that I would like Amy's kickboxing workout?

RE: Need opinion...

>I like kickboxing workouts, but not workouts that are
>basically hi/lo with some kickboxing moves. The kickboxing
>workouts I do most often are Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2 and I like
>the drills at the end of Cardio Kicks.
>Do you think that I would like Amy's kickboxing workout?

I'm not sure. The workkout is SUPPOSED to be kickboxing (and not hi/lo with some kickboxing moves), but Amy's form, and especially her basing some choreo and sequences on her form and not on correct form, make it more of a kickiboxing-flavored hi/lo workout if done as-is. If you make the modifications I suggest above, it turns it into more of an actually (doable-with-good-form) kickboxing workout.
RE: Need opinion...

I have all three, and Amy is not going to be an instructor for everyone. She doesn't break things down, and she is very intense. I love it!

APX - very long, best used in premix form, but a nice change from traditional Cathe weight training, a good shock to the system.

KBX - Fun! Yes, her form is not stellar, but thank goodness no one watches my form either. As with any workout, use common sense. If a move is waving a red flag at you, modify it. I loved the dancier feel to this, and the choreography was complex. I like this one for days when I have to do kickbox, but I don't want to feel like Rocky while I do it...

HLX - Another winner! Similar to MIC in intensity, but no boredom factor and again, no breakdown to let your mind go numb. Again, her style is not for everyone, but for me I like the change of pace, keeps me on my toes and my mind sharp!

I hope her next series is a bit shorter, as I don't always have alot of time to workout, but she has alot of great premixes on all these dvds, and there is even a breakdown of the premixes on the list also, so you don't have to go into anything wondering what you are getting yourself into!
RE: Need opinion...

I actually never minded Amy's whooping cuz when she was usually a WELL DESERVED whoop.
RE: Need opinion...

I actually did not think her hi/lo was very intense. MIC is definitely more intense than this one. It was fun and time went by fast but I didn't feel like I got a great workout. I haven't tried the rest yet. Abs was sort of short.
RE: Need opinion...

I actually loved the HI/LO. It was uber fun and very intense. It's my favorite form of cardio and there just aren't enough HI/LO video's out. If they are out they aren't long enough. This had the perfect length, the perfect intensity, and perfect fun factor to me. I like this more than the other two of the set. I agree with whoever said, APX=L-O-N-G! I have never watched an exercise video that long! LOL! Definitely will use premixes off of that one because the actually exercises look good. I'm kinda so so on the KBX too. The form isn't necessarily a killer for me, but I just thought it would be the first one I wanted to do. I'm having more fun with HLX. :eek: Anyway, my two new favorite videos are Body Max 2 and HI/LO Xtreme. :+[/img][/url]
RE: Need opinion...

I think it's very interesting how people seem to keep excusing Amy's bad kickboxing form by pointing out that they don't necessarily have good form, either, or that the workout will be fine (as long as you modify substantially). My problem with this logic is, she's the *instructor.* Shouldn't she be held to a higher standard?

I haven't seen the workout so I can't comment personally. I just think it's very strange how many people are willing to overlook what to me appear to be fundamental problems with the workout.

RE: Need opinion...

Speaking only for myself I don't "excuse" instructors with poor form but when they have noted that their workouts are Kickboxing inspired I dont expect a professional level of kickboxing. If I were to buy a "martial arts" master tape and saw poor form I would definitly take issue... These instructors I refer to are cardio and high intensity instructors thats why Idont expect their forms to be perfect. Just my personal feeling.:)
RE: Need opinion...

>I don't "excuse" instructors with
>poor form but when they have noted that their workouts are
>Kickboxing inspired I dont expect a professional level of
>kickboxing.... These instructors I refer to are cardio and high intensity instructors thats why Idont expect their forms to be perfect.

I don't expect "perfect" form (for example: it's easy to have flaring elbows when one doesn't have the experience and muscle memory, IMO: just look at Cathe and crew in CK), but I do expect a certain level of acceptability (again, CK). And for the instructor to at least understand what the correct form should be (and choreograph moves that it can be used with).

Would you find it acceptable that a step instuctor does 'groucho-walking' onto the step, or bounces on their toes? Proper form, and instruction of that form, should apply to all forms of cardio.
RE: Need opinion...

Each to his own on this one. I have no issues with Amy's form, or lack thereof. I know what I can do, and with all due respect, I can do it quite well and with good form, thank you. I don't think Amy has tried to promote herself as the primo kickboxing instructor, she is only trying to put out the kinds of workouts that everyone has requested of her. I, for one, am looking forward to more workouts from her, kickboxing or not. I guess I am trying to say that I try to look for the good in a workout, the positive points that I can take from it, and the results that can be gained accordingly. If all you can do is look for the negative and be critical, then so be it. Not my style.
RE: Need opinion...

On another note, I'm enjoying these workouts and I really hope she continues to make long workouts. I know a lot of people complain about how they don't have the time to do an hour long workout, most days I don't, but I don't like to buy workouts that are only 30-45 minutes in length. There's enough on the market as it is, and I don't feel I get my money's worth from a 30 minute video. As long as instructors like Amy and Cathe continue to have premixes with shorter options, then I'd prefer the main workout to be over an hour.

Just my humble opinion!:)
RE: Need opinion...

Ok, so I did this workout for the 2nd time and now I LOVE it!. Its a super long workout and the music is great. The moves were much easier to get down the 2nd time I did it and my spacial issues have now been resolved. I only change one move and that's the jumping side kicks which I make into jumping front kicks and it works great. Its now a favorite of mine.
RE: Need opinion...

>Each to his own on this one. I have no issues with Amy's
>form, or lack thereof. I know what I can do, and with all due
>respect, I can do it quite well and with good form, thank you.
> I don't think Amy has tried to promote herself as the primo
>kickboxing instructor, she is only trying to put out the kinds
>of workouts that everyone has requested of her. I, for one,
>am looking forward to more workouts from her, kickboxing or
>not. I guess I am trying to say that I try to look for the
>good in a workout, the positive points that I can take from
>it, and the results that can be gained accordingly. If all
>you can do is look for the negative and be critical, then so
>be it. Not my style.

Conni, I'm not really sure if you're directing your comments to me or someone else. I also don't expect any aerobics teacher to be a "primo kickboxing instructor" (unless billed as such), but I do find the lack of concern over a potential safety issue curious. I would personally be worried about injury, but that's just me.

ETA - of course, everyone has different dealbreakers. Like I can never get past Janis Saffell's camel toe problem enough to enjoy her workouts, either. }(
RE: Need opinion...

> If all
>you can do is look for the negative and be critical, then so
>be it. Not my style.

If you're addressing me:
I AM looking at the good as well...otherwise I would have dumped the workout after a first viewing. It's Amy's style and her personality, the music (and my own ability to adapt the moves that don't work) that allow me to keep the workout. ;-)
RE: Need opinion...

I don't personally know Amy -- but I really do like her as an instructor and since conversing with her via email recently, I found out she is a Nutritionist and has a day job on top of her Fitness Life. Also - I know that she listens to her public and tries to improve in her offerings from what feedback she gets. I'm sure she will learn from this experience with the kickbox form just as she did from the DVD-R dilemna that surrounded her first offerings. I generally think Amy has a sincere passion for delivering us advanced fitness ladies what we want.

Perhaps some of you can post your opinions on her Forum so she knows how she can improve to help us (if she hasn't already read it over here and at Videofitness). I really think her heart is in the right place.

Personally - I am REALLY having a lot of fun with her new offerings and I enjoy working out with Amy. I am not a person to only think Cathe has the best workouts. I like variety and I like people with all different personalities from Tony Horton (yes, I like goofy Tony) to Cathe, to Amy, etc.

ETA: Wasn't there also a time (in Cathe's earlier Kickboxing) where I've seen people here mention that her form was not the greatest?? Did she improve over time? If I'm correct, I do believe I remember reading something to that nature around here.
RE: Need opinion...

Did it this morning. I was thinking as I was trying to do the moves it's like the IMAX 3 of hi/lo kickboxing, LOL! What I mean is that I am choreographically challenged and it will take me some time to master.

I enjoyed it and worked up a pretty good sweat! Very easy to modify, IMO :)
RE: Need opinion...

>ETA: Wasn't there also a time (in Cathe's earlier Kickboxing)
>where I've seen people here mention that her form was not the
>greatest?? Did she improve over time? If I'm correct, I do
>believe I remember reading something to that nature around
Yes, Cathe's form has improved greatly from CK to KM, but it's never been as bad as Amy's, and even when Cathe's form was a bit iffy, she choreod sequences that could be done with correct form (my theory is that it takes some time to develop the muscle memory and the skills to do the moves with good form, but some instructors--like Cathe--can still know what good form should be, and what sequences make sense. For example, I've never seen another instructor, besides Amy,, do a hook off the back arm--it just doesn't make sense, and I would think if she consulted anyone with a martial arts background--a good idea if you're venturing into a kb workout and don't have professional training in the area yourself--she wouldn't have included that in the workout).

I do hope Amy has read the comments from those of us who want to see more kb from her in the future, but with improved form and sequencing.
RE: Need opinion...


You always say it like it is! That is what I like about your posts.

I have been doing kickboxing karate at a Black Belt School for three years now. I received my black belt in April. I am currently training for my first degree in the spring.

That being said - when I tried to do kb extreme - I couldn't get past the firt combo. I know I will have to give it another try. But I must say when she did the left jab and then went right into a right hook (back hand) it completely threw me off. I really couldn't get past that.

I have NEVER trained that way - it was extremely awkward. An uppercut or a power(cross) punch would have been much better. I would much rather do a powerstrike workout at a slower pace and have correct techinque than do it fast. I guess what is the purpose?

When one uses correct technique, one gets the full benefit of the move. I have been spoiled with the powerstrike workouts. I do all of those w/o's with 2# gloves. I remember doing Turbo Jam and trying it with the weighted gloves and I ended up with an upper back injury. That is WAY too fast for the gloves.

Sorry I am so long winded on this - but I just got frustrated with this new kb workout.


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